Kotori gulped as she suddenly saw the expression that Lala was giving. It was a far cry from her previously young ojou-sama look.

It was the mature look of someone who had seen lifetimes pass before their eyes.

“Will?” Kotori said softly.

Lala leaned back into her chair.

“Yes, all life is created from the expression of ‘will’. But do you know where this ‘will’ come from?”

“No” Kotori said.

“I’m sure you know the answer.”

Kotori furrowed her brow to think about what Lala was trying to imply. She thought back to the time she created Umi. During that period she had spent much of time training and aiming to improve her mana. Eventually Umi appeared which had just the right ability to do so.

[Was I the cause of Umi?] Kotori thought. She had always assumed that she had accidently let off too much mana which created Umi but perhaps she had “wanted” Umi to appear in the first place.

“It comes from us?” Kotori said.

Lala’s lips upturned into a slight smile.

“Close enough, will creates will that much is simple. Though, despite all this none of us are truly alive”

“I’m sorry?” Kotori asked in response to the last part of Lala’s question. Lala had suddenly said that they weren’t alive, which didn’t make sense considering that fact that Kotori was sitting living and breathing right in front of Lala right now.

“This world, my world, your past world it’s all artificial”

[what is this red pill stuff!] Kotori suddenly thought listening to Lala speak.

“So what? We’re all in a simulation?” Kotori said.

Lala suddenly laughed. It was a laugh that was unlike any laugh Kotori had heard coming from a girl who looked the same age as Lala. It was a deep hag-like cackle that wracked her body.

“What’s so funny!” Kotori said pouting

“I’m sorry but that has got to be the worst deduction I’ve seen in a while” Lala said wiping away a tear from her eye.

“When I say artificial, I mean that something is creating the ‘will’ for us to live. Just like you created the ‘will’ for your spirits something is keeping us alive as well.” Lala explained

“Why though? Why would this ‘something’ want to make us” Kotori asked. She was confused if her life was artificial then something probably wanted her alive.

For once Kotori was surprised to see Lala shrug her shoulders.

“Your answer is as good as mine” she said.

“You’re telling me all this stuff about ‘will’ and ‘artificial worlds’ and you don’t even know why it’s like that!” Kotori said her voice rising in pitch.

“Don’t act like I have all the answers! Go figure it out for yourself if you’re so curious!” Lala bit back.

Kotori calmed herself down

[Okay if she’s telling me this it must be important]

“So what does this have to do with me or you?” Kotori asked tampering down her frustration with the conversation. So far Lala had been teaching Kotori about interesting but rather esoteric topics. She wasn’t even sure why Lala was talking about them in the first place.

“It has everything to do with you and me! That ‘man’ doesn’t want us to be alive.” Lala said insulted

“What man?” Kotori asked.

“That damn angel” Lala said irritated

[Eh? Angel? I only know one angel] Kotori thought

“Gabriel?” Kotori said the name unconsciously

“Yes! That’s the one!” Lala said. She was practically frothing, looking filled with rage.

“Him? He’s just a dumb angel right?” Kotori said.

“That’s why I’ve been telling you! You’ve been fooled!” Lala said exasperated.

“This Karma you keep talking about? It’s just another system he tacked onto trick you!” Lala said

[Trick me?] Kotori thought.

Lala seemed to calm herself down.

“Look Gabriel is a conniving bastard; This world is a world where he tossed the souls that got the closest to being alive” Lala said.

“Didn’t you say we weren’t alive?” Kotori asked Lala.

“No, that’s still right, none of us here are alive but we’re ‘close’ and that’s the difference.” Lala started to say

“Think of it like this. Being truly ‘alive’ is a lot like standing. None of us have the ability to stand, so ‘something’ is giving us crutches to use. Gabriel tries to get rid of anybody who gets close to ‘standing’”

“Why would he do that though?” Kotori asked. It seemed like an odd reason for Gabriel to single souls out for.

Lala threw her hands up in the air.

“I haven’t got a single clue!”

She leaned forward onto the table.

“Here’s what I do know, this world is a prison and executioners block.” She whispered softly.

Kotori gave a gulp upon hearing those words

“Executioner’s block?”

Lala leaned back into her chair again.

“Yes, the reason you and me are in this world is for one simple reason”

“And what is that?” Kotori asked already suspecting the answer herself

“To die” Lala said in a casual tone


Nothing much, I'm just vibing.

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