Reincarnated As Pennywise

Chapter 4 - Cult of IT (Part 1)

[Five years later]

[Third Person P.O.V]

The past five Rob not only took full control of Derry but also caused the Losers to leave Derry along with their parents the only exception to this is Beverly and Mike, Beverly left Derry with the approval of Rob in her dreams as he no longer needed to keep up the dream manipulation of course Rob made sure that a few of his most loyal followers followed her to ensure no one spoils and harms his blushing bride to be.

Mike on the other hand was arrested a few months after the losers left he was charged with the murder of several children and multiple eye witness claim he done it, the large amount of "evidence" outweighed whatever defence he had now he is currently spending the rest of his life a special cell that was order for him by Rob.

[Current time]

In the middle of the when all the kids were asleep all the towns ȧduŀts exited their homes carrying torches (The fire kind) , they all marched in unison whilst maintaining a straight line their current destination they all headed to was the house on Neibolt Street.

Once's they arrived they slowly filtered into the house, inside the house the floor boards splittend open revealing stairs leading down into darkness, the towns folk followed the stairs and gone down till they reached a large carven in the middle of the cavern was the nest of Pennywise, in the center of the nest was a large black cocoon that would pulsate red every few minutes. The ȧduŀts quickly gathered in front of the nest when all of a sudden Al Marsh moved through the ocean of people till he reached the very front.

Al walked forward until he was touching the spiked nest before turning around to the rest of the towns folk who still carried the torches that lighted up the cavern.

"People of Derry, I must say I am surprised that all of you made it, considering your jobs, but now i'm sure your wondering what is this behind me." - Al said as he pointed to the cocoon causing murmurs of agreement to raise in the crowd.

"Let me tell you a story, you see a eons ago before the very universe was create existed three beings outside our own dimension known as the Macroverse these three beings are Maturin the guardian turtle, It also known as Pennywise the dancing clown and the eater of worlds and finally The Other the very being that created the two." - Al said which once again sparked murmurs in the crowd.

"The creature known as It crash landed on Earth forming a crater, after a few million years inside that very same crater would form the beginnings of Derry. It has been tradition since the first settlers arrived that every 27 years It would rise from its slumber and consume the fear of children for 12-14 months." - Al continued before pausing allowing his audience to soak up the information.

"The teenagers who stopped Pennywise broke our towns most historical tradition, these teenagers are Bill Denbrough, Ben Hanscom, Stan Uris, Mike Hanlon, Eddie Kaspbrak, Richie Tozier and my own daughter Beverly Marsh." - Al said grievously with a single tear going down his face as the crowd gasp in shock and surprise at the mentioning of the names.

"Mike is already in prison while my daughter has unofficially left the so called "Losers Club", they have trampled on our towns history just because a few kids were taken, they need to be help accountable for their actions." - Al said getting most of the crowd to nodded their heads or turning to the person next to them and discussing about him.

"We have less than 21 years till It will finish its hibernation and I have a feeling that the losers club will be returning to finish it off, we won't allow that to happen who are they to interfere in this towns tradition that existed before they were even in there fathers balls" - Al said as the towns folk cheered.

The towns folk was quickly and easily swayed and accepted their new life as cult members, inside the cult a structure was quickly formed with the true master of the cult Rob took on the title of Master of Fear, underneath Rob was Al's and Beverly's position Al was dubbed "The Voice" while Beverly "The Listener" as she spent the most time with Rob and was currently spreading his influence, after Al and Beverly was the Grand Bishops and Grand Mother's which comprised of high ranking and loyal men and women, then came the Arch Bishops-Arch Mother's, Bishops-Mother's, Arch Priest-High Priestess, Priests-Priestess and finally Brothers-Sisters.

New members must attend all the theory lessons and physical practises for minimal 6 months before they are allowed to join, once a newcomer completed this they are given a black robe along with a blank white clown mask in which they must design for themselves after they complete the ceremony they receive the title of Brother or Sister depending on the gender, after staying as a Brother for a year and a half a group of 25 would be chosen to become a Priest or Priestess in which they are given a new black robe that has small bronze marking.

The Priest or Priestess would then need to complete a certain amount of tasks under a certain difficulty before being tested by 2 Arch Priests and 2 High Priestess and only 15 people are allowed to be promoted at a current time, once they make Arch Priest or High Priestess they are given a black robe that possess a hood and large silver markings that come from the ċhėst and onto the hoods, they are then tested and reached by multiple Bishops and Mothers for 6 months before getting interviewed by all the Grand Bishops and Mother's.

Once becoming Bishops and Mothers they given white robes along with a golden staff, the Bishops and Mother's are again tested and interviewed by the all the upper council for 8 months in which 10 people are selected to become Arch Bishops and Arch Mothers.

Arch Bishops and Arch Mother's wear white robes with large red markings that are shaped like stripes across the sleeves and robe, to go further 5 Arch Bishops and Mothers are interviewed and tested by Al to ensure their loyalty are the all time highest and will fight in a free for all.

Grand Bishops and Grand Mother's are the highest rank anyone could attain in the cult and wear white robes with small golden marking that goes along the collar before ending at the sides they control the cult's finances, education, health and defence. Al and Beverly wear a black robe with red markings across the ċhėst while Rob would wear a black and gold robe.

A small girl of 10 plays in front of the house on Neibolt Street, the girl plays hopscotch with the drawings on the ground.

"1, 2, 3, 4-" - The girls stops at four as a person is in front of her block her path, the girl looks up and see a figure wearing a black and gold robe with a hood covering the figures head which blocks the view.

"How many kids are at my door" - The figure said in a raspy voice, inside the hood a orange light shined which revealed hundreds if not thousands of teeth.

The girl screams but was quickly cut off by the figure biting the head of the girl before slowly devouring her.

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