“Here I was thinking you were some chunni girl with that skill, but it turns out you actually have no clue what it does,” Lala said while shaking her head.

“What does Monte Cristo have anything to do with this at all,” Kotori asked.

Lala rolled her eyes even further.

“Please, get it into your skull before I hammer it into your head myself…” Lala seemed to pause after that sentence as if she was reminiscing on something, for the briefest of moments her eyes, the emotion looked like it left as quickly as it came and she was back to her normal face.

“You have [Authority] your emotions are strong enough to influence the whole damn world now. So I need to ask you to kindly control yourself and look to heal that self-inflicted ‘wound’ as soon as possible.”

Kotori remained silent and only frowned at Lala’s words. While she understood the concept of [Authority] vaguely, it was still something she didn’t quite grasp.

“This world, is all made on a whim, you know that right? And it’s with a whim that we can change it, you’re not strong enough to fight ‘him’ yet, but you’re a bit slow aren’t you?”

The sensation of being lectured by a girl who looked younger than her made Kotori’s cheeks burn.

[I’m a perfectly rational person, who is this loud-mouth girl to tell me what to do]


Kotori felt a sharp pain on her forehead. She jumped back clutching it, realizing that a small welt had formed.

Lala looked even more annoyed.

“I bet you were thinking something like, this girl is so annoying, she’s such a pain,” Lala said.

Kotori grit her teeth at Lala’s statement. She was indeed right, Kotori was thinking those thoughts right before Lala flicked her.

“So what do I do then?” She asked Lala.

Lala gave a grin,

“It’s simple, learn to control your emotions.”

Kotori felt herself raising an eyebrow at that statement.

“Control… My emotions?”

“Yes, it’s that simple. Here’s a small exercise. What do you think of when you think of Eris.”

Upon hearing the name of her homeland Kotori began to feel a white-hot fury well up inside her, her face twisted into a snarl.

Lala’s expression in contrast looked concerned.

“It’s getting worse, you’ll tear your own soul apart at this rate.”

She flicked her fingers and then suddenly a large mirror appeared in her hand, she showed the mirror to Kotori.

The face that Kotori saw in the mirror, was one that was wholly unlike her. Her normally delicate girlish features were twisted into a devilish scowl that furrowed her brows and made her look like someone prone to wanton anger.

Realizing this she instantly righted her expression, returning to her previous appearance.

“I have a hard time believing that you aren’t just a small child instead of a person who used to be an adult” Lala’s words bit into Kotori’s ego.

“Please instruct me,” Kotori said gritting her words through her teeth.

Lala gave a smile at her response. She pulled a vial from her pocket. The vial was a purple-looking liquid surrounded by glowing crystal glass.

“This is an extract from Sweet Leaf.” Lala said.

Kotori’s eyes instantly narrowed, she remembered her experience with sweet leaf back in the city of Flare in Faramouth.

“So my training is drugging myself up?”

Lala rolled her eyes at Kotori’s statement.

“Just because this comes from Sweet Leaf extract doesn’t mean it’s a drug. Here’s a little fact for you, the reason why sweet leaf is so addictive is that it ‘amplifies’ emotions. The way modern humans use it is extremely crude, just to amplify pleasure, but in the past, before the Kingdom of Eris was ever a thing, tribe leaders would use this to train themselves.”

Lala waved the vial, causing the liquid inside to slosh around.

“The leaders believed a calm mind created the best leaders and thus they bred this a specific variant of Sweet Leaf, a new species of plant, the purple Hydrean. A drop of this stuff normally amplifies all emotions.”

Lala gave a grin that reminded Kotori of a certain sadist that used to train her.

“This is imbued with my will, so it’s extra potent. Your job is to endure it.”

She tossed the bottle towards Kotori who caught it with ease.

“Take a single drop each day, when the bottle is gone you may come back and we shall see how well you can control yourself.”

"If you improve, then you will not need to take anymore, but if not"

Layla snapped her fingers and ten more vials of purple liquid appeared in front of her.


Did you know I can update three times a month? Man, wouldn't it be crazy if I wrote a chapter every day?

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