Reincarnated As The Hero Ring

Chapter 121 - Tane's Dying

We both stop fighting among ourselves when we look at Tane suddenly fall to the ground. We were both shocked and realized what had happened. Tane was impaled by a sharp icicle, it went through his body. Vicar immediately grabs Tane on the ground. 

I didn't know where the icicle comes from but I guess that the skeletal mage cast an Ice spell and aim it on Tane. I thought that they only have a fireball spell, I then remember that could use any element as they had an Elementalist Power skill. 

"Shit! Tane!" Vicar didn't what to say at this time as he was panic. 

Vicar then look at Tane and realized that he was still alive, but barely. He was barely conscious and bleeding out of his nose and mouth. Tane was dying at the moment and we need to get him treated as fast as we could but there no way we could do that. 

We were completely surrounded by the undead right now and there was no way to escape. It was our fault that makes Tane like this if we didn't start an argument. He would be more focused on his surroundings and will not be impaled by the icicle spell. 

I started to think about what to do as Vicar tried to protect Tane from the undead. He was kinda mad at the undead as he sees Tane was suffering because of their attacks. He then takes his dagger and stabs the skeleton skull that about to attack us.

The undead number was just overwhelming and what worse than Tane could die at any moment. Vicar remembers that Tane plan that was just to push through all of the skeletons until we finally escaped. That was the only choice he had as he didn't want Tane to die here. 

The Icicle wasn't that huge so Vicar pulled the icicle from Tane's body, he coughs up blood but manages to stay alive. Vicar then lifts up Tane's body from the ground and brings him to Vicar's shoulder. He really wanted to save Tane.

"We need to get out out of here. I promise you that we will survive." Vicar said. 

"Can...can you..." Tane's voice was so faint that we were hardly able to hear what he said. 

"Don't worry, I got it." Vicar reply.

Vicar then asked me if there any of mine talent that could help him to the infirmary much faster as he didn't think that Tane would make it out alive if we wouldn't make it in time. I recalled that I do have a talent that might really useful now.

It was the talent sprint that allows Vicar to gain a 100% movement speed for an hour and remove any speed reduction effect on the user. I think that should be doing the job as we were pushing our own way through the infirmary right now. 

"Just activated my talent sprint and you will be able to run as fast as you can," I said to Vicar. 

Vicar immediately active the talent." Active Sprint..." 

A gust of wind surrounded Vicar's feet and suddenly he feels so light. I say that the talent had been activated and told him to start running and do not waste any more time as Tane's life might be in danger. 

Vicar secures him up in his arms and run as fast as he can, towards the infirmary. I saw the group of skeletons tried to attack us, but the skeletons were unable to touch Vicar as he was so fast. I hear Tane coughing up blood behind Vicar.

Vicar was worry about Tane as he asks him whether he was going too fast or not. 

"I'm... f-fine..." Tane struggles to say.

Vicar looked back at him. "No, you're not." He said that. 

"Just... leave m-me here... Don't ne-need to worry about me..." Tane said that. 

Vicar turns to look at him with a serious look, he then said something to Vicar "Bud... I'm not leaving you." He said it hoping that Tane heard it as he gradually begins to lose consciousness. 

He keeps running, hoping that he would make it in time but it was hard for Vicar to run through the undead skeletons. Their number was just too many and it's like we still didn't go that far from where we had been before. 

With his left hand wielding his dagger, he swings and slashing through the undead hoping that it would make a path for him. But things haven't gone the way we wanted like the one we fighting right now were the elite skeletons. 

I know that it was tough for Vicar to move around while carrying Tane on his shoulder, it's really cost him his mobility. What makes it worse than the fireball has started to come towards us, it was really hard to dodge the fireballs. 

"This is going to be bad." I think as we were getting overwhelmed by the undead right now. I guess we had to use our last teleport. I then told Vicar about using it right now. 

He disagrees with my idea, "No! I wouldn't leave Tane here..." 

"Let me explain, I don't think we would make it in time but we could instantly teleport Tane to the infirmary," I said to Vicar. 

"Wait a minute!? The teleport could do that... I thought it only can teleport the person who equips with you." Vicar ask me as he was confused.

"I will explain it later but let teleport Tane first to the infirmary." There was no time to explain as I see Tane was in a dire state right now. 

"Okay...What's the command?" Vicar asks me for the command. 

I never know how to activate the teleport on another person before but I have to just make a guess what was the command for it. "Umm...Just said teleport Tane." I don't know if that would work or not but I really hope that it would work. 

"Teleport Tane!" Vicar said that very loudly.

I thought it was not working but Tane's body started to shift through the air and completely disappear from here. Seeing that, it means that the teleport work, and Tane will be teleport to the infirmary. I just hope it was not too late for him as I will not forgive myself if Tane died. 

With Tane gone, Vicar has regained his mobility back and was enable to fight. He easily defeated some elite skeletons and able to evade the fireball from the skeletal mages. But I worried something that was his stamina, I bet that Vicar would run out his stamina. 

There something been wondering me, I can't use my skill even though I had unlocked them all earlier. Right now, the system has shown me that all my skills were still locked. I was confused about why all of my skills were locked, it should be unlocked. 

Then I realize something, does this happen because I activated the skills when I was linked with Aliss. I wonder if I was equipped with Aliss, the skills might be unlocked and she could use the skill. I regretted my decision to unlock my skills earlier as I couldn't use my skills right now. 

I can't even unlock all my skills again as all of the point needed to unlock the skills has been used. It really frustrates me right now as I was unable to help Vicar with his fight. I really wanted to reset my system back just, sadly I don't know how to do it but at the same time, I was afraid that if my system was reset, I would go back to level 1. 

If was back at level 1, all my current stats now will be gone and it will make Vicar killed as I was unable to boost his stats anymore. He would go back to his original stats and it would only make the battle against the undead much harder. 

After an hour of fighting just to keep himself alive, Vicar survived until now but I could really see that he doesn't have much stamina left to continue the fight. Even with the stats that I had a boost, he wouldn't able to last any longer. 

Vicar started to slow down as I could see that he catches he breathe a lot after successfully defeating some skeletons. I didn't want him to die like this, there so many things that he hasn't done in his life. 

"Vicar! Hang in there... I believe that we could survive this..." I said that as I still believe in him that he could survive this. 

Vicar let out a smile, "O-of course... I st-still can fight..." He said that as he was about to attack one of the elite skeletons. 

With his last strength, he picks up his dagger and cracks the elite skeleton's skull in, before dropping his dagger and letting his guard down for other skeletons to finish off.

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