Reincarnated As The Hero Ring

Chapter 162 - Tour Of The Dunkirk Neir

Vicar also heads back to the room just to put on the clothes that Desiric lend him. After that, he took the towel and went straight to the bathroom to take a shower. With the direction that has been provided by Nedo, we managed to find it easily. 

Vicar just took a quick shower as he didn't want to waste the time to explore every bit of places on the Dunkirk Neir. Just only took a few minutes for Vicar to be done as he then returns to his room, put on the clothes that Desiric lend him. 

The clothes were a perfect fit for Vicar, I guess Desiric was right after all that these clothes were the exact size for Vicar to wear. After that, Vicar went to look for Nedo as she promises Vicar earlier to give him a tour of the Dunkirk Neir. 

Vicar couldn't find her at the crew quarters so I told him that Nedo might be on the deck. He then goes to the deck to check whether Nedo was there and she was. Vicar immediately approaches her and began to make small talk with her. 

"Hey, Nedo, what you're doing..." Vicar said that. 

Nedo didn't notice that Vicar approaches and it makes her startled a little bit when Vicar suddenly talk with her. She was so focused on doing her job as he didn't see Vicar coming to her. She quickly turns around to see who was the one that talks to her. 

"Vicar! Don't startle me like that." Nedo said that with Vicar. 

"I'm sorry to surprise you like that, it's just that I wanted to see what are you doing here on the deck," Vicar said. 

"I know you didn't have the intention to startle me. I'm actually looking at the ship condition whether some part that needed to be replaced." Nedo said that and that somehow explain why she was looking all over the ship. 

"So you're the one that fixes the Dunkirk Neir if it has some broken part?" Vicar asks Nedo about that. 

"Yes, I know why you ask that... you thought that a repair job should be a man's work but on this ship there been an exception," Nedo said. 

"No I never thought that way, it's just that I'm impressed with you that you have the skill to do so unlike me that doesn't have that sort of skill," Vicar said that as it was some sort of a compliment for her. 

Hearing that compliment, Nedo blush for a bit as she said. "You're wrong, you do have a skill that was fighting and because of that, you could save your town from all of the skeletons. Without it, Eniesia Town could be destroyed."

"Maybe you're right but my fighting skill ain't to be proud of, I hadn't mastered it yet and because of that one of my friend get hurt in the battle," Vicar said that as he still thinks that Tane injuries were because he was lacking in the term of power and strength. 

"I wasn't there so I don't know what happen but one thing I know that you save the hundreds of townsfolk life. You should be proud of that Vicar." Nedo tried to make Vicar realize that fact. 

"Thanks for that Nedo but all of this talks, shouldn't you be checking some other part of this ship," Vicar said that. 

"You're right! I do need to check the storage and the supplies room... Do you want to join me? I can give you the tour that I had promised earlier." Nedo said that as she still the promise that she had made with Vicar. 

"Sure, there's nothing that I want to do so why not tag along with you," Vicar said that as he then follow Nedo from behind. 

While we're on the way to the storage and the supplies room, Nedo was giving us a tour of the Dunkirk Neir. Because Vicar was following her from behind, she thinks that Vicar wasn't able to hear her properly as Nedo told Vicar to walk together with her and not following from behind. 

"I prefer to walk behind you and just following you..." Vicar said. 

"You wouldn't hear me properly if you do so, better to walk beside me," Nedo said that. 

Vicar keeps refusing to do so but he then accepts it as he doesn't want to hear Nedo keep insisting him to walk beside her. After that, Nedo keeps explaining about the ship and we realized that this ship has many different places. 

I'm not really a ship fan in my world, I do play some war games that needed me to use a ship but the game doesn't explain in much detail like Nedo was doing right now. I'm sure both Vicar and I had learned a lot just from Nedo right now. 

In like fifteen minutes, we finally arrive at the storage and supplies room. This room was quite big than the rest but again because this was the supplies and store. 

"Vicar, could you check on the left side of this room?" Nedo asks for Vicar's help.

"It's not like I don't want to do it but I don't know whether I could do it or not, what if there was a broken thing on the left side and I thought it was in good condition. I don't have a piece of knowledge on this..." Vicar said. 

"I think it's doesn't that hard to spot if something were broken, anyone could do it. But if you still were unsure, just told me and I will be checking it later." Nedo said that as she still wanted Vicar to check on the left side of this room. 

Vicar was still a little bit hesitant about it, I then told him that this was his chance to repay the favor towards Nedo. "This is your chance, don't worry about it as I will also be checking the left side with you," I said that with Vicar. 

"Alright, I will do it but make sure to help me," Vicar said that to me. 

Nedo was waiting for Vicar to give her the answer whether he wanted to do it or not. "So what's the answer? Will you be up for it..." Nedo said. 

"Sure but don't blame me if something happens later," Vicar said that. 

Nedo gives Vicar a smile as she said, "Don't worry... I trust you in this. Just head back to this place if you had already finished checking it all.�� After that Nedo leaves us as she begins to check on the right side of the room. '

Vicar then walked to the left side of the room, he walks slowly and looking at every corner carefully. He walks very slowly just to avoid misses in some area, he does that as he was afraid that he might walk past the broken things in the area. 

Vicar looks at the wall of the room to make sure whether if they some holes or something. I doubled check on it just to be sure that there was definitely nothing broken there. We also check the crates in the area and all of them seems in okay condition. 

After making sure that there was no problem in the left area, Vicar then heads back to the area which Nedo told Vicar to go after finish checking. It looks like Nedo was already there as she was already finished checking the right side before us. 

Nedo then notices Vicar finish checking as she said, "You're taking away too long to finish checking the area." 

"Well it was because I was no expert in this, I had to check it three times just to make sure that I didn't miss anything," Vicar said that with Nedo. 

"That's good if you check it three times, so are there any broken things there?" Nedo asks as Vicar. 

"Nothing's broken Captain Nedo!" Vicar reply as he trying to make a joke right now. 

I didn't found it funny but it seems to make Nedo giggle a bit as she said, "Don't call me that, call me Nedo the Carpenter or..." She stopped suddenly. 

"Nedo the Carpenter or what?" Vicar asks. 

Nedo just shakes her head and replies to Vicar, "Just call me Nedo the Carpenter!" 

"Okay, I will call you that but still, I think that Captain Nedo suits you better," Vicar said that and both of them smile at each other. 

It's just me or what cause right now I see that Vicar was really comfortable with Nedo. I still remember yesterday that Vicar was kinda awkward when he talks with Nedo because he doesn't have that much confidence. 

I guess that they had become closer and it looks like Vicar had made a new friend on this ship. I'm really glad for him as his list of friends was really not much. 

Suddenly, Nedo realized something and immediately told Vicar about it.

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