The adventurers on Ryla’s side all seemed to swell with power. Kotori was realizing how strong the mana buff was in large group. If she remembered correctly Ryla had 88 mana points on her status page so that meant that all the adventurers around her consisted of around 100 or so. Now had 88 points of stats boosts on them.

Although they were not as strong as the adventurers in front of them the gap had been closed immensely.

Zacariah didn’t seem to notice the change in the stats of the adventurers in front of him. His confident expression didn’t seem to change.

Hectaire on the other hand seemed to notice that something was amiss.

He leaned over to whisper into Zachariah’s ear, Kotori couldn’t tell what it was but she was sure it sound advice.

Zachariah’s face seemed to grow upset as he listened to Hectaire’s suggestion.

“I refuse” He said flatly.

Hectaire rubbed his temples.

“Zacariah, you know if we spend all our energy here fight we won’t be able to defeat the platinum dragon right.”

“I want to punish my insolent sister who doesn’t know her place.”

Hectaire sighed in resignation.

He turned towards Ryla,

“Ryla, I’m going to have to ask you to back off, or else there will be issues” Hectaire told her while walking towards their group. He was giving off an intense bloodlust that was enough to make the mana boosted adventurers in front of him take a step back.

“Not a chance” Ryla said simply, in response to Hectaires threat.

The group of adventurers accompanying Zacraih numbered only 20 at most but Kotori was sure that they would still be able to manage the group of adventurers in front of them.

Then, Kotori notices a curious development Hectaires took a deep breath, and then his muscles seemed to bulge and grow. The veins on them became visible and popped out. His breathing grew short and heavy, and his face turned a deep shade of crimson. Hectaire pulled the large broad sword from his back and held it effortlessly with a single hand.

[Guan Yu?] Kotori thought looking at the scene.

She didn’t have much time to think deeply about that though, the man in front of her was imposing. His clothing was ripping in the place where is muscles had outgrown them, and his body was covered in a light sheen a sweat now.

Hectaire took a step and dashed forward, his movement was so abrupt that is left a visible shockwave and created a large boom, leaving Kotori and her party were slightly staggered in shock.

In an instant Hectaire had closed the distance between him and Ryla and his sword was bearing down on her.

There was a large clanging sound and Kotori saw blade blocking Hectaire’s slash.

The owner of the blade was the curious old man with golden armor that was always with Ryla. Kotori had always wanted to check his stats but he was always too far.

Hectaire had a moment of shock on his face but it quickly subsided as he leaped back creating distance from the man who had blocked his slash.

Hectaire grinned slighty

“Ohoho? Who is this interesting fellow?” He said.

The old man kept a neutral expression and Ryla didn’t speak as well.

“Ignoring me? Perhaps I will have to beat the answer out of you!” Hectaire roared as he charged forward and started trading blows with the man in the golden armor.

The other adventurers watched as the two men traded blows.

Eventually, Hectaire was forced back after taking a shallow cut to his arm.

“Tch” He said as he looked at the wound on his bicep.

“Uncough…” The man in golden armor finally spoke, looking towards Hectaire with disdain.

“What did you say?” Hectairee shouted out

“Such a fighting style… Perhaps it would be good enough for a child, but you are simply overpowering your opponent no?”

The old man seemed to strike a nerve with Hectaire. Who had a veined bulging in his head.

Ryla outstretched an arm in front of her.

“Make way for you future queen” She ordered to the adventurers in front of her.

The adventurers who had seen Hectaire pushed back had their confidence restored and charged forward giving a battlecry.

Zacariah’s adventurers likewise also ran forward to meet the group in front of them.

Kotori watch the scene in hiding with mild interest.

[Despite all this pomp… it really just looks like a fight between siblings no?] Kotori thought internally.

“Umm, Kotori should we intervene yet.” A voice interrupted Kotori’s thought.

Amelie’s face looked slightly anxious, as if she wanted to fight too.

“Umu, I would like some training as well” Shu said in agreement

[These battle idiots] Kotori thought as she looked at the two figures.

She could only sigh in response,

“Just wait a little longer, we’ll intervene once they play a bit more of their cards.” She said.

Kotori still didn’t know what the ability of the old man was. She assumed that Hectaire’s physical changes were caused by his [Berserker] skill but she still didn’t know what kind of ace the old man might hold up his sleeve.

Shu and Amelie nodded and they turned their heads to watch the scene further.


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