The room they were given had a few modest bedrooms, despite this area of the dungeon being so opulent the guest rooms were surprisingly modest.

[Well, It’s not like she had a large number of guests anyway.] Kotori thought upon seeing the rooms. Lala lived in the bottom of the seeming less “bottomless” dungeon. It would make sense she didn’t really place heavy emphasis on visitor comfort.

Still, they were given a modest dinner. Little more than a stew and a few pieces of bread.

Later though, Kotori had encountered a slight problem.

There was no way to tell the time!

The room didn’t have a clock and although Kotori knew they would be meeting Lala the next day it wasn’t like she knew when “the next day” happened. Since they were underground there was no way to use sunlight to gauge how much time had passed.

Kotori resigned herself to sleeping when she was tired and once she woke up waiting in the living room of their suite until Bartholomew arrived again. Due to her uncertainty and perhaps some residual stress she ended up sleeping very little. In fact, Amelie was still asleep. The spirits didn’t need to sleep so they simply milled about the room.

Thankfully Kotori hadn’t waited long. Eventually, a knock came on their door and Kotori opened their door to see Bartholomew standing there.

The spirit frown upon seeing the other spirits in the room.

“You come, the rest of you stay” He said pointing to Kotori.

“Eh just me?” Kotori said pointing to herself.

“That won’t do, I am not leaving Kotori alone” Shu said instantly becoming defensive and standing in front of Kotori.

“I concur” Umi said.

“You can’t let Kotori go alone I’ll follow her” Layla said.

“The lady ordered it, or would you rather try and fight me to protest her decision” As Bartholomew said that he let out an impressive aura. One that seemed to envelope the room and was even enough to make Kotori unconsciously gasp

“Grr” Shu growled as he was suppressed by the aura unable to say anything

Bartholomew let go of the aura.

“I thought, you were cool now you’re just a fiend!” Shu said.

“Shu, it’s fine, I’ll go alone” Kotori said walking past him.

“But…” Shu started to protest.

Kotori pat him on his head.

“I don’t think Lala has any bad intentions it’s ok”

Shu relented and let Kotori walk past Bartholomew.

She gave a slight bow to the spirits.

“I will be back, fill Amelie in on what happened” They all gave a nod and Kotori went with Bartholomew.

** ** **

Kotori was led back to Lala’s room and when she entered, she found Lala sitting at the same table as before.

“Come sit,” Lala said pointing to a chair opposite her.

Kotori obediently sat down opposite Lala.

“So tell me, how did you get to this world.” She suddenly asked.

“Erm” Kotori said.

“Oh, don’t be shy, spit it out. I’ll tell you what, I’ll tell my story if you tell me yours.” Lala said an annoyed look on her face

[I guess, there’s no point hiding it] Kotori thought.

Kotori explained her journey from her death, in her past world to make it to heaven. Then her subsequent reincarnation and life in this new world.

It had taken quite a long time to explain, and Lala would only nod or raise her eyebrows in certain parts.

Once Kotori was done crossed her arms and Lala closed her eyes, obviously deep in thought.

Kotori took the time to sip at the cup of water that had been placed in front of her.

“Umu, I see,” She said mumbling to herself. She suddenly opened her eyes and looked at Kotori.

“Say, Kotori do you know what ‘life’ is?”

“What do you mean?” Kotori asked, not quite sure the intention of the question.

“Just tell me, what do you think it is?” Lala

Kotori in response gave a half-hearted response she had been a scientist in her past life so her definition of “life” was quite technical.

Lala shook her head

“That’s not correct at all.”

“Eh?” Kotori said with a slightly surprised expression.

“Perhaps that was what the people in your past life deduced what life ‘was’ but that is not what life ‘is’ I’m asking you for what the meaning of being ‘alive’ is” Lala said.

She held out a hand and a glob of light mana appeared. Kotori watched as the mana formed itself into a small rodent in her hand.

“The reason I ask is the reason why we exist in the first place. Mana creates live creatures and even spirits I’m sure you’ve been able to notice that at least.”

Kotori nodded, She thought back to Umi and the earth spirits that she made in the village in Faramouth.

“That’s the simple explanation, there’s an even deeper explanation. Do you know what the difference is?” Lala asked Kotori.

Kotori shook her head indicating she didn’t know the answer to Lala’s question.

Lala suddenly clenched her hand into a small fist, crushing the mouse that had appeared in it. The mouse gave a pained squeak as its life was suddenly ended crushed between Lala’s fingers.

“The difference is will,” Lala said.


Im going to write three chapters tonight for patreon. End of month is coming up and I refuse to not get people's money's worth

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