Reincarnated As The Hero Ring

Chapter 191 - Newly System Feature

We discussed the plan as we waited for a day to pass just for all of my talent's cooldown to be reset once again. We talk quite a lot on how to avoid the leeches. 

But still there something about those leeches that we couldn't determine yet. Were the leeches magic or creatures that were a part of the Inquisitor. 

If it were not magic, it would be tough to disable those attack as Disrupt talent would be unaffected at all. Still, with the Disrupt effect activated, we can cancel the liquid on the ground as we're certain that it was a magic spell. 

A kind of magic that could turn the area into something else, just like Frudroir. We had only talked about it that far as we still think what sort of thing the Inquisitor had in his sleeve. 

We didn't want to underestimate The Inquisitor power as there so much that we didn't know about him yet. Because of that, we couldn't let our guard down or else Vicar would be killed. 

Vicar then said something, "Couldn't you check his skill like you always do?" 

"I couldn't do it for a reason, of course, I don't know why but the Inquisitor didn't detect as a monster and because of that I couldn't see his skill at all," I said to Vicar. 

"How come? The Inquisitor was clearly a monster as we both saw that he was a human shape leech." Vicar said that with me. 

"Don't ask me about that as I also don't know why maybe the Inquisitor was something more than just a human shape leech and somehow that makes him didn't count as a monster," I said. 

"Maybe but I doubt that as the Inquisitor was a monster after all," Vicar said. 

"We should stop talking about what the Inquisitor really was. We should talk about how will you defeat the Inquisitor," I said towards Vicar. 

"I guess I would use the combo that I usually do with the talents as every time I used it. I could defeat someone that stronger than me with ease," Vicar said. 

"So you believe that you could defeat the Inquisitor with the same combo again?" I ask Vicar whether he was sure that he wanted to use it once again as the Inquisitor might have known the attack and could easily counter it. 

"I'm confident with that combo as it would deliver some huge damage to the Inquisitor, might even defeat him with it. Do you not believe that I could do it with that combo?" Vicar replied to me. 

"I do believe in it but I don't know the Inquisitor has how much health and because of that I wanted to think a better combo that could deliver better damage," I said to Vicar.

"I see what you mean but don't you worry about it as I had faith that it will be enough to defeat the Inquisitor," Vicar said that with me. 

If Vicar believes that much, I guess I had no reason to worry about as it was a good combo. I just hope that the combo will get the job done as I don't want to see the opposite situation when we didn't manage to seal the deal. 

With that, we begin to talk about other matter as it's about the lord. As it was still a mystery for us to think about, we both don't know what the lord looks like and its power yet. 

We both realize that the Lord must be mighty as he was the one that pretty much governs this ruined world. It would be dreadful if the Lord appeared when Vicar was fighting the Inquisitor. 

So with that in mind, we must make a plan if that happens. Vicar suggested that we retreat as there's no way that we could win in a 2vs1 situation as we were clearly going to lose. 

"2vs1? Isn't Tehreas going to help us fight the Inquisitor..." I ask Vicar. 

"No, Tehreas wouldn't be joining us the next we fight the Inquisitor... we would be the only one that needs to face the Inquisitor," Vicar replied to me. 

"Why? Doesn't it be better that Tehreas join us... 2 is better than 1." I said to Vicar. 

"Do you forget that Tehreas was weak, he nearly gets killed by the undead that time the sanctuary surrounds us," Vicar said. 

It took me a few minutes to finally understand why Vicar didn't want Tehreas to join in. Tehreas would only be a liability for Vicar. He doesn't need any distraction as Tehreas would surely become one if he also fights the Inquisitor with us. 

"You're right Vicar. I do remember that Tehreas wasn't that powerful... I agree with you on this as bringing him would only be a burden for you." I said to Vicar. 

"So I guess that concludes all of the plans right or if there's still something that we hadn't discuss?" Vicar said. 

"That's all but you should check your equipment, just to make sure that it was still in a great condition," I said that to Vicar. 

"I just have a fairly new sword and I don't think that it will be dull as it was a magical sword," Vicar said to me. 

"Still, it wouldn't be bad for you to check it out... might even know something about that sword and what sort of enchantment does it have," I said to Vicar. 

Vicar listens to my advice as he then takes out that sword from its leather scabbard. We both look closely at it as it really glows. This was really the exact sword that Vicar had used when he fights the skeleton lord back then. 

"How do you figure out this sword enchantment?" Vicar asks me about that. 

"I don't know the method for that, no one could check that item enchantment as we didn't have enough knowledge for that," I said that to Vicar. 

"So why did you wanted to check it in the first place if we both don't know how to do it." Before Vicar said this, there something pop in my system. 

It seems that I have yet unlocked something that I had in my system. It was some sort of an Item checker that will be displayed all about the item. 


-Scanned 1-


-Displaying Current Equip Item-

>Overshadow, Sword of the Void

"Wait a minute Vicar, I think I unlock something and somehow I might know about the sword that you have in your hands right now," I said that to Vicar. 

It's pretty similar to the monster/creatures feature as I then tried to select the item, Overshadow, Sword of The Void.

>Overshadow, Sword Of The Void.

=The sword that was enchanted by the Arcane Blacksmith in the war between humanity and demons. The fourth weapon that was enchanted by the Arcane Blacksmith. Which the sword earns its name by defeating the Void Demon, Vezril. 

=Steel Ore

=Magic Ore


=Bane Of Shadows

=Vanishing Curse

=Greater Stats Boost

When I saw all of the sword's details, I couldn't believe that this sword was something that quite valuable. I only think that this sword was just simply a magical sword that someone could buy in a market. 

This sword had a name and when I see its description, I just speechless as I didn't really expect it to be this powerful. If Vicar knows about it, I'm sure he will also be in a state of shock. Not knowing that in his hand right now was a sword that has earned its name on Acres. 

But they're something that I been wondering about. It was why Lord Framer give this sword to Vicar. Does Lord Framer didn't know about this particular sword? Still, I doubt that Lord Framer simply give this to Vicar as he might have a reason behind it all. 

I then tell Vicar about his sword and also it's the backstory. I had already expected it as Vicar was shocked to hear all about the sword. He couldn't believe that this sword was a powerful sword used in the war back then. 

"Are you just making this up ring? As there's no way that this sword was that powerful..." Vicar said that towards me. 

"You think that I was making this up... Of course not as what I said was true all along, it's up to you whether you believe it or not." I said that to Vicar. 

"Okay, I believe you as you're not that kind of ring that wouldn't make all of this thing up... It's just hard to believe that this sword has its name." Vicar said to me. 

"I know, I myself still find it rather hard... As we both didn't really expect that this sword that Lord Framer gave you was indeed a sword that was used in the war." I said that to Vicar. 

We then started to check out on the sword after knowing what's it was.

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