Reincarnated As The Hero Ring

Chapter 80 - Lies Or Truth

"I think that's enough of hugging..."

"I'm sorry! I didn't realize that I was hugging you for a long time. But I bet you like it, didn't you." 

Vicar blush, "Of course not! Who likes it... I prefer flat than huge."

I see that Vicar was also a member of the flat-chested club. In my world, they kept arguing which is better flat or not, but I think it's doesn't matter at all. As long it is a girl and not a confusing trap, I will accept it. But again, I am more into thighs than b.o.o.b.s.

"Will see it, Vicar..." Aliss started to tease Vicar. 

"Let's talk about it later. What should we focus here is about your marriage."

"Fine... What else do you want to know?'

"Who is the groom?" 

"It's Linceo Indall, the only heir of Indall family." 

That name makes Vicar surprised as if he couldn't believe that Aliss father has arranged a marriage for Aliss with Linceo. I then thought to myself, who was this Linceo guy was? I know his looks but not his status or about his family. 

"That Linceo! At first, I think it just some random noble, but if it was Linceo Indall, I should stay out of this."

Even Vicar back off from helping Aliss. He didn't want to be involved in this matter. From his reaction, I could tell that Linceo is known and afraid by people.

"I thought you agree to help me? You scare of Linceo..." 

"Who the right mind wouldn't be scared of him, you know that he wasn't a nobleman like you... he much higher than that."

"Just because his father is the lord of this town doesn't mean that we have to be afraid of him..." Aliss said calmly. 

Linceo was related to the Lord of Eniesia Town and not just that he was the son of Lord Framer. Now I know why he afraid of Linceo, but his family was the scariest. When I was still at the merchant shop waiting to be bought, I heard several conversations about Indall Families. 

They said that the lord of this town was a corrupt lord who only thinks about the nobleman and himself; he doesn't even care about the people in the town. The most I heard was the taxes he charge was insanely high for the people, and the taxes rate for nobleman was none existed. 

I did hear from the people that enter the shop that he assassinated his own brother just for him to take the title Lord Of Eniesia. Then I remember another thing when I was there in the merchant store, a rumor about the lord son. It was about that the lord son is a womanizer. He kept changing girls and always get the girl he wants. 

I didn't think that was Linceo as he seems like a good manner, man, but again, it was just a rumor spreading around within the town. I then realized that it might be true. Aliss was indeed beautiful and maybe on the Linceo target list. It's just my thought, but the only one that can confirm it was Sir Allen. 

"You didn't hear a rumor that has been spreading around lately?"

"No... I didn't?"

"It's about Linceo Indall, how he drops a sentence of death to a guy because of theft."

"Just a rumor, but if it was real, I do admit that the death punishment was kinda harsh and not suited for a man that is only doing thievery."

"Most folk in the town say that the guy that has been sentenced to death was an honest man, the reason why he gets that punishment because Linceo likes the girl and that guy was the girl fiance."

"Linceo wasn't like that, and besides, it was just a rumor..."

"I did say it was a rumor, but that guy death wasn't part of the rumor, it was real. The rumor was about why he was sentenced to death." 

Aliss didn't believe it as she said that even though he didn't like Linceo, she knows that Linceo was an honest and kind-hearted man. But I think I sided with Vicar here. Rumors are based on something real. There's no way that people would talk about it unless it were real. 

"I still didn't think Linceo will be that cruel." 

"I don't know about that, but we will meet your father and tell him the truth if the rumor were real. I could be dead."

"I can guarantee you that you will not be dead, let's continue with the plan that we are a lover."

"Okay, I will do it... if I die, it will be on you." 

I thought that Vicar would decline it no matter what, but he agreed on the plan again. Why would he accept it? No normal man will agree after knowing who was Aliss groom was. 

"Don't worry, cause you won't die; let's meet with my father then."

They both then head out from the adventurer guild as soon as they walk from the guild. The guardsmen around there saw Vicar and immediately trying to capture him. Luckily Aliss was able to make the guardsmen stop. 

"Stop! Don't you hurt him or try to capture him."

"But Lady Aliss, Sir Allen, order us to brought this guy to him." 

"No need to capture him now as he and I are going to meet my father."

"This man might try to run away or harm you. He is from the slums after all..."

"If you worried that much, accompany me then. We are going back, and you all should return as your task is completed now." 

The guardsmen agreed with Aliss suggestion and accompanied her back to the manor. The guardsmen keep a close eye on Vicar, and some of them even warn Vicar about what will come ahead when he arrives at the Manor. 

When we arrived there, Sir Allen was already waiting next to the gate. He was surprised to see Vicar and Aliss walking together in the distance. He then spoke to the guardsmen near the gate, and as soon as he did that, he reenters back the manor. 

The guardsmen then told us about Sir Allen's message when we arrive at the gate, that Sir Allen was waiting for both of them in the living room. They both then headed to the living room to meet Aliss father. He was already sitting on a chair and told Vicar and his daughter to sit down. 

After Vicar and Aliss sit down, Sir Allen begin to open his mouth. "Welcome, Vicar! It's been a long time that I haven't seen you... you have grown into a man now..." 

"It's been a long time too, Sir...." Before Vicar could finish his greetings, Sir Allen interfere with it.

"You gave grown into a poor man! The slums people! And how dare you date my daughter..." Sir Allen said that with rage in him. 

"Father! Vicar is my lover... you can't insult him..."

"This is who you picked, Aliss! Linceo is much better than him. He will make you happy... This guy here cannot make you happy. Look at his cloth; it was torn apart... how can he take care of you..."

Vicar took a deep breath after hearing all that; he then starts to speak. "I'm sorry, Sir Allen, but I'm not your daughter...." 

"I bet that ring he gave you was the one he stole from the merchant. He likes his mother... A thief."

Vicar stands up from his seat as he seems really angry now, "My mother is not a thief! Your the one who made up those lies about her... I know cause she already told me everything."

"Hmmph... What your mother had told you was a lie! Do you think that I would kick her out because of the rejection?"

It seems like we know the truth now. Vicar didn't even say what the thing his mother told him about was. But Sir Allen immediately says that it about the rejection. There no way he knows the same thing that Vicar told us about unless it really happens back then. 

"It seems that you're the one who has been lying, I didn't even say what she told me about, but it seems that you already know."

Sir Allen just realized what he had said and tried to cover it up, but it was too late. The truth has been told in front of us all. Aliss face couldn't believe that her father kicks out Vicar and his mother just because of a simple rejection. 

"Father! you kick out Vicar and make them homeless... I thought you were a nice man, but it seems that you're not..."

"Aliss, I could explain..." Before he could say a word, Vicar cut in the conversation and spoke upon his mind. 

"But even after all you did to my mother didn't hate you... She hopes that you will change Sir Allen."

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