Reincarnated As The Hero Ring

Chapter 140 - She's Dead

"But a hero title for someone like me isn't that too extravagant. Will the people able to accept that?" Vicar said that. 

Sir Esmir then replied that "The town people wouldn't care for that and instead they will be proud because a hero that saves the town doesn't come from a noble's blood and just someone at the lowest rank of society." 

Lord Framer nods his head as he also said to Vicar, "What Esmir said is right, the people will surely accept it. But do you accept that title?' Lord Framer ask Vicar that question. 

"I'm not sure whether I should accept the title as I'm not the one that saves the town. I know that I also have a part in saving the town but that also means the town guards also deserve the title as they also fought to protect the town." Vicar said that. 

"I know what you mean, they all fought in this battle but it's their duty to do so. You, on the other hand, wasn't even a town guard and let you join in the fight where you should just let us handle it." Captain Callum said that with Vicar. 

Sir Esmir then said after that, "You should just accept that title young man. Besides, you're different from the rest. You able to hold your grounds against the skeleton lord, you're a special young man." 

"I'm not that special, I just had the help from the..." Before Vicar said any further, I immediately stop him as I know what he gonna say next. 

"Vicar! Don't mention me, I think they would destroy me if you do so... Do you forget that my origin was from the demon lord." I said that to Vicar. 

Vicar quickly understands what I'm trying to say and immediately changed the subject. "I understand... I will accept the title of Hero." Vicar said that. 

The three of them didn't even notice the change and that means Vicar had successfully changed the subject without any problem. Sir Esmir was happy that Vicar had accepted the title and ask Vicar if he will be joining the celebration tonight. 

After Vicar finally agrees to join the victory celebration at Lord Framer's place. All of them agree to meet up at Lord Framer's house after they had finished up what they all wanted to do in the evening. Before Captain Callum leaves, Vicar did give back the magic sword that the captain lent to him to fight the skeleton lord. 

With that, all of them left the outer wall and the only one that stays in the area was Vicar. 

"Should we head back to the town?" I ask Vicar as he was still staying in this place. I don't know why but Vicar seems to be looking something at this area. 

"Maybe later, there something I want to do first here..." Vicar said that as he kept looking for something. 

I wonder what the thing that he been looking for in this area. There isn't any stuff that he had a drop in this place, so it's kinda makes me curious about what he been searching for. After a few minutes of searching for it, Vicar still didn't find the thing he been searching for. 

I then ask him what was he searching for, "Vicar? What's actually you been searching in the area, is that thing really important." 

"I'm not looking for a thing, I actually looking for someone..." Vicar's answer was kinda surprising me a bit, he wasn't searching for stuff but an actual person. But who was he searching for, there wasn't anyone that he knows at this place. 

"So would you tell me who is the person you searching for here, I could also help you to find that person," I said that to Vicar as I offer my help to him. 

"Sure, I'm searching for Eli." He said that. 

I was more surprised when he said that name, why would he looks for her. Eli wasn't that important to him, I then thought that he might be feeling guilty about how he commanded the skeletons to kill Eli. Suddenly I remember that I hadn't told him that part yet because we were in the middle of a battle at that time. 

That's must be the reason why search for her right now, Vicar must think that Eli was still alive. He doesn't know the truth yet. I was kinda hesitant to tell him about this as he probably feeling guiltily after this and blame himself for what had happened back then. 

But when I think about it, Vicar does deserve to know what had happened when he was being manipulated by the dark ring. 

"Vicar listen... You shouldn't be looking for Eli anymore." I said that to him as he was still searching for her. 

Vicar looks at me confuse, he must be wondering why I said that. "Why?" Vicar said asking me why he shouldn't be looking for her. 

I then tell Vicar the truth about what had happened with Eli. I mention all of it to Vicar and after he listens to all of it. He didn't believe that he had killed Eli that time. 

"What had I done..." Vicar said that as he started to blame himself for that incident.

"You hadn't done anything Vicar, It was the dark ring fault." I was trying to stop Vicar from blaming himself. 

He shakes his head as he said, "It was because of me if only I hadn't put that dark ring on my finger... She wouldn't have died." Vicar said as he really feels guilty about it. 

I know it would be hard for me to convince Vicar that he wasn't at fault at that time. I will try my best as he wasn't guilty at all as the dark ring had controlled over his action and behavior when he put on that thing on his finger. 

"It's true that you put on the dark ring but it was to protect yourself from Eli's incoming attack, we all don't know that the dark ring would control your body..." I said that to Vicar. 

It's taken quite some time for me to finally convince Vicar that he was not to blame for what had happened before when we were fighting Eli. I'm glad that he had accepted the fact already, I know that Vicar does lead to Eli's death but he wasn't the order of the skeletons to kill her that time. 

"You're right ring, but still I need to search for her corpse and give her a proper burial this time," Vicar said that to me. 

"I wouldn't stop if that you wanted to do now, I will help..." I said that to Vicar. 

With that, we search the area which Eli's dead body should be. But for almost 30 minutes, we still didn't find her body in the area. Which is quite impossible as the body should be at that spot where Eli was killed by the skeletons. 

Something was on my mind, I suddenly remember that we didn't saw Eli was getting killed by the skeletons as we just went ahead to the city gate. There might be a possibility where she was able to survive, she was an undead after all. 

She might get away while we were busy fighting the skeleton lord at the front gate. Should I tell Vicar about this, he might search for her right away. I think it for a moment while Vicar was still searching for her corpse in the area. 

I then decided not to tell Vicar about this as he does look tired in my eyes. He has been fighting all of the skeletons all day long and didn't even have rest. The only moment that he took his rest was when he out of stamina and needed to restore it back. 

"I think we should stop searching for Eli's body..." I said that to Vicar. 

Vicar didn't listen to it as he still wanted to continue the search and will not give up until he found Eli's corpse. I started to think about a way to stop the search and somehow find a good way to make Vicar stop. I then tell him something that would make him stop. 

Like I have guessed, it does make Vicar stop and reconsider whether he should do that or continue to search for Eli in this area. Vicar then thinks for a while as to what he wanted to do next. 

After a few minutes, he finally decided to continue the search for Eli's corpse tomorrow as he picks to visit the guard's infirmary. He then thanks me for making him remember about that and Vicar immediately rushed to the guard's infirmary. 

I also wanted to know the condition of that man right now whether he was still alive or not. But I really hope that he was doing fine and I know that Vicar wouldn't forgive himself if he had died before his wound gets treated.

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