Reincarnated As The Hero Ring

Chapter 148 - Ain't You Famous

"You don't understand Aliss, if you are at the battle... You will know that I'm not the hero in this." Vicar said.

"If that the case, explain to me so that I will understand why you denied yourself the title hero," Aliss said that. 

"I'm sorry Aliss but I don't want you to be involved in this if you know it would hurt you," Vicar said that as he didn't want to tell the truth to Aliss. 

Aliss pout as she was dissatisfied with Vicar's reply, "If you don't want to tell me, I will just ask Mr.ring then. I'm sure that he will tell me about it." Aliss said. 

They both look at me right now, I agree with Vicar with this one as I also don't want Aliss to know about what had happened. If she knows about the dark ring, Eli and her father. I'm sure that she will hate her family and might do something stupid again like before. 

"Vicar told Aliss that I agree with you here... She shouldn't know about all of this." I said that to Vicar. 

Vicar then told Aliss that I also didn't want her to know but she somehow didn't believe it. She said that Vicar was lying and that I actually wanted to tell her the truth. 

"Listen here Aliss, the ring really didn't want you to know," Vicar said that to her. 

"If that really what the ring wants, I guess there might be some reason why you guys didn't want to tell me... Enough of that, what happen to your friend Vicar?" Aliss ask Vicar about Tane right now.

Vicar went silent for a moment and said, "Tane did get some injuries but he's fine, he is just resting in his house right now. I'm just about to visit him at this moment but somehow stop to have a conversation with you right now." 

Hearing that Aliss said, "Can I come with you, I also want to visit him...." Aliss ask Vicar as she wanted to join in as well. 

"Unfortunately, his house isn't in this town but it's at the outside so I don't think it's a good idea for you to tag along Aliss." Vicar said that as he worries about Aliss safety. 

"Don't worry Vicar, I can take care of myself... Beside his house isn't that far from the town right?" Aliss ask Vicar. 

"It does take a couple of minutes to arrive at his place but again I'm not sure whether you should tag along with us," Vicar said that. 

"Why? Is that place have a monster nearby and you doubt that I'm not able to defend myself?" Aliss said that to Vicar. 

"Part of that and the other thing that I worry about is whether your father will like for you to venture outside the town, I bet that Sir Allen will be furious if he knows about this," Vicar said to her.

"My father wouldn't know about this if there no one that told him..." Aliss glare at Vicar when she said that. 

"Of course I wouldn't tell you father but how about the guards, they will tell your father," Vicar said that. 

Aliss then look at Vicar and said, "Easy, just avoid them." 

Hearing that answer, there's no way to avoid the guards as they were keeping a close inspection on who leave or enter the town gate. Avoiding them will be hard and it will just make Vicar's task much harder. I know why Vicar didn't want Aliss to join. 

Not because of safety reasons, of course, Vicar can protect Aliss without any problem. About Sir Allen, that's might be the reason but I don't think that it was. The main reason was that if Aliss was there, Vicar couldn't be able to hear the ring's secret power. 

Vicar knew that and that's why he really against Aliss joining him up to visit Tane. I also kinda with Vicar side here as I also want to know the ring power. 

"Vicar, we could just use teleport now and go straight to Tane's house right now... That will save us from Aliss joining us up." I said that to Vicar. 

"Using it for that purpose will just waste the teleport, I will talk to her and make up some explanation of why she couldn't join," Vicar said that to me. 

"If that what you wanted to do then I would not object to it, it's your choice but I suggest you hurry up as Tane might already be awake," I said that to him. 

"Aliss, it's not like that I didn't want you to join but Tane requested that no one beside me can visit him. He doesn't like many people come to his house while he sick or injure." Vicar explains that to Aliss why she couldn't go with us to visit Tane.

"Really? If that what he wants, I guess I would meet him after he gets well. Just make sure to give my regards to him." Aliss said that and somehow she believe it, we really didn't expect it to work. 

"Don't worry, I will give your regards," Vicar said to Aliss. 

With that, Vicar said goodbye to Aliss and went straight to Tane's house. He seems to be really eager to go there as Tane might be awake right now and to know about the ring secret from Tane's grandma. 

Along the way, people around look at Vicar when he walks past them. Most of them whisper something went Vicar walk past them. We could hear a few people that were talking about Vicar from a distance as they were talking pretty loud. 

"That's the hero right?" The girl asks the other girl beside her.

"Yes, I thought that our hero is an ugly looking one but looking at him right now... He's kinda cute." The other girl replied. 

Vicar didn't really care about that as he just walks normally. Because of the title hero, Vicar was getting recognition from the people in the town. Vicar was one of the famous people right now in Eniesia Town as every time we passed a group of people, they will immediately approach Vicar to just shake his hand. 

"You're getting pretty well known right now Vicar, how's that make you feel," I ask him about his feeling at this moment. 

"I don't know but it's kinda annoying for being the attention of the people in this town," Vicar replied to me that. 

I really thought that he will be really happy about this, I didn't expect him to hate this. "May I ask the reason why you feeling that way?" I said that. 

"I guess because back then when I still nobody, people didn't even look at me right now as they think that I'm just a thug as I come from the slums," Vicar said that. 

"Well, I kinda know what's that feels like as I once had some similar experience with the one that you having right now," I said that to him as I remember that feeling once again. 

Vicar look at me and then said to me, "Do you want to share your story with me?" 

"Nah, it's a long story and I guess when we had the time I will then told you about it. For right now, let just go to Tane's house." I said that to Vicar as I didn't ready to discuss my past with Vicar yet. 

"Sure, let's find a good time for you to talk about your past with me," Vicar said that. 

Vicar keeps on walking and after around thirty more minutes, we finally arrive in front of Tane's house. Vicar then knocks on the door and just in a second the door was open by Tane's grandma. 

"I thought it was the shop owner, it's actually you... Come in!" Tane's grandma invited us inside the cottage. 

Vicar then asked Tane grandma a question, "Is Tane already awake? I really want to talk to him if he already awake." 

Tane's grandma looks at Vicar with a smile, "You could talk with him right now as he already awakes from his rest." 

Hearing what Tane's grandma had said to him, Vicar rushed to Tane's room as he was really happy that he was able to see Tane. He then opens the door of Tane's room, the door open and there we saw Tane was lying on the bed as he reading some book. 

"Tane!" Vicar shouted. 

Tane was startled by it and because of that, he dropped the book that he was reading. When Tane looks for the one that shouts his name, his face looks surprised to see Vicar here. 

"It's that you Vicar! It's that really you..." Tane said that as he didn't believe Vicar was here right now. 

Vicar smile as he saw that Tane was fine, "Of course this is me but do you forget that the ring is also here with me." Vicar said that. 

"Ahh! Yes, I almost forgot about your ring..." Tane said that.

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