Reincarnated As The Hero Ring

Chapter 143 - What's happen really?

"You know that you the one that makes Eli like that! If not she would just die peacefully..." Vicar said that, even though he seems to ignore Eli all the time, he did care for her after all. 

"I know that I'm the one to blame but I really love my dead wife and couldn't accept her death." Sir Allen said that as tears coming out from him. 

Somehow I don't whether why but I think Sir Allen's personality keeps changing every time we met him. At first, I thought he was one caring dad and suddenly it changed as he insisted Aliss marry Linceo. At that time I really thought that his true personality was arrogant and selfish as I see how he reacts to the people of the slums. 

So which was his true personality then, maybe it's because I don't know him well yet. I only met him a couple of times and give my opinion on him based on how he talks with other people around him. I should learn about him more as I think I had made an error in my judgment on Sir Allen. 

"I don't know whether I wanted to feel sorry for you right now as you're the one that revives her and didn't finish it... You let her suffer!" Vicar said. 

"You didn't know anything, I had to stop the revival of my dead wife as I discovered..." Sir Allen went to complete silence. It seems that he was scared to say it to us, we could easily tell that because we could see that he was a little bit frighten at something. 

"If you didn't want to tell me, it's fine because I really don't have the time for it right now," Vicar said that as he wanted to keep on the look for Tane that might get teleported in the area. 

Vicar then was about to walk off from Sir Allen but Sir Allen told him to stop as he would explain the reason why he stops to revive his dead wife. 

"Stop! I would tell you... you do need to know this." Sir Allen said. 

Vicar turned, looked at Sir Allen, and said, "I really don't have the time but could we go in the secret place that you built while you explain everything to me."

I was not sure why Vicar want to go back there as that place was just full of skeletons. I just wanted to ask him about that but then I realized that it might be because he wanted to search for Tane there. We pretty much cover all the places in the noble district after all and the only place we haven't search for was that secret place. 

"There's no need to go there as I could explain it here..." Sir Allen said as he was a little confused about why Vicar wanted to go there. 

"I have something to do there and I really don't want to waste any time right now," Vicar said. 

"Something to do? There's nothing there besides the skeletons." Sir Allen was still confused at Vicar. 

"Well, they're something that I really need to do and I will force my way through your manor if you choose to not let me in," Vicar said as he looks really determined about it. 

Sir Allen agreed to the request and let Vicar the permission to enter the secret place, while we walk to Sir Allen manor. He started to explain why he stopped the revival. Both Vicar and I listen to it as we could finally know the actual reason. 


I received a baby girl for the ritual and it supposes to be the last baby needed for me to finally complete the revival of my dead wife Eli. I also was anticipating the new maid that will come to serve me within just a couple of weeks. 

I had fired all the maids as they began to suspect me like the baby I keep adopting been missing every night. I was scared that I will not be able to finish what I had started because of the attention that I get from the maids. It will ruin the revival of my dead wife. 

Sir Allen looks at the baby girl's face and the baby girl smile at him. Looking at the innocent smile, I think about the horrible things that I had done just to revive Eli. All the baby girl, the prisoner in the dungeon that I had killed, I know that I wouldn't even have a slight chance to enter heaven. 

But who cares about that, if I could make my wife alive once more. I would be happy in this world and it's much better than heaven. I lay the baby girl in a crib and ask one of the maids to take care of her while I going to the town. 

I really wanted to do the sacrifice right now but I had to wait until night comes as the maid would get suspicious of me. I then head to the town and decided to go to the park to let my mind be at ease a bit. 

But to my surprise I saw the shady guy there, it seems that he been waiting for me and somehow know that I will be here today. I then sit near the shady guy and then I thanks him for teaching me the arts of necromancy as soon enough, my wife would be revived. 

"There's so much that I wanted to tell you but about the progress that I..." Before I could say the progress I could see the shady guy's broad smile. I immediately stopped after seeing that.

"No need to explain as I already know all of it. You have done this really well..." He said that and then seems to be searching for something in his cloak. The item that he grabs within his cloak was a dark ring, a very unique ring that I haven't seen before. 

The shady guy then give the dark ring to me as I was confused about it, "What's this ring? The design is very unique from the rest of the stats boost ring that the adventurer wear." 

He smiles at me again, "This is the dark ring, a ring that you should put on your soon fully revive wife." He said that to me. 

I wanted to ask more but the moment I take my eyes off him, he simply vanishes from the place. Like he wasn't even there at all, this was the second time the shady guy did something like this with me. I then head back to the manor and wanted to see what the dark ring does if I put on Eli's finger. 

Without any noticing me, I managed to enter the secret place that I had built. Until now, I still didn't name this secret place as it will destroy it as soon as I finish the revival. Heading to the room where Eli was, I saw her there lying on the bed. 

I approach her and gently stroke her face, this day she was unconscious. Usually, she would be saying some words to me when I was here. I then remember about the dark ring and put it on Eli, just like what the shady guy had told me to do before. 

I expected that it will do something as soon as Eli wear the dark ring, it doesn't do anything. I waited for almost an hour but still, nothing happens. I realized that I had spent a huge amount of time and I needed to head back to the manor as the maids would suspect something. 

I then leave Eli and headed back to the manor. I waited for the night time as I was kinda ready for the last sacrifice. Finally, the night has come and I will do this one last time but somehow I had a bad feeling about this night. 

Eli usually whispers to me this time around but somehow today she doesn't do that. I grab the baby girl in the crib as I tried to silently bring her to the secret place and use this baby girl as a sacrifice. Suddenly, I hear a knock coming from the front door of my manor. 

It was so loud that the maids in the manor would be awake, this would be really bad if I get caught. With that, I decided to abort the plan and head back to my room. 


Sir Allen didn't finish explaining it all to us but Vicar decided that the explanation will behold until he came out from the secret place. It was because we finally here at the dungeon cell that Vicar once put into. 

"I really think that you should stick it to the end and listen to everything." Sir Allen said that. 

"I'm sorry, a friend may need my help in that place..." Vicar said that as he opens the tunnel to the secret place once again.

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