Eli's behavior began to change drastically as she was nice and calm but now we could feel the killer instinct emits from her. Both Vicar and I realize that Eli might be hostile right now and we know that we couldn't let the dark ring be taken or all our effort will go in vain. 

I know that we were gonna fight Eli and it might be a good idea for me to check her stats. It might provide me some info about her current stats right now and should also tell us whether Vicar could able to fight her or not. 

[Eli Steenswis] Level 50

HP: 10000

MP: 10000












Seeing her stats, I know that Vicar wouldn't even stand a chance, he could easily be killed by her right at this moment. But we know that we couldn't let that happen or Eli would get back the dark ring that was in our hand right now. 

Suddenly, we could hear a huge sound and it seems to be the sound of someone walking here. But if it was just footsteps, why we could hear it. I realized that it certainly bad news as that sound may indicate something large coming towards us. 

Vicar tried to prepare himself as he knows that we would need to fight Eli to make sure the ring wouldn't go back into Eli's hand but he realized something. When he tried to draw his weapon, he noticed that he doesn't have any weapon at the moment. 

His sword already breaks and the shield was left behind in the trade central area. The only weapon we had was the dagger but it already broken into pieces when the skeleton lord slashes through it. Right now, Vicar didn't have any weapon to fight and it will be a problem. 

"How could I fight like this..." Vicar said as he didn't know what to do as he has no weapon in his hand. 

I look to our surroundings to see whether there was a stick that could act as a club, sadly there were some sticks around us but it was too fragile as it would break in just one hit and wouldn't make any damage to the enemy. 

But I think that it was still better than nothing, "Vicar! Just pick up some stick and rock on the ground, just use it as a temporary weapon." I said that as we didn't really have many options. 

"Really? I think that it would break easily..." Vicar does think that as well as he knows that the stick would break. 

"It's up to you. If you prefer to fight with your fist... then don't take the stick." I said that as that was another option Vicar had. 

After hearing what I had said, he then picks up the sticks and some rock on the ground. He probably knows that he couldn't deal that much damage with his fist so Vicar decided to go with my idea. The huge sound does seem to come to this place as it was getting louder every time. 

"Vicar, do you think that you could fight?" I ask him as I began to have my doubt. 

"With a stick and some rocks, the answer should be obvious..." Vicar said that to me. 

"I know it was stupid for me to ask that question but I do think that we should just run away and go back to the town..." I suggest that to Vicar as I do realize how low our chance at surviving this fight that would happen at any time. 

"That is a good suggestion but do you think we could get away from Eli?" Vicar asks me about that. I also realized that as well as Eli's stats were much more powerful than Vicar's. 

"I don't think we could cause Eli would be able to catch up to you... But look at her right now, she doesn't do anything and just staring at us." I said to Vicar as we might be able to get away from here. 

"You're right ring, she doesn't do anything and it's kinda weird..." Vicar said that. 

When Vicar said that, I then realized that her action was somehow weird right now. She could just attack us but she doesn't do it. There must be a reason for this but I don't want to stay here and figure it out as it would be better to figure it out when we were managed to get away from here. 

"It's weird but I think you should get away from here Vicar, the sound was getting louder and I don't like it..." I said that as I really have a bad feeling about this situation right now. 

Vicar does hear that sound as well and agrees with me. He said that the large sound was indeed trouble and he then tried to escape from this place. Vicar runs towards the town gate he hoping that he could meet up with the town's guard there that might be still fighting the skeletons. 

There was indeed a faster way to get back into the town, that was using the path we use to get here. But we couldn't use it as Eli was standing right on the manhole. That's why Vicar decided to run towards the town gate instead of using the secret path. 

We did stumble upon some swords that belong to the dead town guards but Vicar didn't pick it up as he worries that Eli might be trying to stop Vicar. I looked behind to see whether Eli was still standing there and she does still standing there. 

I thought that we could make it to the town gate without any problem but it seems that we couldn't make it without some fight after all. Eli suddenly appeared in front of us and seems to throw a dark energy ball towards us. 

It was fast indeed but Vicar could still dodge it. The dark energy ball hit the tree behind us and make a huge sound. I did look behind to see what had happened at that time and was very surprised by it. The tree that been hit by the dark energy ball was decaying at a very fast rate. 

Vicar didn't look at it as he was tried to dodge any incoming attack from Eli. I realize that I must warn Vicar about the dark energy ball. 

"Vicar! Listen to me... Don't get hit by the dark energy ball." I warn Vicar about it as it was really dangerous and Vicar could die if he gets hit by it. 

"Why? Is the dark energy ball dangerous?" Vicar asked me about it. 

"It was dangerous indeed if you get hit by that... your body might decay and you could die," I said that, explaining the danger of the dark energy ball that was cast by Eli. 

"Thanks for the info ring as always, I tried my best not to get hit by it..." Vicar said that as he keeps moving forward. 

We couldn't let Eli stop us right now as we were just a few meters left to arrive at the town gate. We both realize that it was dangerous but we didn't have that much choice. 

Eli continues to cast her dark energy ball at us, this time the speed of the dark energy ball has increased and because of that it almost hit Vicar. Vicar just barely dodges the dark energy ball that time, if the speed of that thing increases again. 

I don't know whether Vicar could still be able to dodge it or not. Vicar still keeps pushing forward and Eli tried to stop us as she cast five dark energy ball at us this time. It was much faster than the last time and there were five of the dark energy ball this time. 

Vicar knew that he couldn't dodge it this time, I realized that as well. The moment that dark energy ball hit Vicar, he would be dead and Eli will get the dark ring back. Is this the end for Vicar, I wouldn't think this was the end for him. 

"Vicar!" I shouted as Vicar get hit by five of the dark energy ball. 

Because of the impact he received from the dark energy ball, his whole body hit on the solid ground. My mind began to panic, I didn't know what to do as I see Vicar didn't open his eyes after he hit the ground. 

"Vicar! Vicar! Open your eyes..." I shouted to Vicar as I started to believe that he may be dead. 

I then began to call his name countless times just to make him open his eye but Vicar's eyes still didn't open. I don't know whether he was unconscious or dead right now. The only way to know was to look at his body whether it started to decay or not. 

It seems that....

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