[Did she seriously just say “to die”] Kotori thought

Lala was grinning slightly,

“Oh don’t give me that expression it’s not that bad, I just mean to say that this world is a closed system. We’re stuck here until we give up” She said clarifying herself.

“Give up?” Kotori asked Lala. Kotori didn’t understand why “give up” mean anything.

“Well Gabriel can’t really kill us, right? So he can only hope that we get bored of living and fade. Remember what I said about will? We’re being propped up by that ‘will’ right now, unlike the other things in this world we have enough of it to remain independent.”

Kotori listened carefully, not sure what to say in response. The fact this world was made for the expressed purpose of people didn’t sit well with here.

“So what am I supposed to?” Kotori asked. She didn’t want to be a sitting duck stuck in this world. She valued her freedom.

“So, That’s what I don’t understand, every reincarnater on this world has been made a dungeon master, but for you, it just seems like you came as normal human.” Lala said frowning.

“Does that mean I’m special and extra strong?” Kotori asked an excited expression on her face.

She felt a stabbing pain in her forehead, when she looked to see the cause she saw that Lala had flicked her on the forehead.

“No, it means you are weaker than the rest of us, frankly I’m surprised you managed to survive in this world.” Lala instantly shot her down.

[I feel insulted somehow, what’s “I’m surprised you managed to survive this long” supposed to mean!] Kotori thought

“So why are you telling me this then?” Kotori said.

Lala shrugged her shoulders.

“Consider it a courtesy, and you would keep tramping around and destroying my house if I didn’t tell you” She said.

“… Plus I’m bored” Lala added.

“Is that seriously the only reason why? Just so that you can get me to leave?” Kotori asked.

“Of course, I’ve got nothing better to do and you’re at least a new conversation partner,” Lala said as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.

“You aren’t going to train me to fight Gabriel, or do anything like that?” Kotori asked.

Lala gave a confused expression

“Why would I do that?” She asked Kotori.

“Aren’t we comrades at arms, don’t you want to rebel vs that Gabriel?” Kotori said.

Lala seemed to despise Gabriel and Kotori was having trouble seeing why Lala was content being in this world.

“And do what? You don’t even know how to get off this world, everybody here is shackled here, it’s a closed system you see. We can’t die unless we chose to do so.”

Kotori suddenly had a realization.

“Wait, are all dungeon masters reincarnated individuals?” She asked Lala

“Well, all of them except that dumb fox girl’s mother, why do you ask?” Lala asked.

[He… was one of them] Kotori thought.

Nero had been a reincarnated individual the whole time. Kotori was under the impression that he was some sort of fancy dungeon monster. Now she realized he was an individual like her, with hopes dreams, and aspirations.

She thought back to the words he had told her.

[What was it again “You have been tricked” right? So he was trying to warn me the whole time…] Kotori realized.

A wave of guilt washed over Kotori. She wasn’t opposed to killing. She had done it before, but the fact she had killed someone who was completely innocent dug into her consciousness. Nero didn’t have to die. There was no reason she had to kill him, the only reason she did it was for her own avarice.

“I killed a person,” Kotori said softly, in almost a whisper.

Lala’s haughty expression changed and soften into one of sympathy.

“Don’t dwell on it too much, you didn’t know after all.” She said comforting Kotori.

“Why do you know so much” Kotori suddenly, asked Lala.

In response to Kotori’s question, Lala appeared to pause for a moment, as if she was picking her next words carefully. Finally, she spoke.

“I’ve been here the longest, in truth, you could consider this a prison made for me.”

[So she was the first?] Kotori thought.

There was a pause, and then a silence that dragged on for several moments

“How long had that been?” Kotori asked.

Lala gazed at the wall behind Kotori.

“Long… Far too long to count.”\


Next, 5 or so chapters are a POV change. Guess who it is :)

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