Reincarnated As The Hero Ring

Chapter 105 - Eniesia Town Gate

There were a lot of guards near the town gate, I could see that the guards were preparing some barricade near the gate. When I saw that, I know that Tane and Vicar managed to inform the guards about the undead skeletons at the outer wall. 

Aliss look around and she feels it weird why there were so many guardsmen here, she began to wonder if there something had happened here. There were some guards passing in front of Aliss, she immediately said to the guards to stop as she wanted to ask some questions. 

Instead, the guards reply, "You shouldn't be here young lady, we had some serious situation here right now. Please leave the area."

"What kind of situation? Why there were so many guards here..." Aliss ask the guards despite the guards wanted her to leave this area. 

"I'm sorry, the captain tells us that we couldn't tell this matter to the public." He said.

I think they made a good decision not telling the public about this, it will just cause panic here. But eventually, the news will spread around town and the townspeople would start to panic. The only way was to defeat the undead skeletons outside before they could enter the town. 

"You must tell me!" Aliss insisted to know what really happens.

"Again, I can't tell you about it... If you really wanted to know, ask the captain of the guards yourself." The guards say to Aliss. He then rushed to the gate as someone had called his name. 

Like that the guards completely ignored Aliss request. I overheard the conversation between the guards there, the guards say that they had secured the road to this town. They will block all of the paths and will not let anyone enter until the threat has been dealt with.

"So do you believe me now?" She should believe me as there no way she could not believe what I had said to her. She herself has to look how the situation here, a lot of guardsmen here, and there were not a single civilian here. 

"No! I would not believe you until I heard from someone that really knows about this situation." I couldn't believe what my owner said. That's mean that she didn't trust me at all. 

"You didn't... suit yourself then! We really wasting a lot of time now. You will then know that I wasn't telling lies, go ahead and ask the captain of the guards." I said to Aliss I really don't know how she couldn't believe me, she saw what currently happening here. 

The captain of the guards usually at the barracks, there no way that he would be here. It will take quite a time to reach the barracks as it located at the docks. The reason why it located at the docks was that this was a port town. 

Many pirate sh.i.p.s or some bandits travel to this town using a ship, it was because of that the security near the docks need to be strong. That's why they located the barracks at the dock to prevent any sort of thievery or something much more serious.

This way many sh.i.p.s will come to this Eniesia Town to trade or rest. As they will know that this town has good security. Right now we need to go there just to know something that I had already know. It's all because my owner didn't believe me. 

It will be a long way as we need to walk past the trade central, the place where all of the trading activity was at. It quite a busy area as there were so many people there trying to sell their stuff. The people there aren't aware of the danger that happening outside the town right now. 

We were still in the trade central, I notice that the guards that usually assigned in this area were so less. There should be much more but again with the undead skeletons appearing outside the town. They need all of the power guardsmen there. 

There must be hundreds of undead skeletons right now, with the number of guards I don't think it would be so easy to win the battle. As the undead skeletons will keep coming out from the ground and on the other hand, the guard's number will be decreased over time as some of them would be injured or run out of stamina. 

Along the way to the guard's barracks, I ask Aliss a question. "Why wouldn't you believe me? You know that I never had I lied to you before." 

"It's not that I didn't believe you but..." She went silent and not completing what she was gonna say to me. 

"But what?" I ask her as I wanted to know the reason. 

"Let's talk about this another time... okay?" She simply said that as it seems that my owner really didn't want to discuss it. 

I still wanted to ask her what's that all about but I respect that if she doesn't want to talk about it right now, I wouldn't force her. Because I believe that there would be the time that Aliss tell me about it, it was not at this moment. 

The trade central area was so large that we were still there, we still not even reach the common district yet. After the common district, we would finally get to our destination that was the guard's barrack. Aliss realized that it was taking much time to get there. She suggests with me something, a way to get there much faster. 

"How about we use the teleport, it would be much faster than walking right," Aliss suggest it to me, it wasn't a bad idea at all but unfortunately I would not want to use it. 

"It's really a good idea but we shouldn't use it," I said to Aliss.

"Why? We would get to the guard's barrack instantly by using teleport. You even said yourself that it was a good idea." Well, I really want to use teleport as well but I didn't want to use it for some reason.

"Listen Aliss, my teleport wasn't unlimited... It has a limit, it could only be used six times per day. We had already used four this day, that means we only had two left." 

I was like Aliss too as I think that I could use teleport all the time but it seems that it has a limit. It would grant me six charges of teleport per day. I just realized this when we teleported near the town gate. I noticed that it said that I only had two teleports left for the day. 

The first one I use when I escape from the man with the black robes, the second and the third one was really a waste of my teleport as it's just to make Aliss notice that I was there. I kinda regret using it like that but at that time I didn't know that it had a limit. The fourth teleport was when we get to the town gate. 

"I think we should use it..." Aliss still insisted on using the teleport.

"No, the guard's barrack wasn't that far. We should preserve these two teleport left for some emergency situation." I said that as I think that the skeletons would breach the barricade anyway and enter the town. 

"Okay..." She knows what I meant and didn't want to argue about my decision to not using the teleport to get to the barrack. 

We finally leave the trade central area as we about to enter the commoner district. As it names, this was the place for all the common people's lives. This place just has small buildings and houses, not like the noble district in which the buildings and houses were mostly huge. 

This place was indeed much more peaceful than the slums, even there were not that much of the guards been assigned here. The criminal activity here was significantly lower, it must be that the commoner does have a better attitude than the people in the slums. 

This area was not that big as the trade central area as it just took us a couple of minutes to get past the area. We finally see the guards barrack from here. I think it took more time than I expected it to be to get here, we sure wasted a lot of time. 

Aliss notice that there were some guards there and ask them where was the captain was. She then said that she had something to tell the captain. When the guards hear that, they immediately escort Aliss to meet their captain. 

One of the guards says, "This young lady must have some info about the skeletons."

Hearing that, I realized that they just thought that Aliss had some information. She actually doesn't even have one information about the skeletons. But again, this was her chance to speak and know what really had happened outside the town gate.

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