Reincarnated As The Hero Ring

Chapter 176 - Talking About A Plan

Vicar and Tehreas then waited at the destroyed outpost until the night time came as the plan of killing the Inquisitor will begin. While waiting, Vicar and Tehreas do discuss a lot of things about this world and about Tehreas himself. 

Tehreas does tell Vicar about this world and his stories. It was quite a sad story as Tehreas and his comrade were trap in this world was because of his corrupted commander. One by one of them when missing but Tehreas eventually find out but it was already too late. 

All because Tehreas commander was promised glory and fame, he kept sacrificing his own men and with time he has become corrupted by the Grimoire of Ruination itself. He said that he always wonder what had happened with his commander after Tehreas been trap in this Ruin World. 

Vicar also asks him how Tehreas was able to survive in this world as Vicar finds it quite hard. He then said that he couldn't find water to drink and he was quite thirsty right now. 

Hearing that Tehreas give Vicar a pouch of water from his satchel and Vicar immediately drink it as he really wanted it. I thought it would be the blood but surprisingly it was indeed normal water, I then wonder where does Tehreas get water in this area. 

Vicar didn't even bother to ask about that as he asks a question about this world even more. He asks about the undead in this town whether it will turn hostile toward him after successfully defeating the Inquisitor and perhaps its lord. 

"Don't worry about that Vicar, if the Inquisitor and it's lord has been defeated... The people here would not turn hostile at all..."Find authorized novels in , faster updates, better experience, Please click <a href="/book/reincarnated-as-the-hero-ring_15773946405908905/talking-about-a-plan_50999474159412118">/book/reincarnated-as-the-hero-ring_15773946405908905/talking-about-a-plan_50999474159412118</a> for visiting.

"Are you really sure about it?" Vicar ask. 

"You can trust me. They wouldn't even notice that the Inquisitor been missing as no monster or undead wanted to approach the destroyed sanctuary..." Tehreas said that to Vicar.

"And why wouldn't they go near the sanctuary?" Vicar was confused as to why the monster or undead doesn't want to go there. 

"To be honest, I don't have the answer but I been watching the sanctuary for almost fifty years and I have never seen anyone going near it," Tehreas said. 

After Vicar finish drinking all of the water from the pouch, he gave it back to Tehreas as he asks him another question. This time it was about the Frudroir, The Ruin Desert Dragon outside the area. 

"That dragon has always been at the Treacherous Desert and it will immediately kill anyone that steps outside the gate, so no one here dares to walk outside," Tehreas said. 

"Is the Ruin Desert Dragon was powerful or it could be killed?" Vicar ask. 

"No one ever successfully to kill it but I could tell you that it wouldn't be an easy task to kill the Ruin Desert Dragon, you need to be very fast and have a powerful blow to be able to hurt it," Tehreas said. 

"Then there were some people that tried to kill it then? Are those people still alive or they already die just trying to kill it..." Vicar ask.

"And that man was me as I once tried to kill the Ruin Desert Dragon but with my strength, I couldn't do it, I could just retreat or I will die," Tehreas said that. 

So Tehreas said that with his experience then, I guess that means the Dragon was indeed a strong one. But does Tehreas tried to kill it before his humanity get stolen or he still has it? It would probably help me to gauge his strength. 

I couldn't know as every time I check Tehreas stats, the stats would appear like the bronze knight, just a question mark instead of a number representing his stats. I still don't know why this was happening with stats checker. 

It's broken or what, but when I tested it on Vicar, it would perfectly display his stats. I guess there might be some reason behind all of this then. 

"One more question about the dragon, why does it doesn't attack this area?" Vicar said that. 

I also find it weird as Frudroir, The Ruin Desert Dragon doesn't attack this place. Was this place protected by some sort of magical barrier? As I still remember that after Vicar go through the gate, the dragon immediately stops chasing him. 

"A barrier protects this place, the dragon wouldn't have the power to break it as it was too powerful to be destroyed," Tehreas said that and my guesses about it was right. 

Vicar scratches his head as he was still confused about something, "Isn't you said that the dragon was powerful before, how can't it destroyed the barrier." Vicar ask. 

"Sorry but I don't have the answer for that, all that I know was the dragon couldn't break the barrier even though it was a powerful dragon," Tehreas said that. 

"I see but who's the one making the barrier then? There should be someone that was maintaining the barrier all of the time..." Vicar said. 

"It was someone from this place but sadly I couldn't figure out that person even though I have been looking for that particular person for years," Tehreas said that. 

When Vicar wanted to ask more question, Tehreas said that it's better to use this time to discuss a plan about how to defeat the Inquisitor. It's just me as I realized that Tehreas tried to change the topic here, it's like he doesn't want to answer all of Vicar question anymore. 

Vicar didn't realize it at all as he agrees as he also wanted to discuss the plan. "So what's the plan then?" Vicar said. 

"Try to gain his attention as much as possible. I will try to attack him when he doesn't realize it..." Tehreas said his idea. 

"If it doesn't work as a plan because I doubt that the Inquisitor would be so easily defeated just like that," Vicar said. 

"If it failed, then the only choice we had is to attack him together... try our hardest to defeat him but if we still couldn't do it. I will be the decoy and you must escape the sanctuary or the Inquisitor will take your humanity from you." Tehreas said that to Vicar. 

I didn't think that Tehreas would sacrifice himself in order for Vicar to escape if the plan failed. I thought that we would fight till death. I guess I was wrong in doubting Tehreas. He was indeed a good guy that would sacrifice his life for others. 

"I can't just let you sacrifice yourself if the plan fails, there must be another way for us to survive and escape the sanctuary together," Vicar said. 

"There is no other way Vicar, that must be done if the plan I made all fail," Tehreas said that to Vicar. 

I also put in my thoughts in this matter and somehow I did find the solution for both of them to survive. For them to survive, they needed to use teleport talent. Vicar just needs to teleport Tehreas first out of the sanctuary and himself afterwards. 

I told this to Vicar and he then thanks me for thinking a way that could save both of them. Vicar then tells the escape plan with Tehreas. "I have found a good way for us both to survive," Vicar said. 

"You do? How there's no way for us both to get out from there alive if we somehow fail to defeat the Inquisitor." Tehreas said that as he seems not to believe that there was another way. 

"I have some magic that could get both of us out but you need to stay close with me as it wouldn't work if you too far away," Vicar said that. 

It was a pretty smart move for Vicar not to reveal the teleport talent and myself. I guess he believes that Tehreas doesn't need to know about that or maybe he was cautious around new people now as he doesn't want to repeat the same mistake as before. 

"If you had that kind of magic, that we would use that as our escape plan then," Tehreas said that as it concludes our plan of defeating the Inquisitor. 

After that finish, Tehreas told Vicar to get some rest as he would need it when they both fight the Inquisitor. Vicar does need a rest as well, he has done many things to prevent us from dying and should recover his stamina right now. With that, we wait for the night to come finally. 

The time finally comes to proceed with the plan and obtain the information that we needed to escape this place. Both Vicar and Tehreas make the last check on their equipment before they walk towards the destroyed sanctuary. 

A few minutes later, we arrive in front of the destroyed sanctuary and Tehreas said one thing to Vicar. 

"Remember that you must have his attention, make sure to stall him long enough," Tehreas said. 

Vicar nod as he said, "Don't worry, I will try my best..."

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