Reincarnated As The Hero Ring

Chapter 192 - Out From This Desert! (I)

I did tell Vicar about the sword enchantment but he also didn't know what it was. We both thought it would be just a fire or ice enchantment of some sort but this sword has a really unique one. 

We know that this sword also boosts Vicar stats by a huge margin as I notice how fast Vicar was when he fights the dragon and the undead back then. 

We should discover what the enchantment does as it would be beneficial if we do know, we really do need all of the knowledge to defeat the Inquisitor. 

With that, Vicar started to swing the sword around and it does nothing. "Are you really sure that this sword enchantment was ice or something like that?" Vicar said that. 

"I system never has wrong, you might not use the sword right enough for its effect to be drawn out...try shouting out loud the sword enchantment, it might do something," I said to Vicar. 

Vicar then swings the sword once again and this time he said the name of the enchantment while doing it. Still there nothing coming out from the sword at all. 

"I think we need a monster for this sword enchantment to be activated," Vicar said that. 

I then realize something about the enchantment as I said to Vicar, "The enchantment didn't need to be activated, as it might already be activated. It was a passive enchantment... Do you get that Vicar?"

"Do you mean that the sword effect already been activated? Still, we need a monster to test it out whether it was true or not?" Vicar said to me. 

"Where do you find a monster in this barren desert, the only place that had monster was at the Inquisitor place," I said to Vicar. Find authorized novels in , faster updates, better experience, Please click <a href="#!-(i)_51367115592100789">#!-(i)_51367115592100789</a> for visiting.

"You're right ring, there's no monster and going to the Inquisitor place while the talent is on cooldown isn't a good idea," Vicar replied to me. 

"I guess we're gonna skip weapon testing then? And will test it out on a real battle." I said. 

"Yes, there's no way to test the sword right now unless we could find a monster nearby... If not we're gonna test it when we fight the Inquisitor." Vicar said. 

"But don't you ever notice what the sword effect when you fight the undead before, surely you must have noticed something about it," I ask Vicar about that. 

"Sorry ring, I didn't notice about it at all. I was too focused on defeating the undead that I don't have the time to look at the sword at all." Vicar replied towards me. 

"I see, I understand that... if that already finish, I want to say about your armour Vicar." I said that as Vicar armour condition wasn't that good anymore. 

"What's about it? Is there something wrong with it..." Vicar ask me. 

"Are you blind or something? Clearly, your leather armour will not protect you anymore... see how bad it becomes after you fight the Inquisitor." I said that as I told him to look at the leather armour himself. 

Vicar then looks at his own leather armour. He just realized how the armour was in a terrible shape now. It has many holes and because of that, it would not be able to protect Vicar. 

I know that the leather armour was rather penetrable compare to steel armour but it still could do the job perfectly. But Vicar armour wouldn't do that perfect job anymore. 

If the Inquisitor attack him at the spot that wasn't covered by the leather armour, I'm sure that the leeches would be attached on Vicar body immediately and Vicar could be in a bad situation if that happens. 

"Whoa! I didn't realize it at all... I thought my armour still perfectly fine but when I see it. I know that I had to replace them." Vicar said as he finally noticed about it. 

"The problem is where do you find another armour to replace your leather armour... This world basically has no marketplace or blacksmith." I said that to Vicar as it was a problem for us right now. 

"But there might be someone in this word as this ruined world was a copy of Acres right?" Vicar said that he believes that there is someone that sell and repair armour in this world. 

"I doubt that there people like that in the world but still I'm with you on this, it wouldn't be easy to finding someone that we're looking for in this world," I said that to Vicar. 

"It would take time but it's better than fighting the Inquisitor when my armour is broken," Vicar said that as he then walks to find another place that has a civilization. 

We both believe that we will stumble upon something along the way as we know that this world was just like Acres but just the opposite of it. 

We're in the desert area that Vicar suggested that we head south as we will eventually come out from the desert. He heard that from the adventurer in Acres before. 

With that knowledge in mind, Vicar keeps on walking but eventually stop as he finds himself tired and needed some water. We then realize that we don't have any water supply with us. 

"Should we head back, only Tehreas had something drinkable in this area," I said that to Vicar as I don't want Vicar to die because he was simply thirsty. 

But Vicar refuses to head back as we're already walked so far and it would be useless for us to return there. I agree with Vicar on that matter as Vicar said that he would rest a bit. 

He believes that we would get out from this desert area soon enough and might find a water source eventually along the way. With that in Vicar mind, he managed to get his strength back to continue on the walk to get from this barren desert. 

Still, after five hours of non-stop walking, we're in the desert area while Vicar was looking extremely tired right now. He immediately sits on the desert ground as he opens up his leather pouch to see something that could help him. 

As he was searching, Vicar then pulled out something at we both were surprised to see that it Tehreas leather flask. I didn't expect that Vicar pulls out that as it wasn't even his things. 

"Why do you have that leather flash? Shouldn't it be with Tehreas..." I ask Vicar. 

"Even I doesn't know what the hell the leather flash was inside my pouch, does this mean Tehreas was around us right now," Vicar said that as we both look around but there was no sign of Tehreas at all. 

I then begin to remember something when Vicar was unconscious at that time. Tehreas does seem to be touching something around Vicar. I guess he might have given his leather flask to Vicar around that time. 

I told Vicar about this as Tehreas might give him the leather flask. Vicar asked me why he did that but I replied that I had no idea why he did that. 

"Maybe he thinks that you needed this stuff more than him... or he already expected this thing would happen in the future," I said that to Vicar. 

"Doesn't himself need water to survive and I really don't think he can see the future at all. He was just a simple knight." Vicar replied that with me. 

"Do you forget that he was half undead, I doubt that he really depends on water to survive just like you. And about he could or couldn't see the future, that was still a theory but he might have that power as to why would the Lord want him to be the next Inquisitor." I said that towards Vicar.

"You do have a point but I want to make sure of something before I drink from this," Vicar said as he scrutinizes the leather flask. 

I began to wonder what Vicar was doing as I then ask him about it. Vicar then said that he was checking for any poison as Tehreas might have done that and it was the reason he gave the leather flask in the first place, to see Vicar killed by the poison. 

"So do you see any poison around that stuff?" I ask Vicar. 

"No it seems that there isn't any trace of poison at all, does Tehreas really intend to give this to me?" Vicar begins to doubt as to whether there isn't any trick behind all of this. 

"Wait a minute! How do you know whether the leather flask doesn't have poison... when is the time you had that sort of skill." I ask Vicar as it was the first time I saw Vicar doing this. 

"You never saw because there isn't anything for me to check, besides this skill I learned from my mother as life at slums could be dangerous and there is always people that tried to do this sort of stuff in there," Vicar said that to me.

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