Reincarnated As The Hero Ring

Chapter 172 - Unknown Place

"Active Teleport!" Vicar said that once again but still nothing happens as we still in this unknown place. 

"What are you doing Vicar? Just picture out any place, do waste our time..." I said that to Vicar as he might forget how to use the teleport talent. 

"I already picture out the image of the ship but somehow it won't be activated," Vicar said with me. 

"Try to teleport to the town, maybe we couldn't teleport back to the ship," I said that to Vicar. 

Vicar tried it once again but we weren't teleported back to the town. It makes me very confused about why we can't use the teleport. We could use the teleport five times, we don't even used it yet for this day. How come the teleport wouldn't be activated. 

"Ring? Are we out of teleport..." Vicar ask me as he was also confused why we're still here in the desert. 

When Vicar said that, I check out the teleport talent whether we really can't use if for today as it was still on cooldown perhaps. But it doesn't on cooldown and we can still use it, "No, I already check... We could use it." I said to Vicar. 

"So how come we can't teleport out from this place?" Vicar said that. 

"Don't ask me that as I also don't have the answer, but it might because of this place," I said that as it was the only possible reason for the teleport didn't activate. 

"That's mean we're stuck at this desert right now... and probably there might not be an exit from this place," Vicar said that. 

I do have the same thoughts with Vicar in this situation we in. There was nothing around us and what worse that we couldn't use the teleport talent at all. But I know we can't give in yet, there might be something around the desert that could give us information about this place and how to get out from here. 

"You're right Vicar but we can't give up hope yet, let's start exploring the area and maybe we could find something useful around," I said that to Vicar as I don't want us to be stuck here forever. 

"That's our only option now, let's just hope that we would find something in this barren desert..." Vicar said that as he started to explore around the area. 

There must be a hint somewhere around and we just need to find it. I refuse to give up here as I wanted to get my revenge on Captain Neir and Valia. They're the one that makes us went through this right now, they would surely pay for tricking Vicar. 

Vicar walked and kept on doing that but somehow we didn't find anything at all. It's nothing as we didn't found any object but we believe that there might be something along the way. Vicar kept ongoing but he suddenly stops as he feels so tired. 

The heat of the desert makes Vicar exhausted and thirst for water. He didn't have any place to take a shade and the best he could do was just to sit down on the warm desert sand to make his tiredness gone away. I wanted to have a conversation with him but seeing his tired face, I then decided to not do that. 

Vicar sits for almost twenty minutes or more as he then stands up again to continue our current objective that was to find something or somebody at this desert. I couldn't help myself to start a conversation as I was getting bored for not talking. 

"Don't you know about this place Vicar? Shouldn't this desert be somewhere on the World of Acres..." I ask Vicar that question. Find authorized novels in , faster updates, better experience, Please click <a href="/book/reincarnated-as-the-hero-ring_15773946405908905/unknown-place_50906436057746437">/book/reincarnated-as-the-hero-ring_15773946405908905/unknown-place_50906436057746437</a> for visiting.

"The only place that I could think off was The Misty Desert but just like its name, the desert has a thick mist that could make people lost but this one is different," Vicar said that. 

"So do you mean that this place didn't exist in Acres at all?" I said that to Vicar. 

"Maybe but I still not sure about that as I didn't venture to the world at all, I just heard from the townspeople," Vicar said. 

"There still might be a chance that this was somewhere in Acres then..." I said that as there might be hope that we will encounter people in the area. 

Vicar shakes his head as he disagrees with me, "Look at the sky ring, you will notice something different here." Vicar said that. 

I then look at the sky just like Vicar wanted me to do but the moment I look at the sky. I do notice the difference immediately between this place and the world of Acres. There wasn't a sun in the sky but instead, we could see stars and the moon so clearly. 

How the heck that I didn't notice this when Vicar was unconscious, I was so surprised by it as I could see the stars and the moon even though it was a day time right now. It shouldn't be possible at all and with that, I somehow agree with Vicar. 

This wasn't the World Of Acres anymore, this place was definitely another world or something similar to that. Maybe that why we couldn't use teleport as it might need us to be in the same world or it wouldn't be activated at all. 

"Do you notice it ring?" Vicar ask me. 

"No one will miss it, this place wasn't Acres right?" I replied to Vicar. 

"As I said, I don't sure about that... There still plenty of weird places in Acres and this place might be the one." Vicar said that as he still somewhat believe that this dessert was a part of Acres. 

"Well if you said that way, there might be a possibility then..." I said and with that our conversation end as Vicar wanted to be the focus as he was afraid that he will miss anything around him while talking with me. I also keep on the lookout for anything. 

We have been walking for almost an hour or more but we still stumble upon nothing along the way. It's just made Vicar even more tired as he then told me that he wanted to rest for a bit. Vicar then sits down on the ground once again. 

"Is there anything..." Vicar said that in his tired voice.

"We couldn't give up Vicar, I'm sure there will be something if we keep on walking,"I said that with Vicar as I don't want him to lose his will to continue finding the way out. 

"You're right Ring, I just need to rely on the power of belief right now," Vicar said that as suddenly the ground shakes very hard. 

Vicar immediately stands up as we realize that it might be indicate something was happening around us. "What's happening right now..." I said that with Vicar. 

"I don't have the slightest idea but I don't think this would be good," Vicar said. 

The moment Vicar finish saying that, we could see that there something moving under the sand. Does that thing that makes the entire ground shakes, that means that thing would be something really big. Vicar started running as he realizes that thing was coming after us. 

Vicar run as fast as he could but he couldn't outrun that thing as it was really fast, it's like that thing was swimming under the desert sand. We both knew that it might be a monster and should have to fight it but we couldn't do it as it doesn't come out yet. 

But Vicar makes a brave decision as he doesn't try to run away anymore, he stand on his ground with his fighting stance as he unsheathed his sword. He was prepared to attack that thing that has been chasing him around the desert. 

The thing then went under us and the ground didn't shake anymore. We find it very weird as it suddenly stops underneath us. Vicar was being overly cautious right now as he thinks that the thing would be tried to do something unexpected. 

Even though we're still being cautious, we didn't expect that suddenly the sand underneath Vicar was gone as there was a huge hole. Vicar then falls into it and it seems that Vicar wouldn't stop falling as we couldn't see the bottom of this hole yet. 

We keep on falling as Vicar still have the time to ask me a question. "Do you think that this is the end?" Vicar ask me that. 

"Maybe but I'm sure that we would survive this fall..." I said that as I somehow believe that we wouldn't die. 

"That's good, we do need more of that power of belief right now," Vicar said that. 

After a few minutes, we saw finally saw the ground but it wasn't looking that great for us. The ground has a lot of stone pike that would kill Vicar instantly. 

But something happens that saves Vicar life from being impaled by those stone pike.

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