Reincarnated As The Hero Ring

Chapter 142 - Missing!

"Do you see a man that suddenly appeared in the guard's infirmary?" Vicar asks Darius about that man. 

Darius scratches his head and said, "Could you tell me that person's name, I will not be able to tell you as they many people been here in the last few hours." 

Vicar then tells that person's name, "Okay, his name was Tane... Do you see that person here?" Vicar asks Darius. 

"Wait a minute, I tried to recall if I had healed a person that name Tane." Darius trying to remember the name of the person that he had heal before. 

After a few minutes of remembering whether he had healed a person name Tane, he said something that we both didn't expect. Darius's answer was no as he said that he never heal a person name Tane in the infirmary before, he then asks Vicar for Tane detail such as hair color and skin color. 

"Tane has an orange hair color and he does have a warm ivory color of skin," Vicar said that to Darius. 

Once again, Darius seems to recall whether he had healed someone that have the same characteristics as what Vicar had described of Tane. 

"I think I have healed someone with orange hair, I guess that might be the guy you searching for..." Darius said that. 

Vicar suddenly asks whether he was doing fine or not as he scared that the injuries would harm Tane. Surprisingly, Darius said that the wound he had healed of that man doesn't that worst, it just a minor wound that could be healed easily not like the girl that Vicar brought here just now. 

Hearing that we both feel a little weird about what Darius said with us just now, he said that Tane wound wasn't that serious. I began to wonder if that person was Tane after all as there might be someone that had orange hair in the town as well. 

"Vicar? Do you think that the person Darius heal was Tane?" I ask Vicar about it as I have my doubt on this. 

"Maybe... but try to think this way ring. Maybe, Darius, had many experienced it healing people wounds and he might think that Tane's wound wasn't that serious compare to all of the things he had heal before." Vicar said that to me as he still believes that that guy was Tane. 

"I don't know Vicar, Tane wound was pretty bad... I kinda know what you meant by Darius had experienced in healing but he did compare the girl wound to Tane. He said that the girl wound was worse than Tane is." I said that to him. 

"Well, the only thing we could do just now is to visit that guy and see for ourselves whether he was Tane or not," Vicar said that to me. 

Vicar then asks Darius to lead the way as he needed to see that man right now. Darius agreed to lead the way as he said that he also needed to check on the injured people there. With that, we enter the guard infirmary and follow Darius. 

Along the way, there were a lot of guards here and most of them were pretty much in a bad shape. I kinda feel guilty about this as part of the attacks of the skeleton was because of me. I promised myself that I will atone for what I had done. 

After a few seconds of walking, Darius finally stopped and shows us the man that we wanted to see. "Here, the man that you been searching for," Darius said. 

When we saw that man, we both were shocked as that man wasn't Tane at all. He does indeed have orange hair but it wasn't Tane. Vicar then immediately asked Darius again. 

"This wasn't the guy we search for, is there any orange hair guy in here..." Tane asks Darius and he really needs to find Tane. 

"Oh! I'm sorry then... I'm not quite sure if there any other orange hair guy here as I don't quite remember." Darius said that to Tane. 

"Can I search for him myself in the infirmary?" Vicar asks for permission. 

"Sure, just don't bother the resting time of the injured guards here..." Darius said that as he left us because he was called to heal other guards that arrive in the infirmary. 

Gaining that permission, Vicar begins his search operation in the guard infirmary. He has been searching for him for almost an hour, he checked all of the places here but he couldn't find him in this place. Vicar didn't give up as he thinks that he might mislook in some certain areas. 

He finally gave up as already checked thrice in all of the areas in the infirmary. "There's no way that he wouldn't be here, I'm sure that he been teleported here..." Vicar said that. 

"Well if Tane was teleported here, he must be here... There could be only one reason for this." I said that Vicar. 

"And what is that reason?" Vicar asks me. 

"The reason is obvious, Tane wasn't teleported here as he was teleported in another place." That the only possible reason that I could think of right now.

"You mean that he wasn't teleported here! So where did Tane teleported to?" Vicar asks me.

��That I don't know, where was the place that you think when you were about to teleport Tane," I said that as Vicar was the one that activated the teleport talent at that time. 

"I can't remember but I'm sure that I think of the infirmary when Tane was about to be teleported." He replied that. 

"We know now that Tane wasn't here so that means the teleported to another place that you had been before... the only thing we could do is search Tane in the place where you had been," I said that to him. 

After hearing what I had just said to him, he suddenly leaves the guard infirmary in a hurry and the destination he headed was towards the slums area. He must think that Tane had been teleported there and wanted to check it out whether it was true or not. 

But before he headed towards the slums area, he wanted to check the guard barracks as he thought that Tane might be there but I did tell him that Tane wouldn't be at the barracks if he teleported in the barracks. The guards there would find and send him to the infirmary instantly. 

Eight minutes was wasted just to get to the slums and the slums seem to be unscathed at all even though there was a recent attack from the skeletons. It's almost like the skeletons didn't spawn at this place at all, I wonder why is that. 

Vicar search for Tane in the slums area for hours but he couldn't find him at all, he was frustrated as he didn't find Tane. 

"Vicar! Remember what's the place you think when you activated the teleport, that's the only way we could find Tane... It's really wasting time as we need to find him quick." I said that to Vicar as that was the only way. 

"I'm sorry ring, I really don't remember... My mind was in a panic as I saw Tane was dying in front of us." Vicar replied to me. 

"If that the case, it would be pretty hard to find Tane... The only thing we could do now was to keep searching." I said that. 

Vicar then continues his search, he enters the noble district as Tane had might be teleported there. Vicar begins his search in that area immediately but he was stopped as soon as he meets a certain someone that tried to interfere in his search. 

"Isn't that the person from the slums, entering the noble district to steal some stuff?" That man said that to Vicar. 

Vicar did try to ignore that man but he keeps saying things to him that makes Vicar couldn't take it anymore. "Sir Allen, could you stop bothering me... I really need to focus on." 

"Listen, kid, I wanted to apologize for before..." Sir Allen suddenly apologize to us and that kinda makes us feel a little weird about it. 

"Well, don't bother us... I need to find someone so please..." Vicar really wanted to leave but he suddenly stops as he hears something from Sir Allen. 

"I know about the skeletons that appeared in the town recently, this was related to Eli right?" Sir Allen said that to Vicar. 

Vicar turns to look at Sir Allen, "You're right, this is related to Eli... but don't worry she already dead for good." Vicar said that to Sir Allen. 

"That really good, the town wouldn't be in danger anymore." Sir Allen said that. 

"Your wife Eli finally died, aren't you supposed to sad instead of happy..." Vicar said.

Sir Allen shakes his head, "She wasn't my wife Eli anymore, she was totally a different person."

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