Reincarnated As The Hero Ring

Chapter 173 - A Town?

Fortunately there something between the cracks of the rock wall that Vicar could hang on and somehow avoid being impaled by the stone spikes below him. Vicar was very lucky indeed but I wouldn't say that he was completely in a safe situation right now. 

I know that he must have lost a lot of stamina back then because of the running and walking he has been doing before. Because of that, I doubt that he will able to hang on for much longer and we somehow must think another way out of this problem or Vicar could die if he doesn't have the strength anymore. 

I began to look something on the rock wall and perhaps there something that could save Vicar from death. I then noticed a big hole that probably could fit Vicar, it was just on the right but still, it's pretty far. 

"Vicar! You see that small hole there if you could go inside of it... you will be safe." I suggest Vicar do that as this was the only chance that he could survive this. 

"There's no other way but it's pretty far... I don't think that I could make it." Vicar said. 

"I understand that but it the only way, I know that you wouldn't be able to hang on much longer... Better to use your last strength to jump and reach the hole." I said that with Vicar. 

Vicar nod as he prepares himself to make the jump, he then jumps and aims for the big hole. Unfortunately. he couldn't reach it as Vicar then fall again with nothing to hang on anymore. Within a few minutes, Vicar would be impaled by those stone spikes below. 

As I thought that Vicar would die, I was shocked to found myself on the desert ground once again. I didn't expect it as I'm sure that we're falling. How did we end up on the desert ground again, it's just don't make any sense. 

I then see Vicar happy face like something had happened, "Yes! It's worked, I should have done it sooner to escape from the endless falling from the beginning." Vicar said that loudly. 

I was confused to see why he was so happy, "Why are you so happy, does something happen... What's weirder than how did we end up on the ground, do you perhaps had done something?" I ask Vicar that. 

"The teleport does work but we could just teleport into Acres, just within this place," Vicar said that. 

I then understand what had happened, Vicar uses the teleport talent to teleport us back to this place. I was amazed by Vicar for trying to do that even though there wasn't enough time to think or doubt that it would work at all. I guess he must really believe that it could work. 

"I see but what do we do now? Should we keep on walking or just wait for that thing to come once again..." I ask Vicar on what the next thing we should do. 

"There's no way that I would be waiting for that thing to come again, I guess the only option is just to keep on exploring this place," Vicar said that. 

With the decision has been made, we started to explore this desert once again. But this time, we take the opposite direction that we had taken before to find something along the way hopefully. I really hope this time we would found something. 

It's been a few hours and I could see that Vicar was getting more tired. After all of that, we still haven't found anything yet. As Vicar was just about to give up, I then noticed something just a few meters in front of us. Vicar doesn't notice it yet but when I take a good look at it. 

I realized that it was a plant, like a cactus but it's different. It's has a different shape and colour so but it really looks similar. But what more important then the plant was a structure that I see further ahead. I told Vicar what I had just seen and he immediately rushed to the place as we finally found something in this barren desert. 

When we're getting close to the plant, the sight of a big structure appears more clearly. When we finally reach the plant, the structure that we saw was actually a big gate but it seems to be closed for some reason. We're still quite far from the big gate but the thing that chases us back then had come back again. 

We immediately noticed it as the ground begins to shake and we could see from afar that something was moving underneath the desert sand. With that, Vicar then runs as fast as he could towards the big gate, it was the only choice we had that time. 

Vicar managed to reach the big gate before it could catch Vicar but the gate wouldn't open up, the thing was still chasing didn't stop. Vicar shouted and hoped that the gate would open up anytime soon because the gate did open up and Vicar managed to get through it. 

After entering the gate, we realized that this was somewhat a town as buildings made out from hardened sand. That thing stops chasing us as the ground didn't shake anymore and that means we're safe in this place. 

There were people around here but they seem somewhat different, still, we're delighted that there people around this place. Vicar immediately sits down on the ground as he was too tired from running. Then a stranger approach Vicar from behind, it makes Vicar surprise that didn't expect that. 

When Vicar turn around to face that stranger, we're both we getting another surprised by that stranger. It was because his face wasn't even a human face, it pretty much looks like an undead face. 

"You're a new one here... you should be grateful to me that I opened up the gate or else Frudroir, The Ruin Desert Dragon will eat you." The stranger said that to Vicar. 

Vicar then stand up as he replied to the stranger, "I'm really grateful for that but what do you mean by me being the new one and the Desert Dragon?" Vicar asks the stranger some question. Find authorized novels in , faster updates, better experience, Please click <a href="/book/reincarnated-as-the-hero-ring_15773946405908905/a-town_50930433902298002">/book/reincarnated-as-the-hero-ring_15773946405908905/a-town_50930433902298002</a> for visiting.

But the stranger didn't answer Vicar question as he just simply laugh. It was a quite long laugh before the stranger said to Vicar. "I couldn't give you the answer... you need to ask the inquisitor for that." 

"Why can't you give me the answer? Shouldn't you be able to provide me with the answer rather I needed to go and ask for the inquisitor for that..." Vicar said that. 

"The inquisitor knows better than me... besides all of the new ones should meet the inquisitor as he will explain everything you needed to know and how to live in this terrible place." That stranger said. 

Vicar realize that this stranger would tell him so Vicar then asks where the inquisitor was, "Could you tell me where the inquisitor then?" Vicar said. 

"Just go down straight and you find a destroyed Sanctuary of Manes..." The stranger said. 

Vicar wanted to ask about the place but he doubts that the stranger would tell him, with that he thanks the stranger and began to walk down straight hoping to stumble upon the place that the stranger mention eventually. Along the way, we could see that the people that we saw earlier wasn't a human after all. 

There was a monster and most of them were the undead but they seem friendly, they wouldn't attack Vicar, but Vicar doesn't want to let his guard down in this weird place. The undead acted just like the human were as some of them having a conversation and seems to be working. 

As we walk further, there someone particular that caught my intention. That man was wearing a full-body armour and has a closed helm, because of that I couldn't see his face. 

I also noticed that person has been watching Vicar closely but I thought it might be because Vicar was a new one just like the stranger said earlier. 

After a while, Vicar finally sees the destroyed sanctuary that the stranger told us about. Vicar then enters the sanctuary and there we see a man wearing a white robe was praying to a strange statue. But that man immediately stops as he notices that Vicar had entered the sanctuary. 

We couldn't see the Inquisitor face as he was wearing a mask, I wonder what his face looks like underneath it but it won't be polite for Vicar to ask him to take off the mask. 

"So you're the new arrival of this place..." The man in white robe said that to Vicar. 

"Are you the Inquisitor or someone else?" Vicar asks as he wanted to make sure that it was the right person before proceeding any further with the question that he wanted to ask the Inqusitor.

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