Zacariah seemed annoyed with the current state of things. His arms were crossed and a vein was bulging in his head.

“What’s the matter! Defeat them!” He shouted towards the adventurers in front of him.

Zacariah was still woefully unaware of the mana buff that was cast over Ryla’s troops.

[He’s useless in battle isn’t he…] Kotori thought.

Although she had not used [Status] on Zacariah, she was sure he was not a fighter in any capacity. In fact, Kotori didn’t even think he had an ability.

Not that it mattered particularly much, in the event that he won the queen’s trials it would be Delia who was placed on the throne.

Still, to Kotori, he was pretty incompetent at leading people over all. She could only imagine his ability to gather people was a result of the momentum he had gotten from being a firstborn. Zacariah looked quite a bit older than his sibling.

[Gathering people is a skill as welll] Kotori thought.

Hectaire was trading blows with the old man in front of him. Kotori still really wanted to know the identity of the old man.

He obviously wasn’t an adventurer or it was likely that Zacariah would’ve hired him. He seemed quite competent.

[Maybe he doesn’t work for money?] Kotori thought. It was possible the man was an adventurer but wasn’t motivated by money. In which case it made sense that he would be helping Ryla.

The armor the old man was wearing must’ve been some sort of Manasteel armor. A large gem was embedded in the chest and Kotori could see the crystal glowing softly indicated it was filled with mana.

Hectaire had grown to nearly double the size of the old man and was feverishly hacking and slashing at him attempting to land a blow. Although the armor the man was wearing was quite good Kotori doubts it would be able to hold vs many blows from Hectaire.

Watching the scene she touched Hikari, and felt the cool metal.

The two combats traded blows further and then leaped back again creating distance.

“So unrefined, You lack the ability to fight. Your blows are powerful but sloppy, is this what adventurers have been reduced to?” The old man said.

“Shut yer’ trap old man” Hectaire said breathing heavily.

Hectaire had grown increasingly irate in his fight with the old man. It seemed like the [Beserker] ability had a drawback. Kotori could see that Hectaires physical condition was deteriorating he had taken multiple small cuts that cover his body in streams of red. His sweat and blood was hot enough to give off steam in the cold tunnel air.

Hectaire wasn’t suited to long battles and the old man’s evasive clean fighting style made it difficult to land a clear blow. Each second the battle dragged on he would be put even more at a disadvantage.

“You know nothin’ about me, don’t lecture me!” Hectaire roared out. He pulled a small red bottle from a bag at his waist.

Flicking off the cap, he downed it in a single gulp.

Kotori watched in surprise as the wounds on his body slowly closed over themselves and Hectaire’s physical condition return to peak form.

The old man’s face widened seeing the scene in front of him.

“I see so that’s how you managed to climb so high… to use the elf like that… despicable,” he muttered under his breath.

Kotori knew the healing that came out of Hectaire was abnormal. Although she could heal similarly with her flute by increasing regenerative ability, it would still cost the vitality of the person being healed and they would need to rest afterward. In Hectaire’s case, it didn’t seem like he needed any resting position.

She remember what Fawk’s had said about moon elves.

[Something about their blood being potent healing salves]

Kotori looked towards Delia who was standing next to Zacariah to see her arms which Kotori thought were covered by cloth, was in fact, covered in bandages. Delia’s face seemed even paler than usual.

[I see…] Kotori thought. Delia was being used as a panacea. Kotori had always thought it was odd for her to come into the dungeon when she was technically not obligated to, but it seemed like Zacariah brought her for this reason.

The old man breathed out as if readying himself for a long battle ahead.

“Come then!” He shouted adopting a kendo pose.

Hectaire charged forward and gave a blistering offensive to the man. His previous condition and fatigue shook off.

This time the old man was pushed back and he took the first blow the entire fight. A light slash against his armor was easily deflected.

Hectaire gave a smile he felt hit the old man for the first time.

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