“You can’t just declare war the moment you become a queen!”

Currently, Fawks was busy pacing the Eris throne room, he was rubbing his temples and looking at Kotori with an exasperated expression.

“But I want to,” Kotori said.

At that moment, She felt a sharp pain on her forehead.


Fawks had suddenly flicked her on the head. She looked up to see Fawks preparing to flick her on the head again.

Although Fawks had been pretty meek these past few days, he had stormed into the throne room the moment he got the news she wanted to declare war on Eris.

“Look, I get wanting to declare war on Faramouth and Eris, but doing that as a new queen? Are you out of your mind?”

“War, now,” Kotori said. She felt a buzzing in her head but elected to ignore it, focusing on the feeling of cold rage that she had inside her.

“You sure are obstinate aren’t you.”

At that moment a messenger came through the door.

“Your highness a message from the previous queen!”

Fawks looked relieved at the news.

“Thank goodness, someone, to bring her to her senses. Please, tell us what the message is?”

The messenger walked up to the throne and bowed to Kotori. While bowing he began to speak.

“The queen asks you to meet your friend in the Labyrinth”

“Friend in the Labyrinth? What in the hell is referring too?” Fawks looked confused at the news, in contrast, Kotori narrowed her eyes at the messages.

[She knows about Lala?]

Although she had suspicions the former queen was more than she seemed Kotori was surprised to learn that she even knew about Lala.

[To what extent does she know about her? And why does she want me to meet Layla.] Kotori thought.

“You are dismissed,” Kotori said, waving her hand. The messenger nodded and then left the room. She then stood up and began to leave the throne room.

“Where are you going? I’m not done talking to you” Fawks said as he watched her disappearing figure.

“To fulfill the old queen’s orders,” Kotori said simply.

Fawks could only watch blankly as she left.

“Maybe making her a queen’s candidate was a mistake” he muttered rubbing his temples once again.

** ** **

Now that Kotori knew how to manipulate the Labyrinth with [Authority] it was a trivial matter to meet Lala. Although she did regret leaving so hastily.

She was a queen, after all, she couldn’t just walk around in the public anymore.

Using Hikari to cover herself Kotori snuck to the Labyrinth, due to all the sneaking around it had taken her, twice the amount of time it took normally.

[Being a queen is a pain] Kotori thought.

Approaching the Labyrinth, she quickly dug a small hole in the side and began to dive deeper, closing the door behind her. Although Kotori didn’t know if she was going in the right direction she knew that someone would be coming to meet her soon.

Suddenly she heard a voice behind her.

“You know, you could’ve just knocked”

Looking behind her, Kotori saw a dark figure walking out the wall of the tunnel she had dug. That imposing figure wearing a dark butler outfit.

“Hello, Sebastian, sorry about the method of entry I didn’t want to be seen.”

Bartholomew gave an exasperated sigh at her response.

“For one, my name is Bartholomew, also take a left here.”

Kotori nodded at Bartholomew and then began to direct herself toward Lala’s home in the Labyrinth based on Bartholomew’s instructions.

Soon they arrived in the glitzy halls of Lala’s adobe where Bartholomew led Kotori to a waiting room.

Bartholomew then turned to Kotori and bowed

“I will let the lady know you are”

He then left the room, the sound of his footsteps clicking in the halls. After a few moments, Kotori saw someone walk through the door.

“Lala!” She said cheerfully as if she was greeting an old friend.

In contrast to Kotori, Lala had a sour expression on her face. Kotori assumed this was because she had woken Lala from a nap.

“Sorry about waking yo-” Kotori started to say.

Before she could finish her sentence, Lala march up to her and flicked her forehead.

This pain was orders of magnitude worse than the flick that Fawks had given her, and she actually felt her HP decrease slightly.

“Ow! What was that for”

Since Lala had helped her in the past, Kotori didn’t immediately counterattack but she was surprised at the sudden flick.

“Mou, I teach you about authority and elected to ignore it.”

“Authority? What do you mean?” Kotori asked.

“You’re being influenced by a damn trait and you aren’t even paying attention to it.”

“Eh?” Kotori said giving a dumbstruck expression.

Suddenly she felt another flick on her head.

[Can people please stop flicking my head!]

“That little [Monte Cristo] trait you got there, I can’t believe you damaged yourself just to make a little thing like that”

Kotori felt herself frowning at Lala’s statement

[What does [Monte Cristo] have anything to do with this?] She thought.

[Monte Cristo] was a trait that Kotori had gained very early on, in her time in this world and now Lala was telling her it was actually damage she had taken.


Keeping it real, although I will probably finish this webnovel... I've been pretty unmotivated recently. My first "true" novel is kinda shit ngl. Idk, I want to be a published author but I kinda suck. Sorry for being so depressing in this author note, it's not been a good couple of days for me. Don't feel like I'm succeeding at anything in life rn, and just wanted to vent. It feels really frustrating to put your all into something and it's just never really good enough...

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