As the men walked towards Sebastian and the princess. he turned back to see a frightened expression on the princess’s head. His head was racing.

[I’m just a hired sword, why do I feel so frustrated right now.]

The men drew closer and Sebastian clutched his sword

“Sebastian move aside!” The prime minister ordered him.

[Why? Why is it so hard?] Sebastian thought to himself.

The girl behind should’ve meant nothing to him. He was just hired to watch her after all.

The men drew closer, and Sebastian made a choice in his heart. One that he knew was foolish.

Drawing his sword, in a flash, he cut down the two men in front of him. Grabbing the princess’s hand, he pulled her running to escape down a nearby hallway.

The princess gave a small yelp as she was suddenly pulled by Sebastian.

Behind him, he could hear the prime minister's shrill screaming.

“Get her and that traitor!”

Sebastian dragged the princess behind him as they ran through the hall. The orders to capture them seemed to move slowly from the castle and they passed several guards who were giving them bewildered expressions.

The royal quarters in which they were just in, were located in the deepest part of the castle. Sebastian had to move quickly before the castle knew they were fugitives.

He palmed his pocket with his free hand

[Okay I have some money] He thought. He was initially planning on having the princess leave the kingdom in the dead of night and having the princess’s maternal kingdom spirit her away. But now it was too late for such plans.

Sebastian would have to hire a caravan to take them and he needed enough that they would be willing to harbor the criminals.

His thoughts raced as he ran through the halls. He heard a yelp behind him to see that the princess had tripped on her own skirt.

“I can’t run so fast!” The princess cried out.

[Curse this blasted thing!] Sebastian thought, for a moment he thought to cut the skirt of the dress the princess was wearing but they didn’t have time for him to be making wardrobe adjustments.

He swept the princess up off the ground. The princess was light, lighter than he expected. She did have a delicate constitution so it made sense.

“Eh? Sebastian” The princess said, blushing slightly. Sebastian didn’t pay this any mind and kept running forward blindly. He wasn’t particularly well versed in the castle layout and thus could only run in the general direction towards the exit.

Even though the princess was light he was still slowed down carrying her, at the very least it was fast than having her run behind him.

“Sebastian…” The princess said looking at him with a sad expression.

“What princess?” he said as politely as he could Sebastian was running while carrying her and his face was red with exertion.

“Why are you going so far for me?” She asked him. It was a simple question. One that he could not answer in a satisfactory manner. The princess had asked it quite a few times him and each time he had brushed it off, but now he could not run off and pretend to be busy.

Sebastian’s face burned as he saw the curious expression of the princess. She looked as if she didn’t understand the gravity of the situation, but Sebastian knew better than to think that.

The princess was not some sort of naïve girl. In fact, she probably knew his original purpose of serving her. She probably knew the reason why she was not allowed into the castle, and she knew why their budget was being cut year after year.

The princess still had a sad expression. She knew the truth better than Sebastian.

Sebastian was clinging to false hope. One that was built on something other than blind loyalty.

The moment they got to the gate was when the futility of their situation grew apparent. The news had already passed through the castle and a line of men were guarding the exit. Once they approached Sebastian’s heart sunk.

The princess gently nudged Sebastian.

“Let me down” She said gently.

“Princess we need to find another way!” He said, but still, obediently let the princess stand.

The princess only looked at Sebastian with glossy wet eyes. The lively golden iris that he had seen so many times only seemed dim.

The princess in response only raised her hand to caress Sebastian’s cheek. Her hand was warm and soft, a contrast to Sebastian's rough stubbled cheek.

“It’s okay” She said.

Sebastian collapsed to his knees.

“Princess…” he said softly.

With a face as gentle as an angel, the princess knelt with him.

“I’m sorry for making you indulge me this whole time, I’m a silly weak girl right?” She said her eyes tearing up and starting to cry

[Princess,] Sebastian thought. In truth, he had never seen the girl cry once. Pout perhaps, but not once had she been crying. She had just simply endured, a person stronger than he ever could be.

Sebastian pulled out his sword.

“Wait here princess, I will clear the way.” He said showing a cool face.

“Sebastian it’s fine, you don’t have too I’m sure if I relent to the prime minster-sama he’ll forgive this incident…” She said

“I’m sorry but ah… I can’t accept that” He said flashing a cheery smile.

With a loud yell, Sebastian charged forward. The palace guards were among some of the strongest warriors in the kingdom and although Sebastian was once one of them taking on ten was already impossible.

Despite that Sebastian cut down one man in a flash. Then another. The guards seemed to back off slightly at the unhinged man in front of them.

“Make way for your princess you cowards!” Sebastian roared

Another man came forward and was cut down in instant like the two men before him. The princess watched in horror at the scene.

“Sebastian… stop” she whispered tears coming out of her eyes.

More men came rushing through the hallway and Sebastian fought them. She saw him hold off three men before taking a deep slash to his arm.

Switching his sword to his other arm he continued to charge forward, his other arm hanging loosely on his side and was soon cut down by the other guards.

“Sebastian!” The princess cried out once she saw his body crashed to the ground. She crawled towards him, the other guards making no moves to stop her. They probably thought she couldn’t do anything anyway.

Sebastian's face seemed to have a regretful expression

“I’m sorry, princess, I disobeyed you.” he said in a quiet voice.

“Sebastian you idiot! You didn’t have to do that” The princess cried out pounding his chest.

He only smiled weakly

“Ah, I guess I don’t know, I’m sorry princess I will try harder next time, those bastards are strong… As an apology, I’ll bring you to the town again sometime okay?”  He said bringing a hand to gently pat the princess’s head.

“You idiot! You idiot! You idiot! You idiot!” The princess said angrily pounding on his chest further, her arms were stained in blood in the blood that Sebastian’s wounds were pouring out.

Sebastian didn’t respond instead his body heaved one last breath, and his eyes glazed over. His arm which was patting the princess’s head slump to the ground with a thump.

As she watched Sebastian breathed out one final time, the princess spoke quietly, in a volume that none of the nearby knights would hear.

“I loved you”

And then her tears began to fall once more.


It was actually surprisingly hard to write this chapter. Landing the notes on emotional scenes is hard, took me rewriting a few sections to get right. But also, damn I was writing quite a few sad stories the past few weeks.

Also, Patreon chapters are missing uhh quite a bit will get on that tomorrow I have some free time.

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