Reincarnated As The Hero Ring

Chapter 145 - Jump Off Again!

Realizing that the exit might not be working properly anymore, we both know that the only option we had was for Vicar to jump the cliff once again. 

"I think we both our next exit will be right Vicar?" I said that to him. 

Vicar look at me and said, "Yes... I really don't want to jump off the cliff once again but this lever has broken and the only way to exit the place is for me to jump."

"Don't worry Vicar, I will try to wake you up if you fall unconscious after that," I said that as I still remember how Vicar was unconscious as the impact he gets from jumping the cliff that was quite tall. 

"No need to worry about that ring, that time I kinda rushed the jump and messed it up. This time I will certainly keep my consciousness after that jump." Vicar said that to me. 

Vicar did try pulling the lever once last time to see whether it works or not but it doesn't work. With that, Vicar headed to the cliff area as we need to exit this place. When we were there, we look at the ocean and realized that the sun was setting. 

The last time we were at this cliff, it was night time. I still remember we're getting chased by the skeletons and how powerless Vicar was to fight the skeletons. Right now, it seems that he could handle pretty much basic monster even though the number of the monster were many. 

If we were surrounded by the Murkshell at the shore after we get there, I'm sure that the Murkshell would be defeated in just seconds. 

Vicar was standing near the cliff and began to look down, "Hey ring, do you remember the thing you said earlier in the library?" 

"What? There are many things we talk about in that room... could you be specific?" I ask Vicar. 

"About the one that if I will be unconscious after this..." Vicar said as he looking at me. 

"Why? I thought that you're confident that you will not be unconscious." I replied to him. 

Vicar shakes his head and said, "Looking about how tall the cliff is, the impact that I get when I jump to the water will highly hurt me and maybe knock me unconscious." 

"Okay, I understand... Don't worry about that." I said that to him. 

After saying that, Vicar makes some distance and started to run to the end of the cliff, he then jumps and now he was falling down. It happens so fast that the next thing I hear was a huge splash sound as Vicar successfully jump into the ocean. 

I then started to do my job that was making sure that he was unconscious or not. "Vicar? Could you hear me! If you hear, please reply!" 

I thought that Vicar unconscious as he started to sink deep. His whole body also didn't move at all as I started to become more panicked in this situation. But he suddenly started to move and swim his way to the surface to get some air. 

He gasps for his breath for a few seconds after he gets to the ocean surface, he then looks at me and said. "Thanks for that! but I was fine..." 

Vicar then swims to the shore and when we finally get to the shore, it was already dark. I then started to recall what a few hectic days we have been through together. Getting lock in the dungeon, discovering Sir Allen's secret, meeting Eli and Tane and the worst thing was the skeletons. 

"Hey ring, look there... there was some turtle shell at that place." Vicar points it to me. 

"Don't bother about it Vicar, it will be probably the Murkshell. Attacking them will just waste our time, let's move and head to the town before it gets much darker." I said that to him as our torches were basically useless now as it was soaked in water. 

"You're right ring, we should hurry..." With that Vicar been to enter the woods, even though it was dark we could still see our way. 

Then I remember something in the woods and immediately tell Vicar about it, "Hey Vicar? Do you think that Tane might get teleported into his own house?" I said that as I think that he might be there. 

"We still didn't check his place yet... He might be there." Vicar then rushed to Tane's place as he really hopes that Tane was there. 

Vicar runs so fast that it barely passed five minutes to arrive at Tane cottage. He knocks on the door and soon enough it was open by the Tane grandma. Her reaction when she saw us, it's like that she didn't believe that we're here. 

"Oh! It's you... what your name again young man?" Tane's grandma asks Vicar his name. Does she really forget about Vicar's name?

"My name is Vicar, I'm gonna cut to the chase here. Was Tane here, is he still alive?" Vicar didn't bother to say any other things first and he gets to the point immediately. 

And with that answer, our search for Tane was finally over as Tane's grandma said that he was here and he was still alive. Hearing that answer, we both were so happy and relieved that Tane was fine and still alive despite those injuries. 

"Could we see him right now?" Vicar asks the grandma's permission. 

"I'm really sorry Vicar, you couldn't see him..." Tane's grandma said that to Vicar. 

"Why? Is that because I was to blame for his injuries, if that the case I will apologize but please let me see him right now." Vicar said. 

Tane grandma shakes her head, "I don't know what happens in the town but I'm sure that you were not to blame for the injuries. The reason why I didn't let you see Tane is because he was sleeping right now." Tane's grandma said that to Vicar. 

"Oh, I thought that you..." Before Vicar could finish, Tane's grandma invited Vicar inside the cottage, and then she said would like to know what really happens in the town. 

Vicar then enters the cottage and Tane's grandma told him to sit on the seat as she would like to brew some tea for Vicar. While we're waiting for Tane's grandma to finish preparing tea for Vicar, I talk to him. 

"Whoever thought that he would be teleported here..." I said that to Vicar. 

"I guess I was too panic and somehow think about his home. But I really glad that he doesn't get teleported into somewhere else that might be dangerous and might cause him to be dead." Vicar said. 

Talking about the teleportation, I then realized something. "You know Vicar, I just realized we have another way to escape the secret place without for you to jump off the cliff."

"What? There's another way... So do you want to tell me or not?" Vicar was curious about it. 

"We could just wait for the day to gone by and we could use the teleport once again," I said that to Vicar. 

"I feel that we both we're dumb to not noticing that option then..." Vicar said. 

"I wouldn't say that because we choose to jump the cliff to escape, we end up finding Tane here. So we're lucky." I replied to Vicar. 

My conversation with Vicar is stopped as Tane grandma has walkout from the kitchen, Tane grandma serves the tea to Vicar and the conversation continues where it left off before. 

Tane's grandma asked Vicar to tell her everything that had to happen in the town and why did Tane suddenly appeared in the house with that injury. We know that we couldn't lie to Tane's grandma and we decided to tell her the whole truth.

It took a couple of minutes, almost like an hour or so for Vicar to finish to explain what had happened to Tane. I realized that Vicar did change the story a bit as he wanted to keep me a secret from Tane's grandma. 

Hearing Vicar's explanation, she said one thing to Vicar. "If I know that this gonna happen, I will give Tane his father ring." 

"If I remember correctly, I think Tane had used a ring when we fight the giant rats. Isn't that his father ring?" Vicar asks a question to Tane's grandma.  

"That's wasn���t his father's ring, it was just a normal adventurer ring that he bought. His father ring is quite unique and will probably save him from getting the wound." Tane's grandma said. 

The way that Tane's grandma said that makes me curious about that particular ring. Vicar has taken an interest in that ring and ask Tane grandma the ring power. 

Tane's grandma didn't answer that question as she said that if someone knows that ring power, they would certainly try to steal it. It seems that Tane's grandma didn't trust Vicar yet.

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