Reincarnated As Pennywise

Chapter 5 - Side story: Out on a hunt (Short)

[Rob/Pennywise P.O.V]

I just finished consuming the little girl before I started to head back home using the sewers as my current form is a bit suspicious even if the entire town is controlled by me you'll never know if there's a new guy in town, wait I do since I activated the barrier charm I can find out who entered when they entered and where they currently are, back to my current form it seems that by using Chlorokinesis i'm able to make a suitable body out of wood which might sound bad, but by using my supernatural powers i'm able to increase the durability and strength.

I'm able to tear off most strong metals like iron and steel like wet paper while being able to take housed sized explosion to the face without a scratch, my new appearance is mix of the quiet places monster and the Demogorgon but with two small extra arms to side of my ċhėst where the ribs would be and just about 7 feet tall (213.36 cm), instead of having a face I have six flower petal flaps that open to show my mouth which contains the deadlights.

I entered the sewers by using a nearby manhole and once I dropped into the dark dank tunnel I opened several flaps that are positioned at the back and side of my head which sends out a large pulse of sound which easily travels several miles (Kilometer) before quickly returning giving me the a detailed map of the sewers, I causally run 60 miles (over 95km) an hour while jumping and weaving through pipes before I stop and position myself onto the ceiling.

[Third Person P.O.V]

Two boys walk right under him with flashlights searching for something Rob could hear the two talking to each other about the recent missing kids, he sneaked right above one of boys while the other has his back turned he lower myself down before using his two long arms to stop the boys movements while using his smaller arms to stop the boy from screaming before pulling him back up, Rob quickly sank my teeth into the boys head causing his body to twitch and shake before stopping allowing the flashlight the boy held in his hand to fall and crash into the muddy sewer water below.

The splash got the other boys attention as he quickly turned around and looked for him while calling out his name, the boy walked a bit forward and found the dropped torch as he picked up the torch the boy looked after while turning on his flash light, what he sees will forever haunt him till the end of his days a ash gray humanoid creature covered in a black wood plates like armour, the creature was long and thin but had five long extendable claws that would put Freddy Krueger to shame, it's body was muscular despite being thin as well as its arms being twice as long as a humans with it almost reaching to its toes.

The creature held onto the boys headless body with its smaller arms, once the creature took notice of the boy looking at him it opened the six flaps on its face revealing a small jaw filled with small but razor sharp teeth while each flap contain hundreds if not thousands of teeth on each petal, the creature roared causing the boy to run as fast as he can while the creature quickly dropped the body of first boy.

The second boy kept on running while taking sharp turns in hopes of losing Rob buts all for naught as the creature uses it long arms to flings itself across to the other end cutting off boy 2, seeing that Rob was directly in front of him boy 2 quickly runs down the tunnel to his right side causing Rob to also follow him, as the two ran through the tunnel light started to appear at the other end meaning that there was an exit.

Just as the boy as about to make it to the exit Rob jumped and closed his jaws on the boys right arm tearing the arm clean off causing the boy to scream just as he exits the tunnel before clutching the remains of his arms as he rolls on the ground as his severed forearm is chewed like dog toy as Rob looks at the boy before returning back home with his new prize.

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