Reincarnated As The Hero Ring

Chapter 134 - Captain Strength

Vicar didn't fight Captain Callum alone as he summoned three elite skeletons to aid him in the fight. I don't know what should I do know as I don't want Vicar to be killed by Captain Callum but if Vicar didn't get defeated, he will plunge the town into darkness. 

The three elite skeletons started to attack Captain Callum but he didn't even flinch at the incoming attacks. He swings his great sword at one of the elite skeletons and cut its arm off. The elite skeleton screams as its skeleton body started to crumble into ash. The other two elite skeletons run tried to attack but suffer the same fate as the first one. 

I thought that the skeletons would only be killed if their skull been shattered. The elite skeleton's body didn't regenerate as it turns to ash. I then noticed that Captain Callum's great sword wasn't just a basic one, at a moment I saw the great sword glow a bit. 

"Do you think that I would be easily defeated by it?" Captain Callum said. 

Vicar smile and said to the captain, "I know that it wouldn't be fun if you die by the elite skeletons..." 

"As I said before, I would not die until I killed the evils in the town." Captain Callum said as he charges forward. 

Vicar picked up another sword and uses it in this fight with Captain Callum. Captain Callum quickly swings his greatsword again on Vicar hoping that it would defeat him. Vicar's sword whistled through the air as he parried Captain Callum's attack. 

"Is this the best you can do Captain?" Vicar let out a grin on his face. 

Captain Callum didn't reply as he quickly let go of his greatsword, he then punches Vicar right on the stomach. Knocking him back down to the ground. I hear a crack. When I see above, Captain Callum steps on Vicar's hand.

"I admit that I could only go that best on a great sword but you would be surprised how better I am using my fist." Captain Callum said as he looks down at Vicar. 

Vicar struggled to get himself free again, but couldn't. Captain Callum continues to attack him, and Vicar was helpless as he couldn't move his hand. I don't know why but Vicar couldn't escape from Captain Callum right now. 

Captain Callum suddenly lifts his right leg and because of that Vicar was able to move his right hand. Vicar tried to grab Captain Callum's left leg and make him unbalance so he could fell to the ground. But Vicar can't do that as Captain Callum step his right hand again but this time with much force. 

It makes Vicar wince and scream in pain. I also hear that crack sound again, I think that might be Vicar bones that crack after being step by Captain Callum. After Captain Callum step on Vicar's right hand, he does the same thing again that was lifting his right leg again. 

He looks at Vicar's right hand and he lifts his left leg from Vicar's left hand. I don't know what the captain was thinking of doing that as Vicar has been free. But Vicar wasn't able to stand up as he suddenly said something that kinda surprised me. 

"Where am I?" Vicar said as he looks confused. 

Captain Callum then lends his hand to Vicar, he takes the hand as the captain helps him stand up from the ground. As Vicar stands up, he looks around at his surroundings and realized something. 

"Wait! Isn't this the town gate..." He said that loudly as he was surprised that he was here. 

Captain Callum smiled at Vicar as he said, "I'm glad that you're back Vicar..."

Hearing what Captain Callum just said, I immediately looked at Vicar's left hand and I notice that the dark ring wasn't on his finger anymore. I then wonder what had happened to the dark ring and suddenly I realized something. 

The crack sound that I hear wasn't Vicar bone as it was actually the dark ring. That's mean that the dark ring has been destroyed by Captain Callum. Does Captain Callum noticed the dark ring on Vicar and know that the dark ring was manipulating Vicar. 

But how does he know about the dark ring effect unless he had already known about it? Captain Callum must be very familiar with the dark ring for him to know what it does. 

"What happened to me? How do I end up here?" Vicar has many questions about what had happened. 

"You're were under the influence of the dark ring Vicar but it's okay now as I already destroy it." Captain Callum said that as he gives Vicar a health potion as Vicar's hand was bleeding. 

Vicar drinks the potion as Captain Callum picked up his greatsword back from the ground. Vicar wanted to ask more about what had happened but the captain just simply said that this wasn't the time for that. He then points his finger at the skeleton lord that been slaughtering the town guards. 

Captain Callum throws his sword on his left hip to Vicar. He takes the sword and opens the sheath up, it was a magical sword. The sword gleams as Vicar holds it in his hands. 

"Isn't this a magical sword? Are you giving it to me..." Vicar said that asking whether Captain Callum give it to him. 

I doubt that Captain Callum would give Vicar a magical sword as it was rare enough to have and also very expensive to get. There's no way that he willing to give Vicar the sword. 

"No, I'm just lending it to you... You do know that the skeleton lord would only be damaged by magic or magical weapon." Captain Callum said that. 

I already expect that but it was still the captain still kind enough to lend his magical sword to Vicar. I guess he believes in Vicar's abilities to fight the skeleton lord. If only I could see the stats of a magical weapon, it would be really nice but my system doesn't have that. 

But to my surprised that Captain Callum does know the type of skeletons as he said, skeleton lord. I guess he has encounter one before and able to defeat it. As he knows how to deal with damage to the skeleton lord. I begin to wonder what sort of past Captain Callum had. 

"Thanks, Captain Callum, I will use the magic sword well," Vicar said that. 

"Let's stop this skeleton lord..." Captain Callum said that as he runs towards the skeleton lord. 

Vicar follows him from behind. Along the way, we saw many dead bodies and it was a horrible sight indeed. There were bodies that have been split in half and some of the missing body parts. I feel bad for the one who had died in this battle with the undead. 

They fight to protect the town and die protecting it. It was all because of me if only I didn't suggest Vicar to run escape the dungeon in the first place. We wouldn't discover the secret area which Eli was in. I was the cause of all of this problem. 

I then hear that my name being called by someone and immediately snapped out from my own thoughts. 

"Ring! Ring! Do you hear me?" Vicar said repeatedly.

"Yes, I hear you, what��s you want for calling me..." I said that.

Vicar then asks me to explain what really happens to him and how he did end up in the town gate as he doesn't remember it. All he could remember that was fighting Eli and it was all blank after that. I was just about to explain what happen but I wasn't the time for it now as Vicar and Captain Callum finally the place where the skeleton lord was. 

"I'm sorry Vicar, I think you should focus on the fight," I said that as I noticed that the skeleton lord movement was stopped by someone. 

The one that stops the Skeleton Lord movement was none other than Sir Esmir. I was surprised that he could damage the skeleton lord as well. I then remember that his war hammer was a magical weapon too. 

"I understand ring, after this make sure you tell me..." He said that as both he and Captain Callum join in the fight. 

Captain Callum then attacks the Skeleton Lord from behind and Captain Callum managed to penetrate the dark shield. My theory was true after all, the normal weapon would not have any effect on the dark shield but the magical weapon will be able to break it. 

The Skeleton Lord noticed that Captain Callum was behind and it wanted to turn but the skeleton lord couldn't do that as it was defending himself from Sir Esmir attack.

Seeing that, Vicar also join in and tried to attack the skeleton lord with his magic sword but something happens that knocked him back for a few steps.

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