[It’s just a small drug, how bad could it be]

Swirling the flask around in front of her Kotori thought back to the girl that Yukio had been enamored with back in the city of Flare.

[What was her name again? Adrienne right?]

Although it had been not that long ago Kiyoko began to wonder if Yukio had ever made progress in his relationship with Adrienne. She did leave him a small gift to help him with that but the onus was put on him to make it work.

Umi who was standing next to Kotori looked concerned as she swirled the vial of purple hydrean extract and sighed.

“You don’t have to take that mysterious drug, if you don’t want to,” Umi said.

Kotori shook her head.

“No, out of respect for Lala it’s probably for the best that I at least try it once. Just a single dose shouldn’t be that bad…” She said her voice trailing off.

Umi did not know what the nature of the purple Hydrean extract was, Kotori had not yet told her. For a moment, Kotori considers having Umi test it for her. But she rejected the idea, it was unfair, and this was her own trial anyway.

[Well, there’s no time like the present.]

Not waiting another moment Kotori flicked open the top of the bottle and dripped a single drop on her tongue.

The moment the drop of liquid touched her tongue she felt a burning sensation. It was only until it began to dissolve did she realize the burning sensation was because the liquid was so *sweet*, it was the same as drinking hyper condensed sugar water, and Kotori nearly gagged as it traveled down her throat.

[so that’s why they call it sweet leaf] Kotori thought.

Umi was shocked at Kotori’s sudden action and this led her to only watch as Kotori quickly consumed the drop of liquid.

“Kotori is that alright!” She said flustered.

Kotori noticed that Umi was not using the “sama” in her name anymore, from what it seemed, Umi tended to forget to use her formal language when she was concerned about Kotori’s well-being.

[Ahh Umi is too cute.] Kotori thought as she saw the spirit’s reaction.

“Come here Umi” Kotori said beckoning toward her.

The spirit looked surprised, but she quickly walked over to the throne where Kotori was sitting, as she approached Kotori she gave a slight bow. Looking at Umi’s exposed head Kotori began to

[I wanna pet her.]

Kotori outstretched her hand and began to pat the top of Umi’s head. Since Umi still didn’t have a true human form her hair felt like less hair and more like watery silk.

[that’s nice…]

Kotori thought.

Umi began to tremble underneath Kotori’s hand. From what Kotori could see she was blushing slightly.

“Mofu Mofu” Kotori murmured.

For some reason she felt like something was off but she could not place her head on it. As she was trying to think about what had changed, she realized that she place Umi’s heard in her lap and was patting Umi’s head even more fiercely.

She instantly pushed Umi’s head away in surprise. Something was very wrong. Kotori always tried to keep some distance from Umi and now she had unconsciously brought her close for a lap pillow.

Kotori stared at her hands, like they had betrayed her in some way.

[What’s getting over me!] She thought.

Umi in contrast looked crestfallen.

“Umm Kotori-sama what is wrong.”

A certain kind of feeling began to well up inside Kotori as she looked at Umi’s face.

[I want to pinch those cheeks]

Kotori found herself shaking her head once again. She stood up and began to leave the throne room.

“Kotori, is everything alright… you can pet my head more,” Umi said, her face reddened and she began to shuffle her feet.

Kotori only waved her off.

“I need to cool my head, leave me”

“Are you sure”

“Leave me!” Kotori roared before storming off. After leaving the throne room Kotori’s thoughts began to clear slightly now that she wasn’t looking at Umi anymore.

[What is going on…]

After taking the drug that Lala had given her, Kotori found that she wasn’t as in control of her action as she wished.

Before when she had taken the drug she didn’t have any feelings toward Umi at all. Now she wanted to rush back into the throne room and pamper her.

Walking past a fountain Kotori immediately dunked her head into the cool water. The nearby maid which saw her quickly scurried away leaving Kotori to her devices.

Kotori, now drenched, pulled her head out of the fountain gasping. The thoughts of wanting to Pamper Umi hadn’t left. She slapped herself on the side of the head, leaving red welts but it still didn’t allay the thoughts at all.

As she stormed off towards her room she did have a single thought that managed to cut through the rest of them.

[That damn Lala!]


I would pamper Umi tbh.

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