Reincarnated As The Hero Ring

Chapter 139 - Safe And Secure

Like what I already guess earlier on before we all battle with the skeletons in this area. We did finish all of the remaining skeletons here within four hours. It did take quite a long time but I was glad the skeletons at the outer wall finally been defeated. 

All of the people here seem to be exhausted after the fight against the skeletons. Well of course they're tired, the fight did take four hours to end. 

Sir Esmir was relieved, "Pfui... If the battle continues much longer, I think I will not be able to lift my mace anymore." He said that as he sits on the ground after that. 

Both Captain Callum and Lord Framer laugh at Sir Esmir, "Well, we aren't that young anymore... we basically just a group of old men right now." Lord Framer said that. 

But to think that this group managed to defeat the skeleton lord and hundreds of skeletons in the town. Seeing them in action like this, I certainly would not think that way anymore. From the way I look at them right now, I would just call them the Trio of the Eniesia Town. 

"I think to celebrate our victory here and treat ourselves with the best wine in the town but I bet you both will be very busy after this..." Sir Esmir said that. 

Lord Framer then said, "I'm sure that I can let my son handle all of the reports for this night, I rarely get to drink with all of you after we that war."

"That's too irresponsible! You the lord of the town, you should do your job properly." Captain Callum said that to Lord Framer. 

"It does seem irresponsible but I do this because my son will eventually become the lord of this town and it would be better if he learns from this." Lord Framer said his reason for letting his son handle the reports. 

Sir Esmir laugh at Captain Callum as he said, "Aren't that just your envy... You don't have anyone to take over your job for a night right?"

"Of course not! I could just make the vice-captain to do my job for this night but it would be...." Before Captain Callum could say any further, he was cut by Lord Framer. 

"As the Lord of this town, I command you to join our drinking session tonight." Lord Framer said that. 

"You couldn't use your authority like that! I wouldn't...." Once again Captain Callum didn't get to finish all that they wanted to say as this time, Sir Esmir said something. 

"You shouldn't disobey the command Callum, you know that it was a serious crime to disobey the lord command." Sir Esmir said that to him. 

Captain Callum did try to talk to them that he really didn't want to join their drinking session tonight as he wanted to do his job. But because of the constant persuasion by both Lord Framer and Sir Esmir, he finally gave up and join the drinking session. 

"Just for you both to know that I had to accept not because I wanted to join but I hate listening to you both keep telling me to join in." Captain Callum said that. 

Sir Esmir stands up from the ground, "Okay we understand it, Callum. All of us need to be there tonight and of course you too young man." Sir Esmir look at Vicar. 

Vicar was quite surprised that he was invited to join in their drinking session to celebrate the victory. Vicar quickly declines the offer as he said to the three of them that he wouldn't want to interrupt their reunion. 

"I'm sorry but I think it would be better if I didn't join in as this was only for you guys," Vicar said that. 

"I did mention all said to celebrate our victory and it's including you... Besides, we always drink with four people as it will be quite boring if only just the three of us." Sir Esmir said that to Vicar. 

With that, Vicar agrees with their request and said that he would come to the drinking session this night. Sir Esmir smile when Vicar decided to join in with them. Sir Esmir then said the location of the spot where they would celebrate their victory. 

"All of you know where the best wine at right?" Sir Esmir asks all of us. The other knows the location but Vicar still didn't know.

"May I ask about the location?" Vicar asks as he didn't get where the best place for wine.

I guess most folk in the town must now where the best place to drink the best wine in town but Vicar wasn't. All his life, he was at the slum and rarely go outside and because of that the lack of information about the popular place in the town. 

But when I head the location that Sir Esmir had given. No one would be able to guess it unless the person was close enough with them. The location was at the Lord Framer place and hearing about it, Vicar has become hesitant once again. 

"I'm sorry but I really think that I shouldn't join it..." Vicar said that, changing his decision again.

Sir Esmir then asks, "Why suddenly change your mind?" 

I also didn't know why Vicar decided not to join all of the sudden, I did ask him about it earlier before Sir Esmir ask him the question. The reason why he didn't want to join the celebration was that it was held at Lord Framer's place. 

"If Lord Framer knows where I came from, he wouldn't let me enter his place as I'm not part of the town..." Vicar said that. 

"Why? Are you a spy or someone that wanted to assassinate Lord Framer?" Captain Callum asks Vicar as he points his great sword at Vicar. 

"No! I'm not..." Vicar wasn't sure if he wanted to tell all of them or not. I then advised Vicar to just tell the truth as I think this was not a big deal at all. Listening to my advice, Vicar finally confesses to the three of them that he comes from the slums. 

Vicar then continues to say, "The people of the slums shouldn't be at the Lord's place celebrating..." Vicar said that to all of them. 

I still don't understand why Vicar thought that this was a big deal at all. I then look at the three of them, seeing how would they react after hearing Vicar's confessions about where he came from. 

Captain Callum then put down his great sword and stop pointing it towards Vicar after hearing his confession. All of them look at Vicar and Lord Framer opens his mouth and talks about what Vicar had just said to all of them.

"I know that you feel that you didn't belong in the town, the town had cast away the people of the slums for years. I was at fault for not making the slums a better place and make the people there feel more appreciated. I'm really sorry..." Lord Framer apologizes to Vicar. 

"No! you shouldn't apologize Lord Framer... Part of it was the people of the slum's fault as well if the people didn't commit the crime. The people of the town wouldn't hate us that much." Vicar replied back to Lord Framer. 

Lord Framer shakes his head in disagreement with what Vicar had said, "If I had given the people of the slums some job opportunities, they would have to rob or kill someone for gold." Lord Framer said that. 

Both of them kept talking about this subject for a very long time but Sir Esmir stop it as he said to Vicar something, "You shouldn't care about your status, you did defend the town with us and you deserve to celebrate it with us." 

Captain Callum agreed with Sir Esmir as he also said something to Vicar, "You protect the town with your life, you were different from the people of the slums... I wouldn't mind celebrating it with you." Captain Callum said that. 

"I still was the people of the slums." 

"Enough of that, I guess I had no other choice than to do this...." Lord Framer said as he put his hand on Vicar's shoulder and said, "From now on, you're not Vicar of the Slums... You're Vicar the Hero. The person that defeat the skeletons." 

Hearing that, Vicar immediately replied. "But, I'm not the one that defeated the skeleton lord as it was you guys that defeat it...I wasn't the only person fighting the skeletons, there were other people too. I didn't deserve that title." 

"We know that you didn't defeat the skeleton lord but you fight it with us, you didn't even try to run away from the battle, you tried to protect the town even though the town doesn't even care for you... You deserve to be called a Hero." Captain Callum said that to Vicar.

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