Reincarnated As The Hero Ring

Chapter 146 - Free Time (I)

"Why do I need to steal the ring? I doubt that knowing the ring power would tempt me to steal it." Vicar said it to me. 

"I trust you Vicar and I know that you wouldn't steal it even if you know what that particular ring could do," I said to Vicar. 

Vicar tried to persuade Tane's grandma to tell him the ring power as he was really curious about it. Tane's grandma still wouldn't tell us about it. But then she begins to think something. 

She then said something, "If you really wanted to know about it, I will tell Vicar but only after Tane wakes up." 

"Really?" Vicar said that as he didn't believe that Tane's grandma finally agrees to tell him the ring power. 

I was a little bit surprised as to why Tane grandma suddenly agreed as I suspected something but maybe I'm just overthinking this stuff. Maybe she finally trusts Vicar and decided that Vicar should know about it already. I can't wait for Tane to be awake from his sleep. 

"Vicar, you should probably rest as you been through so much for today. Your room will be the same as the last time." Tane's grandma said that to Vicar. 

Tane grandma was right as it has been late and Vicar should sleep and take some good rest while we here. Vicar thank Tane's grandma and head to the room that we used to sleep. His body also knows that it needs rest as he then dives straight into the bed and immediately falls asleep. 

I still have the energy as I don't do that much in the fight as usual. I then begin to think about all of the things that happen. But I keep thinking about the shady guy and the follower of the demon lord. Why do they want to revive the demon lord, reviving the demon lord would just cause destruction to this world. 

Yet still, they really wanted to revive the demon lord. I then realize that I had little knowledge about the demon lord and its history. And another question that been in my mind was who were the twelve holy knights' identity and what their ability for them to be able to defeat the powerful demon lord. 

As I think about this matter, I gradually didn't realize that I had fallen asleep as well and realize that when I hear the same sound coming from the chicken and the sun. I open my vision and see that Vicar was already awake and has already taken a shower without me realizing it. 

"You already take a shower!? How could I not be awake at that time..." I said that to Vicar. 

Vicar looks at me surprised, "You're sleeping that time, that's why you're not replying to what I said." 

Maybe that I as well as tired from been used and need to recharge my energy once again. I then talk about another topic with Vicar, "Hey? Is Tane already awake..." I ask Vicar. 

Vicar shakes his head while looking at me, "Nah, he still didn't wake yet... Maybe because of the injury that he had and needed more rest for him to recover." Vicar said that to me. 

"Hmm I see, so what are we gonna do now?" I said. 

"Tane grandma is preparing breakfast right now so I probably will eat and wait here until Tane wakes up," Vicar replied. 

"What! You're planning to wait here, Vicar? Shouldn't we head back to the town..." I said that to Vicar. 

"I want to make sure that Tane is okay and I also want to know the ring power." He said that as I really don't think he should wait here. 

"I'm sure that Tane is okay Vicar, we wouldn't get to know the ring power because Tane is not awake yet. We should really head back to the town as there might be people that worry about you disappearing so suddenly." I said that to him. 

"You're right, Sir Allen might be wondering why we still didn't get out from that place and we've kinda missed the celebration," Vicar said. 

When Vicar said that, I just remember that last night Vicar was supposed to be at Lord Framer's place as Vicar was invited to the drinking session. I guess that they might be wondering why Vicar didn't show up yesterday night. 

"So should we use teleport talent? It can be used already..." I ask Vicar whether he wants to use the teleport to teleport himself to the town. 

"I don't think we should use it, I realize how important the teleport talent is and we should use it for emergency only," Vicar said that as it decided that we're gonna walk back to the town slowly. 

Vicar then eats some breakfast that was prepared by Tane's grandma. After finish eating all of the breakfast, he said to Tane's grandma that he gonna head back to the town first as he needs to do something there. He would be back and hoping that Tane would be awake at that time. 

"Sure just do the thing that you should do first..." Tane's grandma said. 

"Thanks, I will be back before dawn." With that Vicar leave the cottage and headed to the town. 

Within thirty-minute, Vicar finally arrives at the town gate and we both realized that the dead body at the outer area and in the town gate was gone. I guess all of the dead body has been bury properly, it was really fast that it's kinda make me didn't want to believe that they were able to do it in just a short time. 

The town gate area was empty and there were just two guards that guarding the gate. Vicar approaches them and asks them some questions. 

"Excuse me, Sir? Why does there only two of you here and why this place is empty?" Vicar asks. 

"All of the people are currently in the trade central area as there was a remembrance event right now." One of the guards told Vicar that. 

"I see, I understand that but why there were only you guys here. Shouldn't there be more guards here to make sure that this area is safe..." He asks again. 

"After the battle, the town guards' number had been reduced by a lot and most of them were injured. Most of the town guards were assigned at the port to make sure that the pirates wouldn't think to steal or attack the town." The guard said to Vicar. 

"Okay, but how did the town guards able to clear the dead body both the outside and the inside town so quickly?" Vicar asks. 

"Well about that, we had help from the adventurer guild but of course they do it not for free." The town guard said that. 

"One last question if you don't mind asking you?" Vicar said that. 

"Sure just ask us, it's pretty boring guarding this area and I need someone to talk so just ask..." The town guard said that to Vicar as he doesn't really mind Vicar asking him a lot of things. 

"Is Captain Callum at the remembrance event as well because I need to talk to him about something?" Vicar said. 

"The captain is at the event, it will be hard to find among the crowd but he is certainly at the area." The town guard said. 

With that, Vicar thanks the town guards and headed toward the trade central area to find Captain Callum there. When Vicar arrived at the trade central area, the crowds there were so many that it's making it hard to find the captain. 

With all of the noise of people crying and sobbing, we couldn't suddenly shout as it will kinda ruin the remembrance event so Vicar didn't do that. Moving among the crowds of people was also hard and we eventually stop as it was nearly impossible to find Captain Callum here. 

As Vicar was just about to head back, suddenly there was a hand on his shoulder. Vicar then turned to look whose hand was those and realized that it belongs the someone that we both know. The person that touch Vicar's shoulder was Sir Esmir. 

Sir Esmir seems to be saying something to Vicar at the moment but because of the crowd's noise, we both couldn't hear it properly and the only thing we hear was getting out of the crowds. We then realized that Sir Esmir may want to talk without the crowd's interference. 

We're right as Sir Esmir then started to walked away from the crowds and Vicar follow him from behind. After a while, we finally stopped in a place where there weren't that many people here. 

Sir Esmir then look at Vicar, "Where you went last night? Do you still think that you didn't deserve to be at Lord Framer's place?" Sir Esmir said. 

It seems that Sir Esmir had started to think that way but again it's our fault for not attending the celebration last night.

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