Reincarnated As The Hero Ring

Chapter 147 - Getting Recognition

"I really want to go but there something important that makes me unable to attend the celebration at Lord Framer's house," Vicar said. 

"I thought I already said that, no matter what important job we had to do after the battle. We all must attend the drinking session, do you forget that?" Sir Esmir said. 

"No Sir, it's really important. Do you remember Tane? The guy that always with me in the battle..." Vicar said. 

"I do remember... where did those friends of yours go as I didn't see him around you when we fight the skeleton lord?" Sir Esmir asks. 

"The reason why you didn't see him. Is that he get some wound that was really bad while we're fighting the skeletal mage. I immediately send him to get treatment so he..." Vicar didn't think this one through as he suddenly stops as he realized that he couldn't say that Tane was teleported by him. 

Sir Esmir waited for Vicar to finish what he wanted to said, we're in a pinch right now and I hope that Vicar was able to change the topic or somewhat create a good lie right now. 

"Vicar, just does something but don't mention the teleporting stuff," I said that to Vicar. 

Vicar takes a breath and about to said the rest of it but he was stopped as Captain Callum interrupt it. Captain Callum surprised to see Vicar here and greet him and then proceed to talk with Sir Esmir. 

"Why are you here Esmir? You know that Lord Framer wanted us to accompany him at the remembrance event." Captain Callum said. 

"My legs wouldn't be able to stand any longer so I decided to take a break and then I bump into Vicar here." Sir Esmir said. 

"Alright, I guess you had plenty of rest now and it's better then we head back to the event and be at Lord Framer's side until the event is over." Captain Callum said that to Sir Esmir. 

"Sure, I had plenty of time to rest my leg... Let's go back to the place." Sir Esmir said that and leave us. 

Captain Callum didn't know how he had saved us that time, we didn't have to lie or need to tell the truth about what happen with Tane. 

Captain Callum looked at Vicar and said, "Vicar, you better follow us as well because Lord Framer wanted to talk with you about something." 

Hearing that I was kinda curious as to why Lord Framer wanted to talk with Vicar, is there something important that Vicar needs to know. I guess we need to meet with Lord Framer ourselves, just to know what's the thing he wanted to tell Vicar about. 

"Okay if the Lord wishes me to be there, I will be there," Vicar replied that to Captain Callum. 

"Good, then we should hurry up a bit as we don't want to arrive there went the remembrance event is already over." Captain Callum said that. 

With that, we all went to the trade central area once again but this time we take a different route to the place. Along the way, we didn't encounter any crowds as we just saw town guards were guarding the area. As soon as we arrive I notice that we weren't mixed with the crowd. 

We were in front of the crowd and right now, Lord Framer was giving a speech to all of the people that gather around the trade central area. It was a speech about the fallen guards and the dead townspeople, how they should be honored in this remembrance event. 

Captain Callum make a small noise, Lord Framer notice the sound and look at us right now. He seems to be looking at Vicar and then he smiles while looking back at the crowd of people there. 

"Townspeople!, The hero that save our town from the undead abomination is with us right now..." Lord Framer said that. 

All the people immediately look in front to see the hero that Lord Framer mentions. The calm vibe that was in this area was destroyed immediately by the word hero. I hear that the crowds were yelling and making some noises as they wanted to see the hero. 

Lord Framer then walked towards Vicar, he placed both his hand on Vicar's shoulder. Vicar was surprised that Lord Framer suddenly touch his shoulder. 

"This man here is the hero that saves our town!" Lord Framer shouted that to the crowds. 

Hearing that the crowds went wild and started to look at Vicar real close but the guards managed to control the situation. As for Vicar, he was shocked and couldn't believe that Lord Framer said he was the hero that saves the town to the public. 

"I know that I accept the title but that doesn't mean I want to be recognized by the public as the hero that saves the town..." Vicar said that as he still didn't believe what happen. 

"I promise you that I will explain it later after this remembrance event is over. Right now just play along." Lord Framer said. 

I know that Vicar was confused right now as well as I am. I don't know why Lord Framer wanted Vicar to play along but I hope that the explanation that he gives, later on, will clear out what's going on. As it was the order from the lord of this town, Vicar feels obligated to do what he told him to do right now. 

"The hero here was the one who defeated the skeleton lord, which is the monster that commands all the skeletons to attack the town." Lord Framer said that. 

The crowds began to cheer even louder as it's like they had forgotten the one that passed away in the battle. I then see that not all people were cheering as the other that still had some sad look in their face. I know how hard for someone to forget about someone they care about had already died. 

Lord Framer then invited Vicar to the front and told him to give some speech to the people that gather here. Vicar refuses as with voice that so low, he said to Lord Framer. "I'm sorry but I really think that I can't do that, I don't use to give a speech."

"I believe you can do this Vicar." Lord Framer said. 

Vicar was still unsure whether he could give a good speech or not but Lord Framer really wanted Vicar to give a speech. With that pressure on Vicar, he finally steps to the front and takes a breath for a moment. 

"Hello town people, I'm Vicar also known as the hero that save this town but I'm gonna apologize to all of you here that lost someone in this battle. If only I am stronger, I could save everyone but I'm weak." Vicar look at the crowd and said his final word, "We should honor the dead and call them the hero instead..." 

Vicar finishes his speech and while he was there, I notice that Aliss was also here. She looked really surprised that to see Vicar was there in the front giving a speech, I guess she must be shocked as well to knowing that Vicar was a hero now. 

After a few more hours, the remembrance event has finally ended and all of the people here began to leave one by one. Until only a few people still here, it's seems that all the people that stay here were the people that had lost someone in the battle. 

They were still mourning and Vicar wanted to leave this place as he wanted to head back to the cottage. Suddenly Aliss jump out in front of Vicar and it startled him. 

"Hey, Vicar!" Aliss said. 

"Eli! Please don't do that again... you will give me a heart attack." Vicar said. 

"Our mighty hero gets a heart attack just like that, aren't you supposed to be brave and not easily surprised by what I do?" Aliss said that to Vicar. 

"A hero is still a human after all, what do you think a hero is?" Vicar said that as he smiles at Aliss. 

"Why you suddenly smile to me? Isn't that smile a little bit creepy..." Aliss said. 

Vicar pat Aliss head gently as he said, "I'm just glad that you're fine... I'm worried that the skeleton might have harmed you." 

"If a skeleton approaches me, I will just kick them but thanks for worrying about me," Aliss said that and she remove Vicar's hand from her head, she then said. "It seems that your dream has finally come, true Vicar." 

Vicar smile, "That dream when we said when we were still a child, I guess you could say that but I still think that I don't deserve the title." Vicar said. 

"You deserve it, Vicar, you protect the town from danger and with that saving hundreds of life in this town," Aliss said. 

Does Vicar really don't want the recognition?

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