Reincarnated As The Hero Ring

Chapter 138 - Skeleton Lord Eliminated!

This time, the skeleton lord will not be resurrected as usually if it has been defeated. The skeleton lord would turn into a pile of bones but this time there wasn't any pile of bones around the area. It seems that the skeleton lord suddenly vanishes from this place. 

"Now that the skeleton lord has gone... we should defeat the remaining skeletons." Sir Esmir said that to all of us. 

When Sir Esmir said that, I was really shocked to know that the skeleton lord has been defeated and that somehow explain why I can't find the skeleton lord here anymore. But how did they defeat the skeleton lord, it must happen when we were blinded by the mysterious light. 

"Can someone explain to me what had happened?" Vicar said that to the three of them as he wanted to know what had happened. 

"Young man, we just defeated the skeleton lord and that's all that happens at that time" Sir Esmir simply said that to Vicar. 

Vicar still doesn't satisfied with the answer that Sir Esmir gave him, I also wanted to know more about it. "What I wanted to know is how did you guys defeat the skeleton lord," Vicar ask Sir Esmir again and hoping that this time he would tell it. 

"You wouldn't need to know how we did it, just enough for you to know that it has already been defeated." Captain Callum didn't give us the answer we need. 

Vicar was still eager to know about it but Lord Framer said to not ask about it anymore. "I know that you were curious about what had happened but I assured you that there nothing spectacular happens at that time." Lord Framer said that to Vicar. 

I don't know why the three of them didn't want us to know about it. There must be some secret about it, why must they hide it. It makes me wonder a lot about what had happened at that time and why they wouldn't tell us about it. 

"Okay, I will not ask about it anymore..." Vicar said that as he was disappointed a bit to not able to know more about what had happened. 

"We appreciate it, Vicar, let's talk about the rest of the skeletons that still in the town and the outside the town gate." Captain Callum said that as the three of them begins discussing it. 

"The skeletal mage and some elite skeleton in the trade central area have been defeated and what left in that area was some normal skeletons." Lord Framer said that to us. 

"So should we head there and help the adventurers then?" Sir Esmir suggesting us to go there to help them.

Lord Framer didn't agree with that suggestion as he said his reason. "The adventurers were more than capable to handle the skeletons, they wouldn't need our help." Lord Framer said. 

"I do agree with Lord Framer this time, we should focus on the skeletons here and outside the town gate." Captain Callum said that. 

"If both of you said so, I will not object it. If we going to outside the town gate, we do need to know what the situation outside the town gate. Are there any reports from the town guards that been there?" Sir Esmir asks the question to Captain Callum. 

"Sadly, there was no one come back from there..." As Captain Callum continues to say, he then suddenly remember something and immediately looked at Vicar.

"Wait! Vicar, you come from the outside the town gate right... How did you get to the outside as I never saw gone trough this area while we fighting the skeletons." Captain Callum said that to Vicar. 

All of the attention then shifts towards Vicar right now. He didn't know if he should tell all of it, the three of them might ask more if they know about it. Vicar then talks with me first about whether he should tell the whole truth or make some lies and just told some part that was important. 

"I don't know but I think you should not tell all of it, I'm just afraid that they will react differently towards you if you told them everything," I told my advice to Vicar and see whether he take my advice or not. 

Even after hearing my advice, Vicar was still hesitant about it. It took him about a minute or two, just to decided whether he take my advice or not. He finally takes my advice and told them how he was able to be outside the town gate area. 

Vicar then started to explain, the first thing he told was the secret path that he took to get to the outside of the town gate. Vicar then said that he encountered the skeleton lord that has just been defeated there. He also told them about how he gets the dark ring, but of course, Vicar tweaks the story a little bit as he didn't mention Eli. 

He ended his explanation after he told the three of them that he doesn't remember what happens after Vicar wears the dark ring on his finger. Vicar also told that he was surprised when he was suddenly in the town gate as he remembers that he was outside of the town gate. 

"I still hadn't told you that you tried to attack me while you were under the influence of the dark ring." Captain Callum said that. 

Sir Esmir look a bit surprised when he heard Vicar mention about the dark ring, "Listen, young man, never equip that dark ring as it was crafted to revive the demon lord." He said that. 

"If the dark ring was here, that must mean that this attack was from the demon lord follower..." Lord Framer said that. 

It seems all of them know more about this matter and the demon lord follower. Does that mean there was a cult out there trying to revive back the demon lord? I guess the shady guy was a part of the demon lord follower as well. 

"Excuse me? May I ask what exactly the dark ring and why we shouldn't wear it." Vicar then suddenly ask that question while the three of them were talking. 

Sir Esmir then answers Vicar's question, "Young man, the dark ring was a ring that was crafted solely for the revival of the demon lord. I had seen many people that wear the dark ring become crazy as the ring somehow was connected to the demon lord essence." Sir Esmir said that to Vicar. 

"You were lucky that I noticed that dark ring on your hand. If not I really thought that you're one of the enemies." Captain Callum said that. 

"I'm really sorry for causing trouble at that time, I will make sure to remember that I will never wear the dark ring again and will destroy the dark ring if I see it," Vicar said. 

"No need to apologize for that as you're not the one that causing that, it was the dark ring." Captain Callum said that to Vicar as he didn't want Vicar to apologize. 

"That's enough of talking, let head to the outside. Like Vicar said that there were some elite skeletons and skeleton there, we should look for any survivor there also." Lord Framer said that.

With that, we all walk to the outside of the town. We did encounter some of the skeletons along the way but it doesn't give us much trouble as it was just normal skeletons. When we finally arrive outside the town gate. 

There were much more many skeletons in here compared to the town gate. I guess Vicar didn't remember that he did summon more skeletons in this area while he was fighting Eli that time. I wanted to tell Vicar about it but decided not to do so as it would make Vicar feel really guilty about it. 

I also did not tell him what happens to Eli, I don't want him to know that he was the one that orders the skeletons to kill her, I know that it wasn't him but the dark ring but still he would blame himself for that. Maybe when the time was right, I will tell Vicar about what had happened at that moment when he wears the dark ring.

"They're a lot of skeletons here than Vicar had told us..." Captain Callum said that. 

"Well, that will not be a problem as long as there were just an elite skeleton and normal skeletons." Sir Esmir said that as he charges toward the skeletons. 

"Despite his age, he still very energetic... Don't you agree with that Callum?" Lord Framer said that as Captain Callum just let out a small laugh.

The others then join as well to clear all of the skeletons in this area. Vicar was able to handle himself pretty well against much more skeletons at once, maybe because of the magic sword that able to kill the skeletons without shattering their skulls. 

I know that within a few hours, the skeletons in the area would be defeated...

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