Reincarnated As The Hero Ring

Chapter 195 - An Undead Sailor (II)

The river was just as big as I already expected and it will take us quite some times to finally reach the other side of the desert, which we can wait as the side seems to have more living things such as grass and trees. 

While we're still on the boat, Eleon then said something towards Vicar. "I had rarely seen a human in this world. You're new in this world, I presume?" Eleon said. 

"I'm new arrival at this world but I don't plan to stay in this world that long, that's why I'm on a journey as I hope that I found the exit soon," Vicar said that.

"It wouldn't be easy but you can't give up if you wanted to return back to Acres right?" Eleon said that as I was kind of surprised by it. 

As the undead of this world shouldn't know the name of Acres at all. I know that the undead aware that's there was another world but they wouldn't bother to know our world's name at all. 

"Wow, you know the name of my world... most of the undead doesn't show that much interested in that," Vicar said towards Eleon. 

"Of course I know about Acres as I was from Acres and was trapped in this world for a long time," Eleon said that. 

When we both heard that, we couldn't believe what Eleon said as he also came from Acres. We really thought that Eleon was just an undead in this ruined world and never thought that he was a people from Acres. 

"Wait a minute, shouldn't a human that had his humanity taken died right away?" Vicar said that as he remembers, Tehreas did tell us about that back then. 

"You isn't wrong there but not all of the human that get their humanity taken died... some survive in this ruined world and become undead like me that roam this world," Eleon said that. 

I then wonder why Tehreas didn't tell us about this thing. I realize that maybe he only saw his comrade died right after getting his humanity taken by the Inquisitor and thought that way ever since. 

"I see, I guess my information is wrong then but how did you end up in this ruined world... Is this because of a certain Grimoire you touch?" Vicar asks that as that's the only way how people ended trapped in this world. 

"Grimoire? No, I was trapped in this world because of my own mistake, I thought that I would summon a powerful demon but I ended up to this ruined world instead." Eleon said. 

Everything that Eleon said will surprise us all of the time as we didn't expect that kind of answer coming from him at all. We thought that Eleon gets to this world by the Grimoire of Ruination but it was not and what makes it worse because he attempts to summon a demon. 

"Demon! What are you really in the world back then and why did you want to summon a demon." Vicar said that as he then put his hand next to his sword, Vicar began to be cautious as he thinks Eleon wasn't a good guy at all. 

Eleon began to laugh as he said, "No need to worry as I will not be harming you... but I know why you're scared as you might already know that I'm one of the people that wish the demon lord to return into the world of Acres." 

I always suspected that Eleon wasn't an ordinary undead at all and my guesses were right all of this time. That also explains why he had some other abilities despite the same type undead in this ruined world. 

But what more surprising to know was that Eleon was one of the demon lord followers. The people that brought war into Acres after the 12 holy knights had defeated the first demon lord. 

"You're a demon lord follower!" Vicar said that as he unsheathed his sword and started to point it towards Eleon. 

Eleon didn't do anything as he simply continued to row the boat to reach the other side. He then said something towards Vicar. 

"Well, it might be true that I was part of it but like I said earlier, no need to worry as I wouldn't harm you at all. There's no point for me for doing that..." Eleon said that. 

"I don't know that I could trust you for that? You might do something eventually..." Vicar said that as he didn't believe anything, Eleon said to him right now. 

I kind of irritated with Vicar behaviour right now. This wouldn't happen if he was careful and ask some question about Eleon when we first meet him. 

If only Vicar had listened to what I'm saying to him that time, this wouldn't be a problem but what else we could do right now. We're in his boat already and trying to get out was a stupid thing to do. 

Even though we're quite safe in the boat, there is still something moving and been following us ever since we're on the river. 

"I could only say that it would be stupid for me to attempt to attack you as you're clearly way stronger than me," Eleon said that. 

"How do you tell that I'm powerful than you, it was because I have a sword right now?" Vicar said that. 

"I'm not a fool as you wield an enchanted sword that known to had defeated the Void Demon... and of course the Atheas Ring that in your finger," Eleon said that towards Vicar. 

Whoever thought that this Eleon guy knows about the sword and myself, he was indeed the true follower of the demon lord as he knows about me. 

No one in Acre that had seen me before knows about me at all. They all just thought me as a simple ring for an adventurer that would boost their owner stats. 

"You know about the Atheas Ring?" Vicar asks as he was shocked like I am right at this moment. 

"Of course, who wouldn't know the Atheas Ring... A ring that grants the demon lord immense power that needed twelve of the holy knight to defeat." Eleon said that. 

Vicar didn't know that Eleon could be trusted or not, but I said that Vicar would sheath back his sword. I doubt that after knowing all of that Eleon would try to attack us or trick us. 

"Why should I do that ring? You do know that he is a dangerous guy..." Vicar said that towards me. 

"I already tried to warn you before but you didn't listen to it... Eleon wouldn't dare to attack us right now as he might be scared as well after knowing what the thing you have in your possession right now." I replied to Vicar. 

Vicar then sheathed back his sword but he didn't take his eye off of Eleon as he still thinks that Eleon might do something towards him. 

Eleon then asks Vicar a question, "Still, I was quite surprised that the ring was in your possession, may I ask how did you found the Atheas Ring?" 

Vicar simply said that he found it on the street in a certain town and ever since that the Atheas Ring had been with him wherever he goes. 

Well, Vicar should have lied but again there's nothing wrong with that. There's no important information that he let Eleon know at least, it just how he was able to get me. 

When I remember about it, it's somewhat funny how we both met. Still, whoever thought that Vicar would be my partner as we both trying to see what mores in the World of Acres. 

"You get that Atheas Ring on the street, there's no way that the ring would simply be lying on the ground unless you're the one..." After Eleon said that he seems happy for some reason. 

"Why you suddenly get so happy all of a sudden... I heard that you said I'm the one? What do you mean by that?" Vicar asks the undead Eleon about it. 

"Our mission was to find someone that worthy enough to be able to summon the Atheas Ring. We thought that only powerful demons could do that but who thought that it would be a human..." Eleon said that. 

"So the reason you wanted to summon demons was simply that you wanted to get the Atheas Ring, don't you guys had the Atheas Ring?" Vicar said that. 

"It seems that I need to tell you the story as you might be the one that will become the next demon lord of Acres... The one that we been waiting for." Eleon said that towards Vicar. 

We both we're somewhat surprised when Eleon said that as Vicar would be the next demon lord. That would be ridiculous; no way would happen. 

Vicar would become a hero and not a demon lord that will terrorize the world of Acres.

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