Reincarnated As The Hero Ring

Chapter 81 - Is Everything A Lies

"Father, I can't believe that you kicked out Vicar and his mother just because of rejection and told me a lie...What's more, do you hide from me?"

All of a sudden, Sir Allen acted differently from his usual self. His calm and self was gone and what he showed us right now was something utterly different. 

"You ungrateful child! I raised you, and yet you choose him over my options..." 

Is this the real Sir Allen, or he just angry? I have never seen him like this, and I had bad feelings about what will happen next. Sir Allen then called the guardsmen and told them to take away Vicar to the dungeon. 

"Stop this! He does nothing wrong..." 

"He does by being your lover... Guards! take him away!"

Aliss tried to stop the guardsmen, but they won't obey Aliss as they were work under Sir Allen. The only thing she could do now was to tell her father the truth about Vicar. It was the only way to avoid Vicar be throw away at the dungeon. 

"Vicar is not my lover!" Aliss shouted that in front of everyone. 

His father laughs at Aliss for making a stupid excuse to save Vicar. He didn't believe it as he thought that Vicar was indeed Aliss lover. He told the guardsmen to hurry up and throw him at the dungeon. 

Vicar struggles to escape from the guardsmen's grip as they drag him. Surprisingly, when Aliss shouted that he was not my owner lover. Vicar didn't even try to deny it or tell the truth about it either. I thought that he would tell it after he heard that the guardsmen would haul him into the dungeon, but still, he didn't.

It was weird indeed, as he really doesn't like this plan at the first plan and always insist on telling the truth. Why does he do this? Is he have a reason or something in his mind. What worse now is Sir Allen, he becomes a different person now that we discovered his one secret. 

Vicar currently being taken to the dungeon, making Sir Allen and Aliss in the living room. Aliss is still trying her best to convince that Vicar was not his lover so that his father would release him but to no avail. 

"Again, Aliss! You trying to lie like your me now... hahaha."

"It's not a lie! Vicar is not my lover, and he, not the one that gives me this ring..."

"Even though what you said might be the truth, but I will not release him from the dungeon either." 

"But why would you do that! He doesn't deserve to be in the dungeon."

"All because his mother told him everything about me, if he is there... he could not tell it to the public."

"About that rejection..."

"HAHAHA! You think I care about that. There's more than a rejection that his mother knows... that why I need to silent him."

"Why are you telling me that? I could explain what you had done to others..."

"Who's will believe you, even though they do, The peasant in this town could not fight me back..."

"I thought that you were a good guy, father." 

"Is that what you think of me Aliss, it's mean that I am good at lying, but I think I should drop the act now and be myself in front of you since you know about it."

I then began to wonder that was this how Sir Allen always behave like. He was not friendly at all, and he has been hiding much more secrets. Did Vicar know all of it? The loving and gentle Sir Allen was replaced into a cruel one. I then remember why Vicar afraid of Steenswiss when he picked me up. 

Aliss face seemed sad with her father's current behavior. It looks like my owner has made a decision, as I could tell by looking at her face. "I will marry Linceo then! If I do that, will you released him?"

Sir Allen having a sly smile on his face, "Well, that's good then, maybe I reconsider about it...but now I must see Vicar in the dungeon..." He then left the living room. 

My owner immediately went into tears after Sir Allen left. She didn't expect her father to be like that. It's like her father become a different man. I realized that my owner might feel guilty about Vicar as she was the one that wanted Vicar to pretend to be her lover. 

Her plan then went downhill went her father acted that way. I pity Vicar in this situation and, of course, my owner as well. 

"Aliss... it's not your fault."

"No! It does... I should tell my father the truth."

"Maybe the situation would be different, but still, you had discovered something about your father."

"That he been keeping secrets for me, and he was a cruel man..."

"At least you know now... I have never been in this situation before, but we must bust Vicar out, I don't think your father would keep him there forever."

"You right, it just I never expect him that way. I thought he would understand me, but it seems that he favors his interest than mine." 

"Let's just save Vicar..."

"Do you have a plan, then?"

"Give me some minute to think, will ya..."

I then think that I have a plan. How the hell I should rescue Vicar from the dungeon. There must be some sort of way, but what. I ponder in thoughts for a while to think something that could free Vicar from the dungeon. After a few minutes, I came up with a plan that might work. 

"Is there any plan that could you think of?"

"There is one, but I'm not sure that it will work out or not. Give me to Vicar... I should be able to boost his stats and break out from there." 

"Let me tell you! Going to the dungeon isn't an easy task. My father's guardsmen are there. If they see me going near that place, they will inform my father."

" That's right there, but again, this is our only chance, besides what the worst thing that could happen if your father finds out... he still needs you for his marriage plan."

"You do have a point. Without me, the marriage can't be held; my father can't do anything."

"So why are you still standing here? Let's go to the dungeon and give me to Vicar."

Aliss then leaves the living room and headed to the dungeon. I still do not believe that this manor had a dungeon. I only thought that the dungeon only exists within the castle. What sort of manor had a dungeon in it but again, this was a different world set in the medieval times, so there might be a dungeon everywhere. 

The dungeon was not inside the manor, but it was located outside past the garden area, there I saw many guardsmen guarding the place. I wonder why there are so many people here, was there a wanted criminal or someone dangerous in that dungeon. 

I then ask Aliss about the dungeon, what kind of people was inside there, but Aliss told me that she never went inside the dungeon. She knows where it is located, but when my owner was still a child, his father, Sir Allen, always told her to stay out of that place. She was also curious about what in there. 

As we were nearing the dungeon area, one of the guardsmen told Aliss not to walk beyond this point as Sir Allen forbade everyone, including his daughter. The guardsman was much more strict than the one stationed at the gate. He also looks more buff and muscly. 

Aliss tried her best to persuade the guardsman but fail. A few minutes later, we saw Sir Allen coming out from the dungeon with a grin on his face. He then notices that Aliss was there and ask why she was here. 

"Father, could you give me permission to see Vicar?" 

"Why do you want to see him?"

"I want to return this ring before I am marrying your man of choice, Linceo."

"Very well, but I will send guards to accompany you, didn't want you to try something to help your lover escape." Sir Allen then leaves the place and headed back to the manor.

With that, we gain access to the dungeon. I am still entirely unused to see Sir Allen acted that way. It might be because I imagine him as a caring father. Is the tears and everything he did was all an act? If that all is an act I think he deserves to be an actor. 

The dungeon was somewhat different from what I imagine, I thought there would be people here, but all I see were an empty cell. The guardsman that accompanies us show the way to is Vicar being held.

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