Reincarnated As The Hero Ring

Chapter 190 - Tehreas Hidden Secret

Whoever thought that Tehreas was in a similar situation like Frudroir as well, the reason Tehreas wanted to be killed was the lord contacted him as he would become the next Inquisitor that will serve the Lord. 

When we hear it, we almost didn't believe it but we could tell that Tehreas wasn't joking around at that time. Still, I found it hard to believe that Tehreas would be the next Inquisitor. 

"That's mean you meet the Lord then?" Vicar said. 

"Yes I do meet the Lord but I didn't see the Lord appearance at all, it's like there something blocking my vision when I tried to look at him." Tehreas. 

"Well Frudroir also said the same thing when it meets the lord, but there one thing that I wanted to ask?" Vicar said. 

"Just ask, I will answer them honestly as you deserve to know the truth about me..." Tehreas said to Vicar. 

"Do you know why the Lord wanted you to become the next Inquisitor? They must have a reason for it." Vicar ask. 

Tehreas shakes his head as he replies to Vicar question, "I don't know the reason for why they wanted me to become an Inquisitor, the lord just told that I would become the next Inquisitor when the time finally comes." 

I understand what Tehreas just said but if he knows that he will be the next Inquisitor, why doesn't he kill himself before that happen. 

Being an Inquisitor wasn't a good thing, as it would mean that he will serve the Lord for the rest of his life. What worse than Tehreas might forget about who he was and turn evil all of a sudden. 

"So you also don't know anything but why should I kill you if you become the Inquisitor, you're still the Tehreas I know and you might even become a good Inquisitor," Vicar said that. 

"I doubt that I will retain my kindness when I became an Inquisitor, the Lord will put a bind to you just like Frudroir... and slowly I will become a slave for the Lord," Tehreas said. 

I then found something suspicious, why did Tehreas seem to know about all of this stuff. He said earlier that the Lord just told him that he would become the next Inquisitor but not the consequences of becoming one. That's mean Tehreas know something and he has yet told us about it.

Vicar feels the same way as I did as he then asks Tehreas how he knows that he will be a bind if he did become the next Inquisitor. 

"How did you know about all of that? Does the lord tell you that you will be bind..." Vicar ask. 

Tehreas seems to be hesitant to tell the reason as he said to Vicar, "I wish I could answer that but there some stuff that you doesn't need to know at all." Tehreas said. 

"So you're hiding something from? I thought you said that you would be honest with me..." Vicar said. 

"It's not like that I don't want to tell but you shouldn't know more... if you know more you might not be able to defeat the Inquisitor or me when I turned into the next one," Tehreas said that. 

I began to wonder what sort of information does Tehreas hide from us, does it really will affect Vicar if he knows about it. I guess Tehreas must have his reason for not be able to tell us more.

"Why? What's the reason behind it..." Vicar said that to Tehreas. 

"I already had said that if you know about the rest of the stuff, it will make you harder defeating the Inquisitor." Tehreas simply said that as he really doesn't want to tell. 

"I don't know what stuff do you know Tehreas but tell me that will you told me about all of the stuff in the future," Vicar said. 

Tehreas nod his head as he said, "I will eventually tell you but only if you had defeated the Inquisitor if not, you don't deserve to know it."

What sort of stuff does Tehreas know, was it related to the Inquisitor or the Lord. It does make me curious and I wanted to know the real reason why he doesn't want to tell Vicar cause I doubt it will make Vicar unable to defeat the Inquisitor. 

"I'm gonna be honest with you Tehreas, I don't whether I can trust you anymore... you hiding a lot of secret from me," Vicar said that as he loses his trust on Tehreas. 

Well, I can understand why Vicar having some trust issue with Tehreas right now, I also began to show some doubt on him after he said all of this thing. 

We had been betrayed a lot of the time, and we're going to be cautious with it this time. I thought that we could trust Tehreas but it seems that we should rethink about it for a while to see whether he was truly helping us or have some sort of agenda on his own. 

"I will not blame you for not trusting me but know that I will not betray anybody, what I said so far was the truth and you can believe in it," Tehreas said that. 

Vicar didn't reply as he simply walked away from that place. Tehreas also didn't bother to say anything as he just watches Vicar leave the place. It seems that Vicar really doesn't trust Tehreas anymore. 

"Do you really doubt Tehreas?" I ask Vicar. 

"I do have my doubt but I kinda believe in him. We have only been with him for a couple of days but he really helps us right so I do believe in him." Vicar said as I didn't expect that coming from him. 

"But why are you leaving him if you trust him? Shouldn't you guys be sticking together at least..." I said that as I wonder about that. 

"It's better this way, I don't want something happens just like what we had been through this couple of days... being tricked," Vicar said that. 

I now understand Vicar. He just wanted to take some precautions as he doesn't want to repeat the same mistake yet again. We do trust Tehreas but Tehreas might not be our allies and will eliminate Vicar if we don't stay cautious. 

Vicar then leaves the area as he keeps on walking on the barren desert. I don't know where we're headed, but Vicar planned to keep on walking. 

"Where are we going or are you trying to search for something," I ask Vicar. 

"I don't know. I just wanted to get some distance between Tehreas and me." Vicar reply. 

He has been walking for a quite long time and because of that we already make a huge gap distance. Does Vicar not realize it at all?

"Vicar, do you realize it or not that you're already far away from him and that area," I said to Vicar. 

After I said that, Vicar simply stop as he said to me. "I know about that ring. It's just that I been thinking about the secret that Tehreas hide from us."

"You're not the only one that been wondering about it Vicar, but we shouldn't think about that at this moment as there is other stuff that worth to think about," I said to Vicar.

"Such as?" Vicar said. 

"A plan for defeating the Inquisitor was the one that we should be thinking about and discuss," I said to Vicar to make him remember that we still need a way of defeating the Inquisitor. 

We need a plan because I realized that my talent isn't enough for defeating the Inquisitor. My effect will only last for a short time and because of that, it will make Vicar job to defeat the Inquisitor difficult. 

We still don't know to what extend the Inquisitor power was and it could be dangerous. I don't want a similar thing to happen when the leeches paralyzed vicar. If he does get hit, he couldn't get the active my talent anymore and Vicar might die in the battle. 

"You does have a point. We do need to discuss it... I guess you will start first as you're good at making a plan than I am." Vicar said. 

"I couldn't think any plan yet but I so wanted to discuss those leeches," I said to Vicar. 

"Those leeches were indeed a bad thing but why you bring that up, shouldn't this be on how to defeat the Inquisitor... Why we're talking about that thing." Vicar ask me. 

"It's because those leeches were the one that could make you die and I wanted you to avoid getting hit by that thing. You do remember what the effect if those leeches were on your body, right?" I said that to Vicar. 

"You said that it has a paralyzing effect, right? I now understand what are you trying to say...." Vicar said that to me. 

Vicar then sits down on the desert sand as we discuss the plan even further.

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