Reincarnated As The Hero Ring

Chapter 104 - Believe Me!

"What do you mean by that? What kind of situation this town will be in a few moments..." She asks me about that as she seems to know what I am saying right now. 

"If I tell you about this, would you bring me to your father?" If Aliss still wouldn't bring me to him, I would just teleport her into the library where Sir Allen was right now. 

"Well..." She hesitant about it, she really didn't want to meet Sir Allen. 

"Will you take me or not! That's all I want you to answer Aliss." I don't care about the reason she doesn't want to meet her father right now. Right now all I need was whether she could bring me to meet Sir Allen. 

"Fine! I take you to meet my father but please tell me about it." She really wanted to know it. 

"This town could be in trouble as undead skeletons were at the outer wall," I said to Aliss and she looks surprised by it. 

"There's no way that skeletons would appear... you must be joking right?" Aliss thinks that I was joking around but I wasn't as I see with my own eyes. Undead skeletons crawling from the ground. 

"I'm not! Whether you believe me or not please bring me to your father now." I said that as I really need to know about the secret that Sir Allen hide. Only he knows the answer about it. 

"Why should I bring you to him? We agreed and yet you tell me some sort of a joke just to made me bring you to meet my father." Aliss really thinks it was all a joke, I didn't how to convince her but right now I really need to meet Sir Allen. 

"You think that it was a joke but it was really not! I don't want to waste any time..." So much time was wasted right now. 

"You the one wasting my time, I thought you tell me something that important but it was actually not." Aliss thinks that I was the one that wasted her time. Only if she knows about it herself. 

Does she realize what sort of situation I'm in right now and it will soon be everyone's problem in this town? I think I should just teleport her to the library but I can't. If I was connected to a person, only the person could active my talents and skill. 

It's like that I handed all my privilege to that person. If I did not link with any person, I could use it on my own but there were some skills and talent that I couldn't use. I just notice this all when I wanted to teleport her to the library in this manner. 

It kinda sucks that I needed someone to use some certain skills and talents of mine. If I had a body of my own, it would be really cool as I could do it alone. I might even be the most powerful person in this town. It's all just only something that could happen if I had a body. 

I need something to be able to prove that I'm not joking around and the only way to do it right now was to be there. Aliss then could see with her own eyes that the undead skeletons were there and I could prove that it was real to her. 

I then realized that I could just teleport her to the outer wall, let's herself see the undead skeletons. But again, it could be dangerous to teleport her there, the number of undead skeletons there might be in a hundred now. With Aliss scare of fighting now, she may just freeze up in that spot. 

For her to use the teleport, I need to link with her again. I had no choice but to link with her on she will not be able to use the teleport talents. 

"System! Link with current user..."

-Linking Start-

-Authorize Permission Shared-

-[YES] [NO]-


-Choose User-


-Linking Aliss-


-Linking Complete-

Nice the linking process was now complete and she can use my teleport talent now. Where do I want to tell her to teleport to? Do I think it was a good idea for her to be teleported to the place of the skeleton? I then think of a place that would be much more suitable to teleport to. 

It might be better to teleport near the gate, I think the guardsmen there should be alerted by Vicar and Tane already. Thinking of them do they even made it to the town gate. It's pretty far from the gate and I did see some undead crawl out far from Eli. 

"I'm really wasting time right now but if you want to prove, use my talents and teleport near the town gate." Time has been wasted too much here as I really need to talk with Sir Allen and knows about the revival of Eli. 

"If there aren't any skeletons! I would not bring you to my father." Aliss said as she still didn't believe it. It seems there no other way to just show the skeletons to her. 

"Don't be scared if it was the truth..." I don't know how will my owner react when she saw the undead skeletons or just heard about it from the guardsmen. 

"Umm? Could you tell me how to use it... The teleport?" Aliss ask me as she didn't know how to use the teleport. I forgot that she never use it. 

I then explain how to use my teleport talent to my owner Aliss. I said that she must think of a place that she had visited before. She should just picture the image of the town gate in her mind and just thinks about it. Then just say the world teleport and we should be there instantly. I also remind her that it wouldn't work if she tried to teleport to someplace that she hasn't visited before. 

"Do you got it Aliss or do I need to explain it again about how to use it?" Do she get it or not. If she doesn't get it, I would be wasting much more time to make sure she knows how to use the teleport. 

"Don't worry ring! I got it... I just need to picture it and say teleport right?" Well, she does listen to my explanation really well then or it's just me that really good at explaining the teleporting stuff. 

"Yes, okay let's not waste any time and hurry up and use it already." I'm glad that she could understand it easily. But again, my explanation was easy and the way to use the teleport was just easy. If someone couldn't even understand how the teleport works, they really must be dumb. 

Aliss closes her eyes and it seems that she tried to picture the image of the town gate. I don't think it needs to take that much concentration but she knew at this so I somehow understand. But for me who had watched a lot of anime like this, it was just too easy to learn. 

"Teleport to the town gate!" She finally said it, I think it's not necessary to say the town gate but if it works, there no reason to complain. 

Aliss body was breaking into a bazillion tiny bits and shifting through the air. She was scared as this was the first time she teleports. Aliss started to scream a lot while we at it, it's kinda annoying for her to scream like that but I just had to take it. My owner was a girl of course and this kind of thing wasn't something a girl might like. 

"What's happening to me!" Aliss said as she seems to be scared of this as she was still screaming. 

"This was the effect of the teleport," I said to my owner in a very calm way. 

I tried to calm her down as I said that this was all the works of teleportation and also tell her that to not be frightened by it. It would only take a few seconds and we will be teleported near the town's gate. I really wanted to prove that I was not joking with her. 

If my owner was a boy, he might be excited to see himself was about to be teleported to somewhere. Yet again, I should be grateful that my owner was a girl. Well, it's not like I don't want my owner was a boy but I prefer a girl owner than a boy owner. It's just for some personal reason that I like a girl owner. 

In a few seconds, we had finally successfully teleported to the town gate. But I really didn't expect what I'm currently seeing with my eyes. I shouldn't have teleported Aliss here but again that was the only choice I had to prove myself or she would not believe it.

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