Reincarnated As The Hero Ring

Chapter 197 - Giant River Monster

"What?! You trying to do that to me..." Vicar said as he was about to draw his sword out but Eleon then said something. 

"No, I was clearly mistaken as I thought you were just a random person but after knowing that you the Atheas Ring Wearer. There's no way I would do that to you as you would become the next demon lord." Eleon said that towards Vicar. 

To think Eleon had thought to do that to towards Vicar, it's really unbelievable as Vicar kind of believe that he has a good intention in helping us cross the river. 

But again, this wasn't the time for that. We're now in trouble as there was a giant tentacle that was trying to sink our boat. I began to wonder how deep this river was for it to have a giant thing like that in it. 

"Hey! Give me that paddle. I will try my best to row this boat as fast as I can." Vicar said that as he asks for that paddle. 

Eleon quickly hands over the paddle to Vicar, with that Vicar begin to row the boat. At first, we thought we managed to distance the giant tentacle, but we soon knew that we didn't manage to do that at all. 

Another one of the giant tentacles suddenly appear right in front of us and tried to smack our boat down. Luckily for us at that moment, the board wasn't hit by the giant tentacle. 

But the massive waves come from the impact of the giant tentacle hitting the river. It manages to knock the boat a few meters back, for that the time we need to get across the river has increased along with the danger. 

As we thought that thing couldn't get any worse, the giant tentacle's real body finally emerges from the river as we both were shocked by its size. 

It was a massive river monster that almost the same size of Frudroir, the Ruin Desert Dragon. Vicar knew that the situation would turn out much worse as he began to row the boat again. Trying to reach the other side before the monster could get to us. 

The monster does have giant tentacle and I thought it would be an octopus or a squid but it turns out to be something that I different altogether. 

I then see whether this monster was somewhat powerful as Frudroir as well. I kind of surprised this time as I can see this monster stats perfectly. 

[Giant River Monster] Level 45

HP: 10600

MP: 3000






Int- 67/100

Perception- 81/100

Charisma- 22/100



Resistance- 40/100 

When I see the monster stats, I know that it was somewhat more powerful than the dragon that Vicar had face-off before. What worse than Vicar couldn't fight this thing at all as he was in a clear disadvantage against him. 

This river was basically the monster territory and because there's no land around us. It would make Vicar really hard to move as we're in the boat right now. 

Scanning All Monster/Creature Near 10 radius-

-Scanned 1-


-Displaying Monster/Creature-

>Giant River Monster

"Display Giant River Monster!" I said that as I wanted to know its skill. 

>Giant River Monster

=No info was available for this type of monster. Find authorized novels in , faster updates, better experience, Please click <a href="#%!d(string=15773946405908905)/giant-river-monster_%!d(string=51483420336907147)">#%!d(string=15773946405908905)/giant-river-monster_%!d(string=51483420336907147)</a> for visiting.

=Sea Creatures 


=Water Pulsing

=Water Torrents

=Great Tidal Wave

=Superior Tidal Wave

=Call of the Creatures 

I don't know anything about the skill but what makes me wonder was why the hell this monster was a sea creature, even it's not doesn't suit at all. This place isn't exactly a sea as it was just simply a large river. 

I then close out all of this as I was just about to give this information to Vicar. But looking at the current situation, it didn't seem to be a good time. 

It's like the Giant River monster has unleashed one of its skill already that makes the entire river had a tidal wave, it makes our boat shakes really hard. We all knew that we couldn't escape from this. 

"Is there no other way to get out from this mess..." Vicar said that loudly as the massive tidal wave began to hit us. 

Both Vicar and Eleon hang on to the boat if we fell into the river. I'm sure that we wouldn't survive as the river monster would surely grab us instantly. 

Suddenly Eleon said something, "There is a way for the monster for not attack us but..." Eleon the stop. 

"But what? Do you want me to be the sacrifice if that your way out of this... I would not do it." Vicar said that to Eleon. 

"No! I can use my cloak evasion as it would make the boat and me invisible but there's no way that I could make you invisible as well, I could only use on two things." Eleon said that. 

"I see but not to worry about that Eleon, I could do that part myself..." Vicar said that as he begins to use his cloak magic as well making him invisible. 

Eleon was quite surprised to see that Vicar also had that skill but he didn't think much in this situation. Eleon does what he told us earlier and make the boat and him invisible as well. With that, we just need to hold on to the boat and make sure we didn't fall or the boat will flip. 

After a few minutes as the river begin to calm. The river monster gets underneath the river as it can't see us anymore. We took the chance and row towards the other side as fast as we could. 

As we all know that the cloak spell wouldn't be able to last for a long time. We must reach the other side of the giant river monster will start attacking us again and we wouldn't want that to happen.

We all managed to reach the other side safely and we quickly get out of the boat. Vicar still remembers what Eleon said before as he quickly takes his sword out and points it towards Eleon. 

"You tried to feed me to the monster right. You're isn't a good guy as I thought you would be..." Vicar said to Eleon. 

"Of course he wasn't a good guy Vicar, he's one of the demon lord followers that try to destroy Acres with summoning a powerful demon," I said that to Vicar. 

Eleon immediately kneels down as he begs Vicar, "Please don't kill me, I will follow you where ever you go as you're the one that we all been waiting for." Eleon said that. 

It seems like he really believes that Vicar would become the next demon lord. But sadly it wouldn't happen as I wasn't the Atheas Ring that the legend had told. I don't have the memories of the previous Atheas Ring at all. 

Besides that, I wouldn't want to become a demon lord ring as I wanted to become a hero ring. I wanted to change the Atheas Ring's history while Vicar wanted to achieve his dream of becoming a real hero. 

Vicar then looks at Eleon as he said, "Begone from here as I don't want you to be with me... and remember that I wouldn't be a demon lord even if that what your prophecy said. I would be want I wanted to be."

Vicar spared Eleon life as he began to walk away from him, leaving him behind in the river banks. He doesn't want to get involved in this anymore. 

"Why you spare him? Isn't it better for you to end his life..." I ask Vicar regarding his action earlier. 

"There's no need for that as being in stuck this world was already a punishment for him, killing him would just released him from this world," Vicar said that to me. 

With that, I then understand Vicar action for doing that. I remember that Frudroir had also said it as dying was the only option for someone to release from this ruined world. Still, this wasn't the option for us right now, we still wanted to return to Acres and we couldn't afford to die or be stuck in here years to come. 

Vicar then continues to walk ahead as slowly we enter the area where there were many trees. Soon after that, we stumbled into a huge forest that we somehow waited a while before entering. 

We waited for a few minutes as the cooldown of my talents would be reset. It would be better for us to have the talents ready before entering an area we don't know. There might be some threat that was dangerous that would need us to fight it. 

If it something that we couldn't fight, we could just get out of there with a teleport after the cooldown has finally reset. Vicar venture on the forest for the sake to find somebody that could repair his armour. 

I just hope that we could find it...

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