“Good news princess! The prime minister is letting you visit the castle again!” Sebastian said cheerily.

It had taken him months of begging but the prime minister was finally allowing the princess to have one last visit to the castle.

He had already consolidated control but apparently, he had enough goodwill to let her visit again.

It was a rare moment of charity that Sebastian was surprised to see out of the prime minister.

The princess put her hands together and smiled.

“Sebastian that sounds wonderful.”

Sebastian was happy to see the princess smile. She had been in a dour mood recently and he finally had good news to share with her. Their budget had steadily been getting smaller over the years and Sebastian had to let go of a few of the princess’s favorite servants.

Now the only people in the manor were himself and the cook. The princess, although slightly distraught, seemed to be taking it well though. Saying “As long as I have Sebastian it’s alright”.

Still, Sebastian hoped that her standard of living would improve once his preparation to send her to her mother’s country were finalized.

He was nearly done and all he needed was the princess’s permission.

“Hey princess,” He spoke he had started adopting a more casual tone with the princess as of late.

“Yes, Sebastian”

“Would it be okay if you moved somewhere else to live?”

The princess put her finger to her chin in a thinking pose. She finally spoke after a brief pause

“As long as Sebastian is with me it should be alright,” she said.

Sebastian sighed in relief.


“Why do you asked?” The princess asked.

“Don’t worry about it, just probing your mind,” Sebastian said giving a gentle smile.

** ** **

“Prime Minister-sama why are you here?” Sebastian said to the man in front of him.

The man in front of him seemed to be quite amused with himself in response to the question.

“Why I’ve decided to give the princess a personal tour of her castle,” the prime minister said.

Today was the day that Sebastian had been told he could bring the princess to the castle, it was to his surprise when he saw the person greeting them at the gate was not a servant but rather the prime minister himself.

Sebastian swiftly stood in between the princess and the prime minister.

“And why did you decide to personally give a tour this time?” Sebastian asked suspiciously

“Why? Wouldn’t I? It’s a minster’s duty to tend to the princess after all” The prime minister said while innocently smiling.

“Sebastian it’s alright,” The princess said sensing the tense mood.

Sebastian relenting, letting the princess greet the prime minister.

“I would be happy to let you guide me today prime minster-sama” She said curtseying

“It would be my pleasure,” The man said bowing in response, his jowls swinging in the air.

** ** **

The princess was led through all the main portions of the palace and was even given an opportunity to visit the throne room. While in the room she was even allowed to sit on the throne. The whole time Sebastian had his guard up.

[Something is wrong] The prime minister was being too amicable. Previously he had always acted like the princess was a nuisance and cutting their living budget. Today he seemed nice, almost jolly to see the princess.

The princess looked quite apt on the throne she was sitting and Sebastian felt a twinge of sadness as he realized she would never get the rule of the kingdom she was born in.

[She would make a good ruler] Sebastian thought, the princess was thoughtful and kind, at the very least she would care about the people if she was surrounded by competent people she would do well.

Once the tour concluded they had a light dinner and were brought to the royal quarters, an odd moving considering the fact this was not meant to be an overnight stay

Once they arrived the prime minister turned to the princess.

“My princess, would you like to live in the castle again?”

The princess looked in shock at the sudden question.

“Of… course” She stammered in surprise.

Sebastian on the other hand was more on guard

“Prime minister-sama, what is the meaning of this”

“My, it would be a shame for my future wife to live away from me?” The prime minister said.

[Future wife?] Sebastian thought, alarm bells were ticking in his head and he nearly reached towards his sword before realizing he was in the presence of the prime minister.

“I was thinking of asking the princess to marry me?” The prime minister said smiling deviously.

“I’m sorry prime minister-san I can’t do that, I have someone in my heart already” The princess said innocently.

[Princess, It’s not a request!] Sebastian thought in panic. The prime minister had brought them to the palace to force the princess to marry him. That must’ve been why he was so cordial today. It would make him king and legitimate him as the ruler.

The prime minister's face stiffened.

“It seemed like you don’t understand. You ‘will’ marry me whether you want to or not” He said.

“I refuse,” The princess said coldly.

“Hmm! Fine, we can do this the hard way.” He snapped his finger to the guards who were standing nearby.

“Apprehend her.” He said.

The men began to walk towards Sebastian and the princess.


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