Reincarnated As The Hero Ring

Chapter 165 - Taking A Lunch

Before we leave Captain Neir's quarter, he reminded Vicar to be careful and cautious of his surroundings as they might be something around him. 

"Don't worry, I will be careful," Vicar replied as he headed back to the room. 

While Vicar was on his way, he saw Nedo seems to be looking for someone. Vicar then approaches her but this time he didn't startle Nedo, he didn't want to make the same mistake earlier when he approaches Nedo. 

"It seems you're looking for someone?" Vicar said. 

Nedo turns around and immediately said something to him. "Where have you been? I have been waiting for you at the galley..." Nedo sounds a little bit angry. 

"I was guarding the room that contains the Grimoire but why do you wait for me? Didn't I told you not to do so..." Vicar said that with Nedo. 

Nedo seems a little bit surprised when she heard about that, "What! Isn't that a dangerous room, I heard that some rumors about that room." Nedo said that. 

"It's just a rumor... I have guarded it for an hour and nothing happens." Vicar said that as he certainly couldn't say there some mysterious sounds coming from the room. If Vicar did say about it, the whole crew of this ship will start to panic and that would give the captain much more trouble. 

"Really? Because I do think that the rumors were based on a true story... if not why did all of the person that had been guarding the room quit the job." Nedo said that. 

When I heard that from Nedo, I realized that Captain Neir didn't tell the whole story to this ship crew. Captain Neir make a lie about their quitting the job but the truth was much darker. I guess Vicar had made the right decision to not telling this matter to Nedo. 

"I don't know about that but maybe they're tired of sailing and wanted to be on the land instead," Vicar said. 

"Maybe you're right, I'm also kinda wanted to be on land for a much period rather than be on this ship sailing... but still I really believe in the rumors." Nedo keeps talking about the room that contains The Grimoire of Ruination.

Vicar realized that if he talks about this matter, he might slip the truth so he quickly changed the subject. "Let's no talk about this shall we? I wanted to know why you're waiting for me..." Vicar said that as he trying to change the current subject of this conversation. 

"Sure if you want to do that... you ask me the reason why I'm waiting for you right? Well actually I just wanted to eat lunch with you and I thought that you will be returning shortly... I then realize that I had been waiting for you for an hour." Nedo said that but I doubt that it was the actual reason for this. 

"I already told you to not wait for me as I will be in there for a long time remember? You should have eaten your lunch without me Nedo." Vicar said that. 

"I know but..." Nedo stopped as it seems that she doesn't want to give us the actual reason. 

Vicar then grabs Nedo hands and said, "Let's eat our lunch together then as I know that you're hungry right now as well as I. 

I could see that Nedo blush for a moment when Vicar does that. It's just me or what as it seems that Nedo might have a feeling towards Vicar. But again, maybe she was just like Gaemo. Someone that really admires heroes. 

Nedo then told Vicar to sit on the corner as she will bring the food there. Vicar then seated on the chair and waited for Nedo to bring his lunch for today. After waiting for a few minutes, Nedo brings our lunch and place them at the table. 

I noticed that the food wasn't that fancy compared to what we had in the Tane house. I guess this might be because this was the only food that can be obtained on this ship. It was just a bowl of soup with some vegetables in it, there was also a grilled fish. 

Vicar happily eats all of the food on the table and didn't seem to care much about it. It might be because, for him, this was already a good meal. Vicar did come from the slums after all so he rarely experienced eating this sort of thing. 

I do wonder what Vicar had eaten until now to be able to survive living in the slums. The only possible answer was he might eat the leftover from some restaurant but I guess I need to ask Vicar about this as I couldn't just assume it. 

After finishing his lunch, Vicar wanted to go back to the place as he needed to open the door of that room. But Nedo prevented him to do so as she wanted to have a conversation with Vicar about something. 

"What do you want to talk about? I really need to get going and guarding that room right now." Vicar said as he wanted to know what was the thing that making the sound. 

"Please wait a moment, I just wanted to talk about..." Nedo stopped talking suddenly just like before.

"Nedo just tell me what do you wanted to say, I don't really have the time," Vicar said that. 

"Okay, it's actually related to our room..." Nedo said. 

We completely forgot about the room issue as there been so much going on since the morning. Both the argument and this job has made us distracted on that. We needed to find someone that wanted to swap rooms with Vicar. 

I really appreciate that Nedo tried to remind Vicar about that as it would be an issue if the nighttime comes around as I'm sure that Vicar wouldn't want to sleep within the same room with Nedo. Even though they're a bit comfortable around each other right now.

"I completely forgot about that...I'm sorry Nedo but I didn't have the time to look for a person that wanted to swap room with me." Vicar said that. 

"You don't have to apologize to me... I know that you're busy and if you still couldn't find someone that wanted to swap, I guess this night I would sleep at Valia's room again." Nedo said that. 

"No, you would sleep in your room this night... I promise you that I will find someone." Vicar said that as he didn't want Nedo to do that again tonight. 

"But if you couldn't find it today, just tell me as I would want to tell Valia much earlier," Nedo said. 

"Okay, I will make sure that I will tell you if I couldn't find someone that willing to swap room with me. So can I leave now?" Vicar said that as he wanted to go to the place already.

Nedo said that she will be on the decks if Vicar wanted to find her. With that finish, Vicar quickly left the galley and rushed to the place. When we arrive at the place, we do notice that nothing had changed in the area but we didn't hear the sound anymore. 

Vicar ask me whether he should open the door just to check what making that noise before. I told him not to do so as I think we should wait for the mysterious sound and then opened the door of this room. Vicar agreed with me as he then continues his guard duty. 

A few hours have gone and we didn't hear the sound anymore, Vicar asks me once again and this time I said to him that he should open the door up just to look inside the room. But when Vicar was just about to do so, Captain Neir come to this place. 

"Captain? Why are you here..." Vicar asks as the captain shouldn't be here at this time around. 

"I just wanted to see whether you had gone completely mad or not... you could say that I was checking on your situation." Captain Neir said that with Vicar. 

"I'm still not gone insane so there's no need for you to kill me," Vicar said that. 

"If that the case, I guess it's good then... It would really be a tragedy if I needed to do that as you're the hero after all. So do you open up the room to check for the mysterious sound?" Captain Neir ask that question to Vicar. 

"I just wanted to open it right now, I didn't choose to open it before as I couldn't hear the mysterious sound after coming back here," Vicar said that. 

"I see, we should open the door and check for it... Maybe this time we could see what's the thing that making that sound that people been hearing about." Captain Neir said. 

With the key in Vicar's hand, he opened the door of the room and it was slowly open up. Both Vicar and Captain Neir went inside the room just to see...

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