Reincarnated As The Hero Ring

Chapter 198 - The Lost Forest

The trees in the forest were much taller than in Acres. We might get lost in the forest so we must be careful but it doesn't matter that much as we could just teleport out. 

As Vicar venture deep to the forest area, we noticed that it's getting darker. At first, we thought it was nighttime that made this area dark for a little bit. 

The big monster body covers up some of the forest areas as that's why some of the areas were a little bit darker than others. 

But we soon realized that it wasn't that as we saw something that nasty. Up in the tall tree, there was some kind of big monster, it looks like a giant bird but I wasn't sure whether it was a giant bird. I then check whether it was a bird or not. 

Scanning All Monster/Creature Near 10 radius-

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When I see 11 monsters in this forest, I know that this place was perilous. Vicar should really be careful around the forest area. 

-Displaying Monster/Creature-

>Bane Serpent

>Arctic Venom Lizard 

>Iron-Scaled Gorilla

>Feral Warthog

>Tatter Bone Hawk

>Ruin Undead 

>Cavern Lion

>Phantom Bat

>Ravaging Monkey

>Diabolical Rhino

>Supreme Ash Wolf

There were a lot of the creatures in the list that I didn't know of. I wonder what kind of creatures of monster we will encounter if we go deeper into the forest. 

I also notice that there's a ruin undead, that's mean it's around us but it would be better if we avoid it. I was just afraid that the Ruin Undead might be a little stronger as they could survive in the forest full of monsters. 

But I don't want to waste time to see every one of the creature's skill. What I wanted to know was the one in the trees. I guess that it might be the Tatter Bone Hawk as it was the only one that could fly that high. 

"Display Tatter Bone Hawk!" I said that as I wanted to know its skill. 

>Tatter Bone Hawk

=No info was available for this type of monster. 

=Giant Bird



=Ariel Speed

=Sound Touches

=Gust of Future Evocation

=Sharp Claws of Wind

=Ooze Control

After knowing that it has many skills, I know that this Tatter Bone Hawk isn't something to be messed with. It was clearly powerful but sadly I couldn't check it stats properly. The same problem occurred yet again where there was a random question mark in the stats. 

I still couldn't figure out why it wouldn't work. I thought it was working already as it could display the stats of the Giant River Monster before. I really don't know why but somehow I realize that it might work on a certain monster and some couldn't. 

Vicar was entering an area which was quite dark. Vicar doesn't have any torch to light as it was getting darker because there were many of the Tatter Bone Hawk in the tree. 

"Do you want me to use my red light to brighten up this place?" I said that to Vicar whether he wants me to light up or not. 

"I don't think it would be a good idea..." Vicar replied as he doesn't want it. 

"Why? Shouldn't it be better for you to be able to see when you walk the area... what if you step on something dangerous." I said to Vicar. 

"Still, I think there should be no light... It would just attract the creature's attention as it saw the red light. That will be much worse then what you said." Vicar said his reason. 

I understand Vicar as there's indeed a lot of monster around us. I know that we had teleport but it will be better for us to save it when we really need to use it. 

With that, Vicar was being careful and tried to see clearly what he step in the ground. We began to get deeper into the forest and we stumbled upon a ruin. It was a large ruin and Vicar was tempted to go inside it. 

"There's no point on entering the ruins. It would be a bad idea as it might be dangerous..." I said that to Vicar. 

"I do know that but don't you think that it would consist of something that might be useful to us, there might be a treasure chest inside," Vicar said that. 

"Even if that ruins had a treasure chest, it wouldn't be wise to enter it... Just look at the ruins, it's like the ruins were about to collapse at any time." I said towards Vicar. 

"Don't need to worry about it ring, I could just teleport out if that happens... I promise you that I will be extra careful when I had entered inside of it." Vicar said that. 

We shouldn't really go to the ruins as our objective was to find a person that could repair his armour. But if Vicar already acted this way, I know that I couldn't convince him anymore as the best thing I could do was to follow him and provide support. 

Vicar then slowly enter the ruins as I light up the way. There are many vines in the wall of the ruin and it really looks unsafe to enter. I then tried to scan the area for which there might be a monster. 

There was indeed some monster in ruins but it's not that many, just a phantom bat, bane serpent and cavern lion were showing up in the list. I rely on this information to Vicar as he might want to look around before proceeding deeper into the ruins. 

I then noticed some carvings in the wall of the ruin and realised that I had seen it somewhere before. I tried to recall where I had seen these carvings and soon enough I remember it. 

It was the same carvings in under the Inquisitor sanctuary. I thought it might not be the same but after looking at it for quite some time. I realize that it was indeed the same carvings that I saw before. 

After seeing that carvings again, I began to have some bad feeling about this ruins. I tried to share it with Vicar but he wouldn't listen as he was too focused on finding a treasure chest in this ruins. 

As Vicar went deeper, he finally found a room with nothing inside of it beside a stone throne and a skeleton wearing a robe sitting on it. Vicar did touch the skeleton to see whether it was alive or not but it was just a dead skeleton. 

The bone of the skeleton crumbled as soon as Vicar touches it. Vicar look around but it seems this was the end of the ruins. There's nothing to go beyond this point anymore. Vicar didn't found any treasure chest at all in this room.

While Vicar was looking around at the room for treasure chest a while ago, my eyes were fixed on the skeleton robe as it was somewhat similar to the Leech Inquisitor in Reins Town. 

I then figure out this ruins really was after a huge realization. The weird carvings and the robe that had the same design as the Leech Inquisitor. I realize that this was an Inquisitor's place and that skeleton might be an Inquisitor of this ruins. 

I immediately told Vicar about it and he checks the robe carefully. He then agrees with me as this was indeed the robe of an Inquisitor. 

But there's something weird as how did the Inquisitor of this place had died. Shouldn't it be powerful and has it lord to protect him. Why the Inquisitor has become a skeleton, did someone defeated the Inquisitor here? 

As Vicar grab the robe up off the throne, I noticed there's a button on the throne. I told Vicar about it and see what will happen. 

"Let be careful Vicar and prepare to teleport if something bad happens after you pushed the button," I said that to Vicar. 

Vicar pushed the button but nothing happens to us. "Nothing happens, does the button doesn't work anymore." As Vicar said that, we both realized that there some sort of magical bubble around Vicar. 

Vicar realized it as well and tried to get out from it. He punches the magic bubble but it wouldn't break, the only option we had was to teleport out from this magic bubble. 

But Vicar suddenly falls as he seems to be unconscious all of a sudden. I don't know how it happens but the situation looks pretty bad right now. 

Then suddenly, the bubble seems to teleport us into someplace that I didn't expect at all. I didn't believe that the bubble teleported us in this place. 

Was this real as it doesn't seem so, it just wouldn't make sense that we're in this place right now. I looked at Vicar as he still unconscious inside this magic bubble. I want to see Vicar reaction if he saw this.

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