There was once a kingdom, ruled by a wise king. The kingdom had been small when the king ascended but through, careful leadership and several gambles the king had grown it from a backwater state to the largest in the world.

One would think that such a king would be a vicious ruler, rather, it was quite the opposite. The king was neither kind nor cruel and praised for his fairness. In just about all aspects, one could consider him a good king.

There was one failing though, a failing that could be considered a weakness of the human body instead of a weakness of the king himself he died too young.

He had a daughter. Born of a political marriage with the queen of another country, the king loved his daughter dearly. The queen had passed in childbirth and the child was left alone with the king as the sole parent. The king doted on his daughter, anybody could tell that although he may not have loved the woman who bore his child he very much loved the child.

Right of succession dictated that the girl would become the queen once she came of age, but the control of the kingdom would be put in the hand of a minister.

The king was competent, perhaps too competent. The ministers below him were lazy and let the king manage most of the country.

Sloth bred sloth and once the king passed the kingdom began to fall into ruin. Rising taxation, poor governance, and greed had turned the kingdom from prosperity to near ruin.

The princess laid helpless as she was trapped on the king’s personal estate. Under the watchful gaze of the ministers who assured her that everything was alright.

Now, the princess was not coddled, nor was she stupid. She had the finest teachers and was given a right education for a noblewoman of the time.

Rather, the princess lack will.

The will to rule. And who could blame her? She had been too young to understand what it means to move the hearts of men.

And thus, she stayed. A prisoner in her own country.

** ** **

“Sebastian?” The girl asked her butler

“Yes, Ojou-sama” Sebastian answered her.

“Can we go out again, to the castle town?”

“I’m not sure,” Sebastian said pursing his lips.

“But you were able to bring me out that other time.” The princess said.

“That time… was an exception,” Sebastian told the princess.

The princess went silent for a moment, obviously thinking about something.

“Sebastian?” The princess said.

“yes, Oujo-sama”

“Will you take me to the palace?”

Sebastian gave a difficult expression. It would be “easier” to take the princess to the palace, but he was not sure if it would be possible now that the prime minister had the castle under his control. Rather, Sebastian was making preparation to spirit the princess away to her mother’s countries to be sheltered. Her own kingdom was about ready to get rid of her. He was sure the royal family over there would at least give her sanctuary since they were of the same blood.

Still, Sebastian didn’t know why he went so far for the girl in front of him.

[I’m simply doing my duty as a retainer] He assured himself.

He looked into the face of the princess. Her golden iris seemed to reflect into his eyes. Feeling ashamed he looked away.

“Is something wrong Sebastian?” The princess said.

Sebastian looked at the innocent expression of the princess in front of him.

[I can’t tell her] He thought, resigning himself.

He was weak. Unable to tell the princess her own country was being stolen under her nose. All he could do was make sure she was safe once it happened. Sebastian still valued his own life more than the princess. If he was caught helping her too overtly the prime minster would have his head.

“I must go, there is something to do. I will see what I can do about the palace visit.” Sebastian said quickly and moved to leave the room and the uncomfortable atmosphere.

The princess seemed to give him a sad look, noticing his discomfort.

“I see” She said.

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