Reincarnated As The Hero Ring

Chapter 141 - Helping A Guard

Vicar then heads back to the town and while we were on the way, we did see a lot of the town guards helping carried the injured town guards to the infirmary. Vicar felt like he wanted to help and I didn't stop him as it was a good thing to do. 

"Should we help them?" Vicar ask me as he was hesitant to help as it will make him get to the guard's infirmary a little late. 

"It's up to you but I do think that we should help, after all, we also going to the same place," I say that to Vicar. 

After hearing my answer, Vicar then helps to carry an injured guard on his back as the other guards do the same thing as well. Vicar picks someone that has injured its knee, that person that on Vicar's back was still wearing the full set of the town guards armor. 

Along the way, Vicar tried to initiate some conversation with that person as it will take a few minutes to get there. Vicar asks about the battle but that person didn't reply at all. At first, Vicar may think that the person didn't hear what he has said because of the helm. 

Vicar repeat what he just said but that person didn't reply. I think that he was rude as he didn't even reply but as I think about why he didn't answer to Vicar. I realized that he must be tired or the injuries on his knee make him feel uncomfortable talking with Vicar right now. 

Vicar seems to realize it as well as he decided to drop the conversation as he just keeps on walking to the guard infirmary. It's kinda boring so I decide to talk with Vicar about what he gonna do next, as the battle was already over. 

"I don't know ring, I may go back to my daily life... being in the slums," Vicar said that. 

I was just about to reply but suddenly the person that Vicar carried was coughing and kinda interrupt me. Vicar immediately asks if he was okay or not. That person kept coughing and Vicar was worried, he quickly put the person on the ground. 

"Vicar! Remove his helm... he needs to breathe." I said that as he kept coughing. 

Vicar quickly removes his helm but as soon as he did that, we both realized that it wasn't a man but instead a woman. She looks like she was in pain as she closes her eyes, her face tells it all. Vicar didn't know what to do to help the woman. 

Suddenly I saw blood coming out within her armor and it may be the cause why she was in pain right now. She must have a wound under the armor. I told Vicar about it immediately as he needs to treat the injury as it's still quite a long way to reach the infirmary. 

"I think we could make it to the infirmary if only I run a bit faster..." Vicar suggests that. 

I completely disagree with Vicar's idea, "Doing that will just make her wound worsen, you must treat it first or she will lose a lot of blood along the way." I said that to Vicar. 

"I know that but she is a girl! The wound is beneath the armor so I need to remove her armor to treat her wound... You do know what I mean ring." Vicar said that. 

I completely forgot about the fact that she was a female guard. I know that we would see her body if we do that but Vicar hadn't that much choice as I see her HP drop every second. Vicar really needs to treat her wound immediately.

"Vicar listen! Her wounds need to be treated or she will die. She only had more than hundreds of HP left and it drops very fast." I said to Vicar. 

He still hesitant whether he should remove the guard's armor or not, "I think I can't do this, better just carried her to the infirmary." Vicar said as he still thinks that was a good choice. 

"Do you want to feel guilty if she dies... We will not make it in time as I think her HP will reach zero when we finally arrive at the infirmary. Beside there no one here right now, just treat it quickly and then go to the infirmary." I said that to Vicar hoping that this time he would listen. 

Luckily this time, Vicar finally listen to my suggestion. He looks at his surroundings first as he was scared that there might be people here. I do know why Vicar feeling a little bit scared of people who saw him as it will give a wrong impression. 

It was kinda hard to remove the guard armor as it takes a minute to do so when we finally managed to take it off the woman. We noticed that she had a wound on the stomach and it quite serious. We both know that we weren't a healer and the best we could do was to take a piece of cloth that Vicar had, wrap it like a bandage as it will act as a temporary replacement for it. 

Vicar knew that carrying her on his back wouldn't be good as it would make the wound on her stomach worsen. Instead of that, he uses another way to carry her that was known as the bridal carry. With that, Vicar could run fast enough to the infirmary without making the woman wound worse than before. 

He ran as fast as he could but we still not enter the commoner district yet. But somehow I think we could manage to get there and get this woman wound treat by the healer. I'm glad that Vicar listens to my advice as to the woman HP still decreases but not that rapidly like before. 

I keep monitoring the woman HP and when we finally reach the commoner district, the woman was only two hundred more left. The wrapping that was on her body was a stain in blood, Vicar's hand has also become bloody and Vicar was really worried about the woman. 

"Don't worry Vicar, with the current speed... We would arrive at the infirmary without any problem." I said that as I try to help Vicar's mind ease a little. 

"Just in a couple of minute, we will soon arrive there... Don't die on us miss." Vicar said that to the woman. 

In just five minutes, we successfully arrive at the guard infirmary, and the town guards that we're currently helping the healer approach us when we get near them. 

"Could you take this woman and treat her wound..." Vicar said that to the town guards there. 

"She looks in a very bad condition... Call the healer out here please!" One of the guards ordered another guard to bring the healer here. 

The town guards rushed to the infirmary and in just a few seconds, a healer steps out from the infirmary and approach our place. The healer looks at the woman's wound and he realized how bad her wound was. 

"Please place the woman gently on the ground, I need to start healing as soon as possible." The healer said that to Vicar. 

Vicar does as what the healer told a put the woman gently on the ground and the healer put his hand above the woman wound. He then chants a few words that were supposedly healing magic. A light suddenly appeared on the healer's wound and he focuses the light on the woman's wound. 

The healer keeps chanting the healing magic and the wound was gradually close up in a few minutes. After a few more minutes the wound was completely disappeared on the woman as she was completely healed by the healer. 

"Thank you for healing the woman... Sir Healer." Vicar expresses his gratitude to the healer. 

"Call me Darius, it was my job but I should be the one that thanks to you for bringing her to this place as if she didn't get healed soon, she would die because of the wound." Darius the healer said that to Vicar. 

The woman was still unconscious and it will take time for her to finally be awake. The guards there then take the girl and enter the infirmary. With that our mission of saving the girl was over and we should continue our original objective. 

I reminded Vicar about why we were visiting the infirmary in the first place as he seems to forgot about it. He did forget about our actual objective and thanks me for reminding him about that.

Seeing Darius healing magic, that man wound was more serious than this woman but I'm sure that he could heal that man wound. The healer was still in this place and Vicar then asks the healer about that man as he was sure that Darius already heals that man before. 

"Darius? Do you see...."

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