Reincarnated As The Hero Ring

Chapter 163 - A Grimoire

"I think our job here is done then if you're sure that there's nothing broken in the left side of this room," Nedo said that. 

"Are you sure? Because you might want to check it back." Vicar said that as he still wasn't sure about it. 

"I trust you if you said that there's nothing broken there... then it's all good," Nedo said. 

"Okay but don't blame me if I made a mistake then," Vicar said that with Nedo.

"Don't worry about that, I will not blame you for that as I will take the responsibility if there something goes wrong but I'm sure that nothing is wrong," Nedo said that as she was really put trust in Vicar. 

"Nah, I will take the responsibility for that as I was the one that not carefully check the left side," Vicar said that as he didn't want Nedo to take the blame. 

"You're really a nice guy Vicar... I can see why you're a hero now." Nedo said that. 

"I'm not that nice but I really dislike the idea of someone getting the blame for my action," Vicar said. 

"Let's continue this conversation at the galley as we need to get something to eat. It's already the time to eat..." Nedo said with Vicar. 

With that, Vicar follows Nedo as he still doesn't know which way to get to the galley. While we're on the way to the galley, we meet Conrad and Desiric as they also wanted to go to the galley as well. 

"Vicar! I have been looking for you all of this time... where have you been?" Conrad asks Vicar. 

"Well, I'm was in the storage and supplies room with Nedo. Helping Nedo with her works but why are you searching for me?" Vicar replied. 

"Actually, Captain Neir told me that he wanted to see you in his quarter..." Conrad said. 

"Why does he wanted to see me, It's an urgent matter?" Vicar asks as he doesn't know why Captain Neir wanted to see him. 

"Don't ask me that I also don't know about it but looking at Captain Neir's face, I think it's kinda important," Conrad said that. 

"You should head there, Captain Neir is waiting for you," Desiric said. 

"You're right, I guess I should head to the captain quarter first..." Vicar said that and told Nedo to not wait for him as it may take a while. 

Vicar then change his course of direction and started heading to the Captain Neir quarter. Vicar walked very quickly as Captain Neir might have been waiting for him quite a long time. With that pace, we arrived outside the captain quarter in just a few minutes. 

Vicar opens the door and we see that Captain Neir was standing in his quarter. It seems like he been waiting for us to arrive. Captain Neir turn around when he heard the door of his quarter being open and realize the one who opens it was Vicar. 

Captain Neir then approaches Vicar and ask him a question, "Why are you late? I have been waiting for you for about an hour..." Captain Neir said. 

"I'm sorry about that Captain, I was in the storage and supplies room with Nedo. I stumbled with Conrad when we're going to the galley and he then told me about this." Vicar said that. 

"It's okay, I'm not mad but they're something that I wanted to discuss with you." Captain Neir looks rather serious right now. 

Captain Neir told Vicar to take a seat and then he will start to tell Vicar about it. Both of them sit down on the chair and Captain Neir began to ask Vicar several questions about Vicar's ability to fighting. 

"I really wanted to know about your current fighting skill..." Captain Neir ask Vicar. 

"Before I answer that question, why suddenly ask me about this... Does it related to the job that I needed to do on this ship?" Vicar said that as he was rather curious about why Captain Neir asks him this question. 

"It does, I need to make sure that you can protect it as this can be the toughest job ever in this whole ship." Captain Neir said that. 

It makes me kinda wonder what sort of thing that we're gonna protect. Why does Captain Neir say it was the toughest job, we had already explored most of the Dunkirk Neir area and all we saw was some crates and some supplies. 

I was certain that we're going to be securing those stuff but Captain Neir said to protect and when I think about that. It means that we're gonna protect a living thing and it must be a person that we're guarding. 

"My fighting skill ain't that great, to be honest as I think I still need more training?" Vicar simply said that. 

"You're being too humble Vicar, I know that you're fighting skill is great as you managed to defeat the skeleton lord." Captain Neir said. 

"If you already knew that, why to bother asking me about my fighting skill?" Vicar said that. 

"I know it seems kinda stupid for me to ask something that rather unnecessary but I need to make sure about it because this task ain't that easy." Captain Neir said. 

"May I ask, what will I be protecting..." Vicar asks as he was also curious about it. With the way Captain Neir said it, we both know that it's something dangerous. 

Captain Neir seems hesitant to tell us about it but he knows that we deserve to know what we're gonna be protecting. "I shouldn't hide this info for you, there is a reason why I let you sail with us to the Kingdom Of Kasneira." 

Captain Neir then told us the reason why he letting Vicar sail with the ship. The reason was that he knows that Vicar was a hero and might be able to protect an item that was really dangerous. Both Vicar and I didn't know what the item was as we never heard it before. 

The item was called Grimoire of Ruination, it was a dangerous item. Captain Neir told us the previous people that were supposed to be guarding that item had gone mad completely. 

"What happens to them?" Vicar asks. 

"We had to kill them, they can't be saved anymore as they had gone mad..." Captain Neir said that. 

"Why does that item on this ship, shouldn't you throw it away if it was dangerous," Vicar said that as he was right, it should be thrown away or better be destroyed. 

"I can't as this was not my item, we're just following the order to deliver this stuff to a certain man in the Kingdom Of Kasneira." Captain Neir said. 

"I see and who the one that orders you to deliver this stuff..." Vicar asks. 

Captain Neir then replied something that makes us realize that this item was really a dangerous one. "I didn't see his face but he was a man wearing a black cloak." Captain Neir said that. 

We both realized that this was the shady guy that we had met back in Eniesia Town. It must be related to the revival of the demon lord. Vicar then asks some other question to Captain Neir related to the person that had gone mad. 

"How does the last person gone mad? Does he immediately gone mad or slowly..." Vicar asks that question. 

"Well, the person will slowly become mad but we will know if he has already gone mad when he started to say something that we can't say and something about a monster near him." Captain Neir said that.

"But there something I wanted to ask as well, why do we need to guard the Grimoire of Ruination. It's just an item and no one here will steal it or anything." Vicar asks as he does have a point, if there no one guarding the book then no one will go mad. 

"At first when I received the Grimoire of Ruination, I just put it in the storage and supplies room but the Grimoire of Ruination kept missing and it will appear in a random spot in the ship. That's why we're keeping an eye on that item ever since." Captain Neir said. 

"Ever since? How long does the that Grimoire of Ruination be on the ship..." Vicar asks that question to know how long does the ship been keeping that item. 

"It's been about two months since we get that Grimoire of Ruination... We receive the item with a payment of 2000 gold in advance and when we deliver it we will get another 2000 gold." Captain Neir said. 

When we heard that it been two months, we're kinda shocked to know that it's been on the ship for a long time. I wonder how many people had gone mad guarding the Grimoire of Ruination. 

"Could you let me see the Grimoire of Ruination?" Vicar said that. 

"Of course, I will show you the place that we keep the Grimoire of Ruination... Just follow me." Captain Neir said as he stands up from his seat.

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