Reincarnated As The Hero Ring

Chapter 175 - Ruin World!

The Knight Of Tehreas explains to us that this place was inside the Grimoire of Ruination. This place was called the Ruin World, an exact place like Acres but wasn't Acres. We're kind of confused when he said that but Vicar asks the question for that. 

"So this world is Acres or not?" Vicar asks the man with the full armour. 

"It's Acres just the opposite of it, just like the world have good and evil... this world represent the evil version of Acres." The man said. 

"If you said was true, then the desert was the Misty Desert?" Vicar said that. 

"You're right, it was the counterpart of Misty Desert but in this world, it called as the Treacherous Desert." That man said. 

Before the man could continue on his explanation, Vicar then asks him a question. "Okay but before you explain any further, would you mind telling us your name?" 

"I'm sorry that I hadn't introduced my name yet but I have abandoned my name since I lost my humanity, I'm now called as the Knight Of Tehreas and you could call me Tehreas," Tehreas said that to Vicar. 

"I think that I'm too has not introduced myself. I'm called Vicar..." Vicar said. 

He didn't mention his title to Tehreas. I guess he still wouldn't acknowledge himself as a hero because this world doesn't know about him. Vicar seems doesn't want to let anybody know that he has the title of a hero. 

"If the introduction is over, I would like to resume my explanation as there still a lot that you, Vicar needed to know about this world and the Inquisitor," Tehreas said that. 

Tehreas then tell us about this Ruin World, even more, he said that this world residency was undead and monster. Human in this world was a rare thing as it was never intended to exist in this world, the only way humanity can be brought by to this world was using the Grimoire of Ruination. 

He also said the only reason why the human was brought to this Ruin World was for this place's lords to get their humanity. Tehreas didn't know why the lords wanted humanity, but he guessed that it wasn't for a good purpose. 

Vicar then interrupts the explanation as he asks another question toward Tehreas, it was the question about humanity. "I remember that you said that you lost your humanity, did the lords steal it?" Vicar said that. 

"The Inquisitor was the one that takes my humanity as he then will give it to his lord..." Tehreas said that as he removes his helm and shows us his face. 

We're kind shocked when we both saw it as his face was half human and half undead. We then know that we can believe Tehreas with what all he said to us. He then put his helm back on immediately after letting Vicar see his face. 

"I feel really bad for you... thanks for warning me about it but doesn't there anyone else that tried to warn you as you did now?" Vicar said that. 

"If your humanity gets to take, you will surely die and that what happened to my companion... I managed to escape but half of my humanity was taken by the Inquisitor." Tehreas said that with Vicar. 

"How long do you be here already?" Vicar suddenly ask that question. 

"I have been here long enough and because of that I had lost track of time already... but you could say that it was a few hundred years ago," Tehreas said that. 

I was surprised to know that, I couldn't imagine how Tehreas could survive in this ruined world. All alone with no other human but he still keeps his humanity and despite what happened, he didn't give up and tried to help Vicar from getting his humanity taken by the Inquisitor. 

"Is there any other human that come here recently?" Vicar asks the question. 

"No, there was no human that came into this town and you're the first one that comes into this place..." Tehreas answer the question. 

"But there should have been another human as someone is using the Grimoire of Ruination and sacrifice them for it," Vicar said that as he means the previous people that guard the Grimoire of Ruination and suffer the same fate as he right now. Find authorized novels in , faster updates, better experience, Please click <a href="/book/reincarnated-as-the-hero-ring_15773946405908905/ruin-world!_50976487511222857">/book/reincarnated-as-the-hero-ring_15773946405908905/ruin-world!_50976487511222857</a> for visiting.

"If that really true then the other human was unfortunate indeed, they must already be dead before you even arrive..." Tehreas said that. 

"How did you know that there still a chance that the human before me survive and within this area," Vicar said. 

"You still don't understand, people that came into this world will be placed at random places and you will unlikely to get the similar place the other person unless that you're both get transfer here together that is..." Tehreas said.

What Tehreas said does make sense as we're both in this Ruin World together, after all, if we're separated then I guess we would be in a different place. I just glad that I'm with Vicar at that time or I will go through all of this alone. 

"I see but how can you sure that they're already dead," Vicar said that with Tehreas. 

"Their humanity has been taken by the others Inquisitor and their lords will receive humanity," Tehreas said. 

"Wait a minute? You said the other Inquisitor and their lords... how many are there in this world?" Vicar asks that question as he was getting confused on what Tehreas just said a moment ago. 

"There was many of them and because of that I couldn't tell you the exact number, just know that there were more that one," Tehreas said that to Vicar. 

The moment I hear that I couldn't believe it. That means that bad guys in the world were so much that even Tehreas couldn't know all of it. But still, I do wonder how Tehreas was able to get all of this information about the Inquisitor and their Lords. 

"So is there any chance that to escape this place and return to Acres?" Vicar asks that question as he doesn't want to be stuck in this place for a long time. 

"Unfortunately, I don't know the way out of this place, but they're still might be a way that I haven't yet known," Tehreas said with Vicar. 

"I guess there still hope to escape this place... Tehreas will you assist me on that?" Vicar asks Tehreas for his help in finding an exit from this Ruin World. 

"I will help you but could you do me a favour?" Tehreas said that to Vicar. 

It was for our surprise that Tehreas wanted our help on something, but my gut tells me that the favour he wanted Vicar to do wasn't an easy thing. Vicar nods his head as he agrees and asks Tehreas about it. Tehreas then said that he wanted Vicar to kill the Inquisitor and his lord tonight. 

"Okay, but may I ask you something, why don't yourself kill the Inquisitor as you seem to be a competent man," Vicar said that to Tehreas. 

"I wish I could do that but because of my humanity has been stolen by his lord, half of my fighting ability and magic was gone... I couldn't beat the Inquisitor as he was a powerful mage and the power he received from his lord was enormous." Tehreas said that. 

Hearing that from Tehreas make me wonder how powerful actually was the Inquisitor and himself if he doesn't lose half of his ability. But can Vicar win the battle as if the Inquisitor really was powerful like Tehreas said, I doubt that he could win? 

Besides that, if Vicar was somehow able to beat the Inquisitor. I know that he must fight the Inquisitor lord as well and the lord might be more powerful than Vicar. This wasn't a good deal at all as for acquiring Tehreas help to find an exit from this place. 

"Why do we need to kill the Inquisitor, is this because you wanted to avenge your fallen comrade..." Vicar asks Tehreas. 

"There was much reason why I wanted the Inquisitor to die but the Inquisitor might hold important information about escaping this Ruin World," Tehreas said that to Vicar. 

What Tehreas told Vicar makes sense as if we really wanted to know the way out from this place, we should squeeze the information from the Inquisitor as he must know what we wanted to know. 

With that, Vicar agrees with Tehreas and will help him kill the Inquisitor to benefit us both. Tehreas would get his revenge and we would get the information. 

"Thank you very much, Vicar, I really glad that I had brought you here and talk with you..." Tehreas said that with Vicar. 

"I would say the same thing to you for warning us about the Inquisitor and telling us about this Ruin world," Vicar said that to Tehreas as he was really helpful to us.

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