Reincarnated As The Hero Ring

Chapter 194 - An Undead Sailor (I)

"We should look around, maybe they're something that we could use to cross the river," I said that to Vicar as it was the only option we had. 

There's no way that Vicar would want to swim across as there were something in the river. Vicar must be an idiot or just crazy for him to do that. 

Vicar listens to my suggestion as he also that swimming isn't a good idea at all. With that, Vicar begins to walk along the river bank as we might see a giant log that could be used as a boat to get across. 

As Vicar walk further, we noticed there's undead in front of us. Vicar walks slowly as he didn't want the undead to notice his presence. 

I think Vicar didn't need to walk slowly as he clearly can beat a single undead easily, there's no need for him to make the undead not noticing us at all. 

"Vicar! What are you doing, go and attack the undead." I said that to Vicar. 

But surprisingly for me, he didn't want to attack the undead for a reason. "Why should I do that? Do you forget that undead are like a human in this world... they're the native people here." Vicar said that to me. 

"I do know that but the undead might be working with the Inquisitor and it would be better for us to take it down as soon as possible," I said to Vicar. 

Vicar shakes his head as he says, "I doubt that undead in front of us is working with the Inquisitor, none of the Inquisitor undead wanted to go out from the place as they are afraid of Frudroir... That undead is different from the other." 

"Are you sure about that, maybe the undead might not work for the leech Inquisitor but remember that there are other Inquisitor in this world?" I said that towards Vicar. 

"Still I didn't want to attack him without any reason, it's just doesn't make any sense to do that," Vicar said that as he refuses to attack the undead. 

While we're bickering at that time, we didn't notice the undead has moved as it was clearly at the spot that we see it before. 

We quickly got the spot and saw that the undead was really gone from the place. We shouldn't have argued back then as now we have lost sight of the undead. 

Suddenly, a hand was placed in Vicar's shoulder as Vicar didn't expect it. He jumped as he quickly turns behind to see who hand was on his shoulder before. 

We both then see that it was the undead that we saw before, Vicar thought that the undead would attack him as he quickly unsheathed his sword and about to attack the undead. 

When the sword was about to hit the undead, the undead suddenly said something, "Please don't attack me. I didn't mean to scare you at all." The undead said that to Vicar. 

After hearing that line, Vicar quickly stops as he then sheathed back his sword and ask the undead something. Vicar shouldn't sheathe his sword as the undead might be tricking him. 

This was what wrong with Vicar, too easy to be convinced. He should try to be more cautious as he does know that this isn't Acres and a monster was still a monster. 

If something happens to him later, I will make sure that he gets my scold. I could just hope that the undead in front of us will not bring any more harm and tried to trick Vicar of any sort. 

"Are you working with the Inquisitor?" Vicar asks that towards the undead. 

"Do you mean the Inquisitor that in Reins Town ahead? If that you mean that, not need to worry as I'm not working with the Inquisitor in Reins at all." The undead said to Vicar. 

So that place did has a name, I didn't know of that until now. Tehreas also didn't bother to tell us the name of the place. Still, it is kind of our fault for not asking whether the place had a name in the first place. 

"I see, it's good that you didn't work with the Inquisitor but may I ask what do you do in this place... Doesn't you scared of the dragon?" Vicar asks the undead again. 

"The ruin desert dragon? I'm scared but the dragon didn't seem to approach this place, might be something in this river that scared it away... Oh! Almost forgot that I'm a sailor and my job was to help undead to cross the river safely." The undead said that. 

I couldn't believe that this undead was a sailor as there literally no one around here that wanted to cross the river at all. I bet that the undead was lying to us right now and tried to trick Vicar. 

"Really! That's good as I was currently finding a way to cross the river and after knowing that you do that, I wanted to ask you to help us cross the river." Vicar said that as he believes the undead completely. 

I wanted to tell him to be cautious around that undead but I know that Vicar wouldn't listen to me. If he becomes like this, there's no way to convince him at all to listen to what I'm saying. 

"Surely I would help but before that may I know what's your name, sir?" The undead said. 

"Oh! My name is Vicar and no need for that sir as it doesn't quite like it." Vicar said that as he tried to shakes hand with the undead. 

The undead grabs Vicar hand as it does shake Vicar's hand, "Vicar, that is a good name and mine was Eleon, Eleon the undead sailor." 

Vicar then looked around and didn't see anything that could help him to cross the river. He then asks Eleon about it. "How do we cross the river safely? Do we use a boat or something like that..." Vicar ask. 

"No need to worry as I do have a boat but before I could get you cross the river safely, you must pay something as my services aren't free." The undead said. 

Whoever thought that Eleon wanted to charge Vicar something but what possibly the thing that Eleon wanted, there's no currency in this world and I realize that it might be something that related to humanity at least. 

"What do you want? I really need to cross the river, so please tell me." Vicar said that. 

"It doesn't really matter what as the important thing was the item must be valuable or just an item I have never seen before." The undead said that. 

Vicar then searches in his leather pouch as there might be something that Eleon want. Vicar then took out an item and hoped that it would be enough. 

Vicar then gives it to the undead to see whether it would accept the item or not. Eleon looks at the item carefully and to my surprise that Eleon accepted it. 

I don't know why the undead agrees with that item as it just a single silver coin. It doesn't worth that much but still if the undead accepts it, who am I to disagree with. 

"Thank you for choosing my service... with that let me show you my boat!" Eleon said that as suddenly the board appear on the river all of a sudden. 

Vicar was amazed by it and ask Eleon what just happen. Eleon simply said that it was his magic that managed to make the boat invisible. Eleon does that because he doesn't want any people who tried to steal away his boat. 

When Eleon said that, I suspect that Eleon might be a powerful as I never saw an undead that has a magic that could make this invisible. The undead in Reins Town didn't have this sort of abilities at all. 

I then tried to check out his abilities and stats to see whether Eleon was powerful just like I thought it would be. 

[Ruin Undead] Level 28

HP: 3200

MP: ???






Int- ???/100

Perception- ???/100

Charisma- ??/100



Resistance- ???/100 

The stats still wouldn't work but I'm still glad to see it's HP and level at least. Eleon level was higher than the undead Vicar fought before. 

At first, I thought that Eleon was a different kind of undead, but it seems that he was still in the same category. It should display his name but I guess it would just display what sort of monster they're. 

>The Ruin Undead

=No info was available for this type of undead.




=Poisonous Touch

=Cloak Evasion 

While I was checking the stats, Vicar was already getting on the boat with Eleon. Vicar couldn't wait to cross the river and didn't think that Eleon might betray us along the way. 

I just hope that we could get to the other side safely without any trouble at all.

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