It was a curious lump of flesh and Kotori after getting the piece of the kraken soon realized that the meat didn’t spoil.

There was no sort of refrigeration in this world, so it took Kotori some time to collect the ingredients needed to make her Takoyaki.

The ship was massive and carried an assortment of food. There was a cafeteria on it but Kotori was busy trying to get into the hull of the ship where the goods were being transported.

Fawks had begrudgingly given her some wheat flour which helped but now she was missing green onions and Takoyaki sauce.

She would probably be able to procure some green onions if she got access to the hull storage but Takoyaki sauce was more difficult. She had yet to see Worcestershire sauce on this world and similarly, ketchup would also be difficult to find. She distinctly remembered an avocado-tomato-like fruit in the elf forest but hadn’t seen it in the Faramouth kingdom.

Ever since she had helped with the Young Kraken the sea had been generally smooth sailing. Occasionally she would hear the sounds of fighting, but it never seemed serious.

Kotori had later found out that the whole time while she was holed up in her room. Amelie was busy helping the sailors fight off the monsters. Kotori didn’t really care for that sort of thing, so she mostly stayed inside her room.

In fact, the last time she left her room was when she fought the Kraken. Which was an issue considering she needed to use the kitchen and the fact that she needed to get the rest of her ingredients.

So, for the first time in over two weeks, Kotori finally left her room.

In all honesty, she was kind of acting like a NEET right now. Spending her time playing music for her spirits and never leaving. Well, it was not like she had to do anything. She was important cargo after all!

Shu, Umi, and Layla tagged along and while they were able to use their human forms it seemed like they had grown to enjoy their smaller Chibi forms. It was much more convenient. Kotori would hold Layla in her arms while Shu sat on her shoulder and Umi draped around her neck which was nice and cooling.

It would leave her with full hands but in return, she would get to fluff Layla so she was happy with the arrangement. Shu and Umi were light so she didn’t really feel it.

To some Kotori would look like a girl carrying around multiple stuffed plushies. Even if the plushies could become strong enough to take out the average adventurer with ease.

The inside of the ship consisted of a large main hallway that ran along the middle of the ship above the bottom of the hull. The hallway was large enough to fit two trucks side by side with ease. It was double-layered, and it led to the cafeteria in the center of the ship where most of the sailors and other occupants sat and hung out while they were off their shift. Kotori of course, had never joined them.

The ship was mostly made of a light type of wood. Apparently, according to Fawks the kingdom of Eris may be a desert but it had a surprising amount of trees that required very little water to grow. From Fawk’s description, it sounded like an extra-strong balsa or palm tree wood.

The Daimaru was technically considered a royal ship owned by the queen, but Fawks mostly used it as government-subsidized transport while also lease extra space out to other merchants. And although the amenities were top-notch and befitting royalty it really was a glorified cargo ship in a way.

Kotori sneaked her way through the ship. Since it had already left port Kotori could actually walk around like normal if she wanted too. The reason she was sneaking around was apparently because of the Kotori idol fanclub on the ship.

Amelie had told her about it. The sailors would sometimes go to the entrance of her room and listen to her music.

[Mou, so annoying.] She thought upon hearing the news.

It was true she enjoyed being liked for her music but it was troublesome. If she was spotted outside her room now by one of its members she would be mobbed instantly.

Like a blood clot they would converge on her.

She wanted to avoid that situation at all costs. Thus, she was hiding behind pillars and sneaky past sailors trying to avoid their attention. She was probably the only girl on the ship and thus was very conspicuous.

[it’s really like a video game no?] She thought.

It was kind of fun in a way. The way she was sneaking around was reminiscent of the M*tel G*er. She almost felt like an exclamation point would be above her head if she got caught.


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