Reincarnated As The Hero Ring

Chapter 120 - Surrounded By Undead!

"My power? It's not my power as it belongs to the ring." Vicar said to Tane. 

"You didn't get what I meant? I thought you will know... the power of belief?" Tane said that and it makes sense now. 

He was making a joke about the power of belief that Vicar always said. I didn't found it funny at all as we were in a somewhat dead or alive situation. He shouldn't really make that joke as it was not appropriate right now as we were surrounded by the undead. 

"Ha! That's funny... Real funny Tane." He said that sarcastically as Vicar also didn't found Tane joke to be funny at the moment. 

"Sorry! I just wanted to make a last joke cause I don't know if I can make one after this." Tane said that as he really thinks we wouldn't stand a chance of defeating hundreds of skeleton by only two people. 

From listening to what Tane had said just know, I realized that he didn't believe that we had a chance to survive this fight against the undead. I understand why he thought that way as we had to fight hundreds of undead with just only two people.

I know it's hard to fight an army of undead with only two people but looking at Vicar's face, I know that he thinks the opposite. He really believes that we could defeat hundreds of undead and still survive the battle. I guess what Tane said was kinda right as Vicar really believe in that sort of thing. 

It's not wrong to believe that we still had the chance to survive from the undead but from a sane person perspective, our chance to survive in this current situation was completely at 0%. There's no way that we could do it. 

"Sadly for you Tane, there will be another chance for you to make another joke after this battle." He said that to Tane as they were fending off the undead. 

"If that the case, I better start believing in your power then," Tane said that as he swings his sword. 

Tane slashes the blade as it slams heavily into a skeleton's skull, shattering it instantly. He then kicks another's chest, and it topples over. Tane seems to realize something and he quickly said it to us. 

"I really don't think we could survive this, we should escape here," Tane said and I agree with what he said. We really didn't have a chance to defeat the undead.

I know that there were some other talent and skills of mine that hasn't been used by I really think that it will not be enough to defeat all of the undead. The reason I believe so because I didn't know how to use my skills and talent effectively yet. 

I do realize that all of my skills and talents do have a description of what it uses for but I worried that I would waste them in the fight as both of my talents and skills do have a very long cooldown. 

"There no way to escape here! We were completely surrounded..." Vicar said that as he didn't think we could be able to escape from here. 

"Are you willing to take a risk?��� Tane suddenly asks Vicar that question. 

"Risk? What are you talking about..." Vicar didn't understand what Tane had said. 

"There is a way to escape from here but it forces us to take a huge risk..." He said that to Vicar. 

"Are you sure? I really didn't see any way to escape here..." Vicar still didn't believe that there was a way to escape from all of the undead. 

I then realized something, Tane might have a skill or something that could let us escape from here but it will be highly risky to do that. That was the only thing that I could think of with the thing he had said to Vicar just now. If he really had some sort of special skill, we might have a chance to escape from here. 

"You don't believe me... Just follow me then!" He said that as he holds his sword and about to do something. Tane then shouts as he does it. "YAAAAAA! Follow my lead..." 

I do think that I had experienced this kind of feeling before, the feeling of being disappointed about something that I really think it was gonna be great or amazing. I really thought that Tane gonna use his secret skill but he charges into the undead and hacks them down as they attempt to attack. The clumps of bones get smashed, but their number is overwhelming and he immediately stopped. 

Vicar did follow Tane when he does that but now we were in much more problem, we stopped in the place where there were some Elite Skeletons here. I could tell that Vicar really mad about Tane's plan just now but he hasn't had the time as one of the elite skeletons started to attack him. 

Vicar dodges the attack as he slashes his dagger, cutting down the elite skeleton. He then kicks the elite skeleton to the ground, bashing its skull in. Vicar punches another one that comes towards us, sending it against the ground. He didn't take any seconds as he immediately shattered its skull. 

When I thought that this wouldn't get any worse. The effect of my talent Disrupt only will last in 50 seconds left. If the effect was gone, the skeletal mages will cast the fireball spell towards us again. That would be very bad in our current situation as we couldn't be able to dodge it because around us were the undead. 

"Vicar... I had a piece of bad news for you..." I said that as I tried to inform him that my talent would not last for us to be able to escape here. 

"Another bad news? What was it this time, another skeletal creature..." He said as I could see that he didn't think that there would be any more bad news. 

"I'm sorry but my talent effect will be over soon, so the skeletal mages can cast their spell back," I said that to Vicar. 

"That was indeed bad news... Could we active the talent again?" He asks me whether it could be activated once again. 

"No... my talents were on cooldown and it would take another day for us to be able to use it again," I said that to Vicar and tell him about my talent cooldown. 

"If that the case, do you have any other talent that could help. I will quickly activate it." Vicar was hoping that I had some other talent that could make the situation better. 

"My other talent is pretty much useless in this time..." Sadly I don't have any talents that could help this fight if only I had more talent against the magic caster. It would really help the situation. 

"So our only option left is to fight until dead..." Vicar said that to me. 

"We could use our last teleport to get you out from...." Before I could finish what I was about to say. Vicar quickly rejects the idea. 

Vicar then says to me that he wouldn't abandon Tane here, he wasn't a monster that could do that. Only selfish people would do that and someone that didn't think that person was a friend. I know what Vicar was saying but all man for himself.

It just that I didn't want Aliss brother to die without her knowing that Vicar was his brother. Vicar was an important person to my owner Aliss. At least he would survive this, I'm sure that Tane will understand my intention. 

We begin to argue as to whether Vicar should use the last teleport to save himself or not. But it was really obvious that he wouldn't do it. I tried to persuade him to use the last teleport, I then said that Aliss would be sad if he dies. I'm hoping that he will change his mind about using it or not. 

Vicar did hesitate for a while when I said that but he then said to me, "This is my final decision... I would not leave Tane here, I rather fight with him even though we had no chance to survive." 

"Do you really want to die here! Do you want Aliss to be sad..." I tried to change his mind again using the same subject again. 

"I don't want that but I'm sure she will understand it," Vicar said that as he wouldn't change his mind. 

"I know that you decided to die here but think about what will happen if you do die here, who will protect Aliss from the undead," I said that to Vicar. 

"I'm sure that Sir Allen would hire some adventurer to protect her because I do think that Sir Allen cares about Aliss," Vicar said that as he still wouldn't change his mind. 

We kept arguing about it and didn't realize that my Disrupt effect has already gone, Tane noticed that there were something wrong with Vicar. He realized that Vicar was arguing with me right now as he could tell from Vicar's facial expressions. 

"You guys stop fighting, we...." Tane couldn't finish as he falls to the ground.

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