The skeleton lord emits an aura that managed to knock all of us back. The height and size of the skeleton lord began to change as it's become much taller and bigger. Much bigger than the elite skeleton size, it must be because of the skill growth that makes the skeleton lord gain this much size and height. 

But I do think it doesn't matter as much as the skeleton lord just increases its physical appearance and not its stats. We still can defeat the skeleton lord because we had Sir Esmir and Captain Callum. Both of them were pretty much could defeat the Skeleton Lord without any much of a problem, I think.

"Puny humans! Do you think that with this number, you could defeat me... Better think again!" The skeleton lord said as it swings its large sword towards Sir Esmir. 

Sir Esmir parries the attack with his war hammer. Their weapon clashes with each other because of that, the skeleton lord does swing it with much force just to kill Sir Esmir. Despite that attempt of trying to kill Sir Esmir, that attack doesn't even push Sir Esmir even a bit from where he standing. 

"That was dangerous indeed, I thought that I will die but didn't expect you were this weak." Sir Esmir said that as he managed to land a hit back on the skeleton lord. 

The skeleton scream in agony as it was also attacked from the back by Captain Callum. The skeleton lord didn't seem to be able to defeat both of them. I feel like Vicar wouldn't be needed as much as I thought he will be. Both of them were enough to handle the skeleton lord. 

I see that the skeleton lord HP begin to decrease a lot as it was being attacked by Captain Callum and Sir Esmir. I think that the skeleton lord would be defeated at any moment. Vicar didn't even try to help as he just watches and let himself be amazed by both of them. 

"Vicar! I didn't lend you that magic sword only for you to stand around while looking at us..." Captain Callum wanted Vicar to join up the fight as well. 

Because of that, Vicar joins in the fight with them. He didn't do much but Vicar was able to damage the skeleton lord as it HP decrease when the skeleton lord was hit by Vicar attack. The skeleton lord was unable to do anything as it was being hit almost immediately after another attack. 

It does take quite some time for the skeleton lord HP to reach the 1000 mark. But when it reaches it, I know that the skeleton lord would be defeated soon. It was like I suspected, the skeleton lord was defeated and all of its bones part begins to break from each other. 

All of the skeleton lord bones fall to the ground and it has become a pile of bones. Vicar was happy that we were able to defeat the skeleton lord without getting any injuries. He just about to walk towards Sir Esmir, just for Vicar to talk with him. His movement was stopped as soon as Captain Callum said not to do so. 

Vicar was confused as to why he could not go to Sir Esmir as he was just in between the pile of bones. "Why can I go there? Isn't it over already..." Vicar said that. 

"No, it's still not over yet..." Captain Callum said that to Vicar. 

When he said that, I realized something about the skeleton lord. The skeleton lord has a skill called resurrection, which means that the skeleton lord would be resurrected once again. It somehow makes me wonder if that skill has a limit if it doesn't have one. 

It would be really bad as Captain Callum and Sir Esmir would run out of stamina if they keep fighting the skeleton lord. 

Vicar still didn't know what Captain Callum meant as Vicar think that the fight has already over. "But the skeleton lord was already defeated," Vicar said. 

"You will see for yourself..." Captain Callum said that and Vicar then looked at the pile of bones. 

The pile of bones begins to forming a skeleton body once again and slowly it becomes the skeleton lord that Vicar thought was already defeated. I don't know why Vicar was surprised by it as I clearly remember that I had told him about the skeleton lord skill before. 

But to think that Captain Callum knows about the skeleton lord's resurrection, he must have experience fighting it before. If he didn't fight the skeleton lord before, he would never know what skill the skeleton lord has. 

Once again, the skeleton lord reappears in front of all of us. This time, the skeleton lord looks really angry at us. The skeleton lord didn't take time as it quickly swings his sword again at Captain Callum. Unlike before, the swing was much faster but Captain Callum able to dodge it. 

"You human will die at my blade!" The skeleton lord said that as he swings it sword aimlessly. 

It destroys the surrounding buildings in the town gate area. The skeleton didn't even care about us anymore as it basically just rampaging around and destroy everything in sight. Sir Esmir and Captain Callum act immediately and tried to minimize the damage before it could get any worse. 

The skeleton lord was heading toward the trade center but was delay by both Sir Esmir and Captain Callum. Vicar also joins the fight once again but he didn't seem to do much as the skeleton lord has gotten a bit stronger than before. 

But still, the skeleton lord couldn't beat Sir Esmir and Captain Callum. They both manage to defeat the skeleton lord once again as it becomes a pile of bones once again. I thought that it was over but it wasn't, the skeleton lord was resurrected again. 

Does that mean the skeleton lord resurrection skill has no limit at all? But I have faith that Captain Callum and Sir Esmir will able to handle it again. As I looked at them, they seem to have plenty of stamina left. But how could they still have so much left, wasn't they been fighting all this time. 

"What! The skeleton lord hasn't been defeated?!" Vicar said that as he didn't believe its eyes that the skeleton lord once again still in this fight. 

"It would never die... unless all of the skeletons have been used." Sir Esmir said that to Vicar. 

"What do you mean by that?... Unless all of the skeletons have been used." Vicar asks Sir Esmir. I was also intrigued by what Sir Esmir had said. 

Sir Esmir then explain it to us while we were in the middle of battling the skeleton lord once again. Sir Esmir said that the skeleton lord resurrection does not have any limit of how much it can be used. But the skill resurrection needed something in order to use it. 

It needs the soul of other skeletons nearby. With every resurrection been used, hundreds of skeletons in the area will simply perish.

"That's good! We will not have to deal a lot of skeletons after this..." Vicar said that I do think the same as Vicar. 

Captain Callum interfere with our talk, "It was good but know this Vicar, every time the skeleton lord resurrect and it was called as Resurrection Buff. Looking at how many skeletons in this town, I think the skeleton lord might overpower us then." 

Knowing about this does make it all clear why the skeleton lord suddenly become much faster that time. But to think that the skeleton lord will get stronger every time, it would be really bad for us even though there were fewer skeletons in the town. 

If both Captain Callum and Sir Esmir were defeated by the skeleton lord, who else will defend the town. I doubt that the adventurer would help us in defending the town. I think that Vicar needs to step up a bit in this fight as it was the only way to help both of them to preserve some stamina. 

"If that the case, I would do my best to help you guys..." Vicar said that.

"Don't worry young man, help will soon arrive and with that man around... I think we could handle the skeleton lord just fine." Sir Esmir said that as he keeps fighting the skeleton lord. 

I began to wonder who was that man that will be able to help us right now. That man must be strong and both of them seem to trust that man's strength. 

The skeleton lord has been defeated and resurrected once again. This time it strength and speed has become much more faster than before. It looks like Captain Callum and Sir Esmir might need the help they can get right now. 

Suddenly, the help that Sir Esmir been expecting has finally arrived...

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