In contrast to the ceremony for the queen’s trial, the coronation event was much more muted than Kotori expected. Fewer people came and all she had to do was give a few words before the event was done and dusted.

The crown of Eris was a cumbersome thing,

The first problem that was immediately apparent was that it seemed to be designed for an adult’s skull.

Kotori was already quite small physically, but with the crown on her head, she looked more like a lost child trying to play at a ruler rather than a ruler herself.

She quickly did away with the clunky crown and instead kept wearing Hikari, the tiara would always fit on her head and due to the crystals inside it was far more useful as an ornament.

Still, it was only upon thinking further that Kotori realized that the crystal that Lala had given her could be merged with Hikari.

No longer would Kotori have to manually recharge the crown with her own mana, it would simply charge on its own.

The tiara seemed quite content with the new upgrade, and it gave a content mumble on her head. In her mind, Kotori could see the image of an old man getting massaged.

It seemed like the tiara had quite an old soul which is ironic considering that it was younger than Kotori.

[Perhaps being old is a state of mind rather than a physical attribute] Kotori thought.

Still, even though, the coronation was finished without many issues she still had to deal with the running of the nation.

Kotori was grateful for the fact that, for the most part, the affairs of the country would be managed by the various ministers.

She had only met with them once or twice when they came to offer her respects, but she mostly waved them off.

In all honesty, she had Fawks managing most of the internal affairs of the country. Ever since she had come back from the Lab he had looked at her with some sort of reverence, like she was a god of sorts. At this point, he would do whatever task she told him, though truth is told, once she saw how overburdened he looked one day she decided to help out with the affairs of the countries a bit herself.

The former queen seemed to enjoy much the same life she had before she abdicated the throne, a fact that wasn’t lost on Kotori who began to realize how pointless monarchies were.

Still, there was a sliver in Kotori’s heart that told her not the underestimate the former queen. Even with that in mind, Kotori had a hard time believing the woman could be anything but a simpleton who liked to indulge in life.

Based on the accounts from the maids, there had been reports of… very odd orgies that happened in the palace on occasion.

At one point Kotori had found a room filled with “instruments” for the purpose of self-pleasure. She had the contents moved to the new detached palace where the old queen stayed.

The queen was truly a mysterious figure.

Currently, she was listening to the various ministers brief her on the events happening in the broader kingdom.

Most of it was useless information, the ministers of the kingdom managed most of the affairs anyway, and if there was anything serious she threw it towards Fawks. He had become rather docile since she won. Almost like he was apologetic for putting her in this position the first.

It wasn’t like she didn’t try to help, but really she made more of a mess than being productive. In fact, other than ceremonial procedures and a few administrative things Kotori didn’t have to do much at all.

“The Eris kingdom has declared war on the Faramouth kingdom”

Upon hearing this news Kotori instantly stiffened. It had been a long time since she had heard Eris being brought up in a conversation.

Eris was where she had been born in this world.

“Papa” She whispered.

Since the news that Eris received was across the sea it would be about a month old. This means that a war between Faramouth and Eris had started over a month ago.

The minister didn’t notice her expression and continued to read the news.

Kotori raised her hand, indicating for the minister to stop speaking.

“Yes. My queen?” He said noticing her movement.

“Declare war on Eris,” Kotori said with a chilling tone.

The man looked confused as if he misheard Kotori.

“Excuse… me?”

“I said, I want to declare war on Eris, do I make myself clear?” Kotori said, repeating herself.

At that moment, the man paled.


Life Updoot

Recently started a new job, don't worry it probably won't affect my already dismal release schedule, in fact, it might improve it to be honest...

But anyway, thank you for reading, and hope you can keep reading in the future!

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