Reincarnated As The Hero Ring

Chapter 166 - Nothing Unusual

There was nothing in the room at all as it was the same as before. None of the objects in the room was a move at all and there certainly doesn't have any object that could make the sound that we both been hearing before when guarding this room. 

"As I said, there is indeed nothing here even though you're hearing the sound coming from here." Captain Neir said that with Vicar as he proves that there was nothing here. 

"I guess you're right... but the mysterious sound does come from here." Vicar said that as we both did hear it and certain that it coming from this room. 

"It's not that I didn't trust you but it would be hard for you to know what exactly made the sound that you have heard before." Captain Neir said. 

I realized that it would be hard for us to solve this mystery. I do wonder what sort of thing made the sound but I just hope that it wasn't something scary, such as a dangerous monster or curse like that. It would make this quite complicated if it involves that sort of thing. 

But somehow I'm sure that it would be involved with that as the Grimoire Of Ruination was definitely related to the cult that trying to revive the first demon lord into this world once again. I guess we had to be a little bit careful as we're dealing with something that was dangerous. 

"I will keep guarding this place and maybe I will hear the sound once again," Vicar said that to Captain Neir. 

Captain Neir then remembers something that he wanted to said to Vicar, "Almost forgot that you wouldn't be needed to guard this place when it was night time." 

"Why? I thought that I will be guarding this room for an entire day..." Vicar said that as he feels a little bit weird about what Captain Neir had said. 

"You do need the rest as well, I'm not a cruel person that wanted somebody to guard this place for the entire day." Captain Neir stated his reason. 

"But that means, this room will be completely unguarded for the night or the will be someone that replaces me when it's was nighttime," Vicar asks that as he thought that it would be ridiculous to leave this place with no one to guard it. 

"Indeed there will be a person replacing you at that time as the person was actually standing in front of you right now." Captain Neir said that. 

We're a bit shock to know that Captain Neir was the one that will be guarding this place beside us. We both thought for a certain that it would be someone among the ship crew but wasn't expected the captain of this ship would be that person. 

"So if that the case, you must also hear the mysterious sound before right?" Vicar asks Captain Neir about that issue again. 

"No I haven't heard of it beside I just started to do this after the previous person that was supposed to be guarding this place gone mad and had to be killed." Captain Neir said. 

"But still, it's kinda weird for you to not hear it... I just started guarding this room but I already hear the mysterious sound like the previous person hears it as well." Vicar said as he wanted to know why Captain Neir didn't hear the sound. 

"I couldn't give you the answer to that as I also didn't know why I wouldn't be able to hear the sound even though all of the person guarding the place has heard it before." Captain Neir said that as he didn't know the answer. 

"There must be a reason behind it as well, could you let me guard this room for the night... I'm hoping to hear it once again." Vicar said that. 

Captain Neir laugh when he heard what Vicar had said to him, "I don't know whether you're a brave man or just some fool... I still remember that everyone that been guarding this room before always told me that they wanted to quit yet you wanted to stay." Captain Neir said that with Vicar. 

"I'm sure that I'm neither fool nor a brave man, I just simply wanted to solve this mysterious and that's all," Vicar said. 

"If that the case then, I guess I will let you do what you wanted..." Captain Neir give permission to guard this place when it was night time. 

Vicar seems hesitant to say it but he just straight out and said it, "Captain! Could you please guard this area for a while as there something I wanted to talk with Nedo." 

"Sure but what's the thing that you wanted to talk with here..." Captain Neir was a little bit curious about it. 

"It's nothing important as it was related to our quarter," Vicar said. 

We could see that Captain Neir was a bit surprised just from his facial expression, "I didn't know that you're sharing the quarter with Nedo... I'm a bit surprised by this news." Captain Neir said that with Vicar. 

"Valia was the one that told me that was my quarter, I also a little bit shocked to know that my roommate was a girl as I really thought Nedo was a male based on her name," Vicar said as he still remembers that. 

Captain Neir suddenly ask a question that was unexpected off, "I see, so what do you think about Nedo then?"

"Well, she is kind and one that I can really get comfortable around with... You could say that I really am glad knowing her on my journey." Vicar said. 

"That's great then, I just worried that you might have some trouble with Nedo as she is kinda a bit..." Captain Neir doesn't finish what he wanted to say. 

I think it was the important part but when Vicar was asked about it, Captain Neir just said to Vicar to hurry and meet with Nedo. He also told us that Nedo was in the deck and if she wasn't there she might be in the gun deck checking the weapons there. 

With that, Vicar leaves the area as Captain Neir would guard the room while Vicar goes to see Nedo. Just to told her that she could use the room as Vicar wouldn't be using the room tonight because of the guard's duty that he wanted to do. 

Vicar arrives at the deck but couldn't find Nedo here and was just about to head to the gun deck as Captain Neir told that she might be there. But along the way, he comes across Gaemo that seems to head towards the deck. 

"Vicar! Where are you going?" Gaemo said that immediately as soon as he notices Vicar. 

"I'm going to the gun deck, just to see whether Nedo was there," Vicar said. 

"Nedo was there as I just come out from the gun deck as well, I think she was checking the weapon there," Gaemo said that as with that, it was confirmed that Nedo was there. 

"Thanks for that info," Vicar said that as he continues to get to the gun deck. 

When we enter the gun deck area, we did notice that Nedo was doing some maintenance on the ship's weapon. Vicar then calls Nedo name loudly, Nedo immediately turns behind as she smiles towards Vicar. It seems that she has been expecting Vicar to see her. 

Nedo approaches Vicar and asks, "So do you managed to find someone that wanted to swap quarter?" Nedo said. 

"Unfortunately, I didn't have the time to ask the crew but the reason I come here was to tell you that you could use your quarter for this night Nedo." Vicar said that. 

"Don't tell me that you're planning to sleep outside the room because you didn't want me to sleep in Valia room again..." Nedo said that as she thought it that way. 

"No of course not, I will just be guarding the room for this night and will not be using the quarter. So you can have it." Vicar said. 

I could tell that Nedo really dislikes the idea and blurted how she feels about it, "Is Captain Neir dumping this job on you? You do need to rest and shouldn't there be someone else to guard the room when it's night time." 

It was really weird for Nedo to care about Vicar like this. They weren't even friends yet but why does Nedo care so much for Vicar. I really think that Nedo does have a feeling for Vicar but she just met Vicar yesterday and I doubt that she could easily fall in love just like that. 

"I'm the one that volunteers to do this, Captain Neir doesn't force me or anything," Vicar replied to Nedo. 

"The reason why you volunteer is that you wanted to give me the quarter right?" Nedo thought it that way. 

Well, I think there will be a small argument happening...

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