Reincarnated As The Hero Ring

Chapter 130 - Take It From Her!

"Are you okay?" Eli said that to Vicar as she seems worried about him. 

I then realized something, I think that she already said that before. Does that mean that she could only say that, it just my assumption at the moment as Eli might say another thing if Vicar reply that he's fine or any other word that he wanted to say to Eli? 

"I'm okay but why are you saving me?" Vicar said that as he wanted to know the answer why Eli save him from the skeleton lord. 

Surprisingly enough, she did answer the question and it was the first time I heard her saying another word besides the phrase are you okay that she kept saying on. 

"Because I don't want you to die..." That was the reason why Eli save Vicar from the skeleton lord. 

I was really surprised by that answer but somehow I do expect it. The answer should be obvious but I do doubt that was all of the reason why she saves Vicar. Isn't she the master of all the skeletons because she the one that been summoning it to attack the town. 

"Why should you even care if I die? I'm nobody to you..." Vicar said that to Eli. He does have a point as Vicar was nobody with Eli. 

"You're nobody! but isn't your the one that gives me freedom..." Eli reply to what Vicar had said. 

I never knew that Eli was a talkative person, it's kinda weird hearing her talk this much as she was always being quiet when she clings to Vicar's arm. I guess this was who she really was, a talkative person. It might be good after all as we need to extract some information from her. 

"And I regret doing so! Look at the town... many people had died and what worst that Tane was injured by one of your summoned skeletons." Vicar said that as he really regretted his action before. 

The moment Vicar said that Tane was injured, Eli was shocked by the news. "Really!? I'm sorry, was he hurt that badly...." Eli asks Vicar about Tane's condition. 

"Why do you ask? You might not even recognize him..." Vicar said that as he was getting angry at Eli. I could tell it from the way he speak right now. 

"I do recognize Tane, he was the guy that assume we were lovers in the first place," Eli said that to Vicar to prove that she does indeed know Tane. 

When I heard that, I was kinda surprised that she could remember it. I thought that she wouldn't remember it as she was just like a lifeless person that could not react or do anything besides cling to Vicar. I never thought that she was paying attention to her surroundings and what people say about her. 

Vicar didn't seem happy even though Eli remember Tane. "So why didn't you stop the skeletal mage movement! Why!..." Vicar yell at her. 

At the moment, Vicar was too angry that he couldn't think anything else. All he could think was about Tane, I do know that he cares about him but right now he should calm down. Nothing good will come out if he let his emotion rule over him. 

"Calm down Vicar, don't let your emotion take control over your action... you do remember what had happened when you were angry. I said that to Vicar, hoping that he could calm down a bit. 

He was just about to shout at Eli but he didn't do it after hearing what I had just said to him. Vicar must realize that if he let's anger consume him, he might do what he has done with Tane as well. I still remember that time when he punches Tane because of Eli. 

"Thanks, ring, I really need that..." Vicar said as it seems that he has cool off a bit. 

"I know you're angry, I do as well but we must remember that our objective was right now," I said that to Vicar, remind him what he must do now as this was a perfect opportunity. 

Vicar realized what I meant by that as our objective was to find Eli and remove the dark ring from her finger so that she couldn't summon more skeletons in the town. That's why we could make the causalities in the town decrease. 

He takes a deep breath to regain his composure back, "I'm sorry about that Eli, I just want you to know about what had happened in the town." Vicar said that as he looks at Eli's left hand. 

There we both could see that the dark ring was on her ring finger. I don't know what will happen if we immediately pulled the ring from her finger, would she became hostile and attack us. I didn't want to take that chance right now. 

I then told Vicar to take the dark ring from her without Eli noticing it. I also told him the reason why I wanted to do it in that way and Vicar understand it. He also agrees to take the ring without her noticing it at all. Vicar then proceeds with the plan. 

"No need to apologize, I was too blame for Tane's injuries..." Eli said that as she looks really guilty about it. She must be realizing what she had done. 

Vicar takes Eli left hand and at that time he also replies to Eli, "It was my fault and the reason why I put the blame on you because I wasn't enabled to protect Tane at that time..." He said that as he slowly removes the dark ring from Eli's finger. 

Eli didn't realize it at all, she was kinda surprised when Vicar takes her hand. I do notice that Eli was blushing for a bit right now. I wonder why she was blushing, was this because Vicar suddenly grabs her hand. Does she have a feeling for Vicar? 

I then shrug off that thought of mine as there was no way that Eli had a feeling for Vicar. Eli has a husband that was Sir Allen, I don't know whether Sir Allen was still her husband as Eli was already dead. It was too complicated for me to think about that issue at the moment. 

As I focusing my attention on Vicar's hand that was slowly removing the dark ring from Eli's finger. 

Eli then said something in return, "I know that Tane wouldn't blame you for that, he knows that you tried to protect him from the skeletons attack at that time..." 

I still don't how but Eli didn't even realize what was happening right now as her gaze was locked into Vicar's eyes. I then begin to think that we could do it without her noticing it at all. Vicar didn't reply to Eli as he was focused on the task at hand. 

Because of that, Eli realizes what had happened as she looks at her left hand. She couldn't do anything as Vicar managed to take the dark ring from Eli. Eli was late to realize the situation as the dark ring was finally in our hands. 

"Give that back!" Eli said that as she tried to take it back from Vicar's hand but she couldn't take it as Vicar move a little further from her the moment he gets the dark ring. 

With the dark ring remove from Vicar's hand, the skeletons surely will stop spawning in the town right now. I was so happy that we could finish our objective without that much hassle this time. Eli still trying to take the ring from Vicar but every time she tries to get near him. 

Vicar would make some distance between her, I know that he doesn't want to take any chances as we didn't know what Eli could do to us if we were within her range. We both know that Eli was more powerful than the skeleton lord. 

As we both witness Eli's power the moment she saves Vicar from being split into two by the skeleton lord sword. We also realize that she could take the dark ring from Vicar right now and because of that, we both have become very cautious towards Eli. 

"Give that back, Vicar! I need that ring..." Eli said to Vicar as she still trying to take it from Vicar. 

"Why do you need this ring for? Is it for you to summon more skeletons and destroy the town..." Vicar said that as he wouldn't give the dark ring to Eli. He knows the consequences if the dark ring falls into Eli's hand again. 

"No! No! I wouldn't do that... Just give me back my ring." 

"Sorry to say this Eli but I don't trust you and I will not give you the dark ring back even if you try anything to me..." Vicar said that to Eli. 

"I would say this again Vicar! Give it to me or you will know the method I will use to get it back..." The tone of Eli's voice started to change.

Hearing that, we do know that trouble was coming to us...

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